Leaf4e's Avatar
Level 39
Artisan Botanist System

About Me

Hi, I'm Leaf4e (pronounced 'leaf fae') and I use they/it/him pronouns. (my pronouns page)
I make skins and have recently started to gain interest in texture packs. I play both java and bedrock and have for many years. I'm neurodivergent so i have a hard time talking and having conversations, so be warned.
You can request skins (but I may not be active to see or have energy to do them)

More about me
I'm australian, trans (specifically transnull) & aroace and i like rats, plants, and biology (and science in general). Minecraft and biology are my main interests.
aroace flag trans flag / transnull
My favourite books are 'All That's Left In The World' by Erik J. Brown and 'What Moves The Dead' by T. Kingfisher

Editing and sharing my content:

Editing and sharing my content:
You can add minor edits to my content as long as you don't reupload it (ask permission if you really want to).
If you do edit my content please also acknowledge that its edited if you give credit to me (e.g. saying the content was made by me if asked).
Don't edit them to spread hate (e.g. adding hate symbols).

Don't reupload my content to other sites. Ask me for permission before you do.

If sharing something with a friend, I'd prefer it to be a link to download from where I've uploaded it, but you can just share the file as long as you don't claim it to be your work, or its not in a public space (e.g. a large discord server or a social media post)

Member Statistics

4,889Profile views
46,234Experience points
38,585Submission views
1Forum threads
52Discussion posts
101Wall posts
Jun 30, 2016Joined PMC
Leaf4eMinecraft Name

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