EccentricEremite's Avatar
Lore-Accurate PFP by Aelle
Level 24
Expert Caveman Goblin

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    04/22/2024 11:29 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Do you miss them?"
    04/22/2024 11:24 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Do the living owe the dead anything but their love and memory? I believe they want you to be glad to be alive."
    04/22/2024 11:18 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Do you think they want you to be trapped in that shame? To make you pity them and yourself? Is it them or yourself?"
    04/22/2024 11:13 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Ashamed of something you could not control?"
    04/22/2024 11:08 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Does it hurt? Seeing them?"
    04/22/2024 11:03 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Do you see the ones you love? Are they there with you?"

    *The She-Unravelled draws closer, the small breeze of her presence being simultaneously cool and warm.*

    "Arawn thinks that he must've once had a grandmother who took care of him. He says he sees her watching him from where we are, though we are unseen. He's no longer afraid of its gaze, he says; just happy to know that at least someone out there might remember his past."
    "I don't know my ghosts. They feel alien and wrong, like strangers that I'm supposed to know, but can't remember. Their forms are hazy, and though they don't seem malicious, I have that strange terror of my own curiosity. I wonder if I truly did once know them, if they were friends or family that watch the pitiful specter I've become. When I tell Arawn of it, he says 'Remember, Hulda, that we have always been seen by ones who know us better. They're the ones who've held our hands and taught us to walk in this world. They seem alien now, but we'll know them when the time is right.' I've learned to trust him when he says such things, though I don't think he really knows what he himself means."
    04/22/2024 10:41 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "As you have said it."

    "What is your story, young queen? You have learned so much of us, but we know so little of you. What has your journey been?"
    04/22/2024 9:56 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "What do you mean by that, 'help'? If you mean that you want to find a way for us to return to our bodies, I am afraid that is both impossible and something neither Arawn or I want. We have adapted to where we are now, but work must still be done here, and we intend to see it through."

    *Once again, the She-Unravelled pauses, reflecting on something.*

    "And if you mean you want to find some way to halt the Round's schemes, you must be patient. We cannot act hastily, for then he will know our plans. He is arrogant, but he is also cunning and back-handed. He will do whatever he can to deceive and thwart others, whether or not they truly pose a threat to him. He will lie, kill, twist the truth, and even make living as unbearable as possible. If he were to know the full extent of our plan too soon, he will take action instantly and thwart all of our work."
    "And you are a queen of a kingdom. We cannot ask to risk the sacrifice of an important leader to so many people. As awful it may seem, if you truly wish to join our plot, you must send someone else in your stead."
    04/21/2024 9:05 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Yes. But I don't think 'end' is quite the right word for it. You never really quite think of the sunset as an 'end.' It simply moves, passes, from one thing to the next, but you also always expect it to circle back to a new morning. We never quite think of turning a page as an 'end,' do we? The old way, passed it may be, is also now new, all united to tell its story in an ebb and flow of beginnings and ends."

    *The She-Unravelled goes silent and seems to darken for a moment.*

    "Arawn and I fear that this is something the Round is aware of and twisting. As he has done to us and others, he has ripped, not the chance of death from us, but the capacity to change, to move forward, from us. We fear that he wants us stagnant and afraid, more than anything."
    04/21/2024 8:52 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "The old has made way for the new, but the old is never forgotten or discarded. I remember when this little one passed. It was one of the colder nights from last month- rainy, perhaps- and the poor thing passed while looking at the same moon that you now watch."

    *The She-Unravelled pauses for a moment before continuing, seeming to have been caught up in the memory.*

    "I tried to talk with it in its last moments, comforting it. I tried to hold its paws, forgetting that I have no hands to hold it with and that I may only be making it colder. I don't know if it heard me. I really do wish I could hold its paws wherever it is now."

    *Surprisingly, the She-Unravelled laughs, not in humor or irreverence, but in a simple joy of remembering something fondly.*

    "But when Arawn told me that this little pine had begun to grow from the dear creature, I went and brushed its branches with the little breezes that we use to communicate. In this way, I hope that I am holding the dear rat's paws somewhere, and that it may at least feel warm and comforted."

    *The She-Unravelled goes silent again, listening intently to whatever Ruby might say.*
    04/21/2024 8:40 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The rat looks to have been dead for a few weeks, with patches of fur and hide clinging to its now empty skeleton. Ants and flies still crawl and fly over its remains, though anything salvageable has long been taken or dissipated by mold. From its exposed ribcage, a small infant sapling rises, its roots already curling around the bones and reaching towards the pale moonlight.*

    "It's a precious thing, isn't it?"

    *The presence of the She-Unraveled makes itself known, the wind bending to mimic the hollow voice, and its sudden company being a warm and gentle surprise.*
    04/21/2024 8:17 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *Ruby is met with empty silence, save for the gentle wind and the brushing pines.*
    *There's something about the carcass of the rat that demands attention. It is a trivial thing, completely natural for its environment, yet something about it wants desperately to be seen and heard.*
    04/21/2024 7:06 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman does not appear. In his absence, the hill and forest seem to be begging to be heard and seen. The pines shudder and breathe in the cool night wind, and even the dry grass billows in the steady song of the shallow air's dance.
    *In the grass, the old carcass of a small rat can be seen. It looks about three-weeks dead.*
    04/16/2024 11:29 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Just googled it.
    You're the best of all of us.
    04/16/2024 7:50 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    This is just my opinion, but I don't think it's very fair to be comparing the two games, as both are very different in approach and goal.
    Now, I haven't played Genshin before, but from what I can tell, its a more story-based open world game that's much more focused on quests and storylines and exploring the map.
    Minecraft, on the other hand, is a sandbox, designed to be a little bit more open and aimless in its exact goal and functionings. It doesn't have a real solid "story" and instead meant to be something for the player to mess around in.

    In the end, it really just narrows down to someone's tastes as to which one is better, as both have their fair share of pros and cons as well as being mostly unrelated to one another.
    03/21/2024 9:23 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Thanks! If you want to read more about it, there's a link to the Joining-Thread that has more info.
    03/16/2024 10:37 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    I don't know what that is. Planet Minecraft European Union?

    Edit: I'm dumb. PMC Expanded Universe. Just got it XD
    03/15/2024 6:23 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    To explain, I just finished Outer Wilds and I'm still in the mood.
    03/10/2024 7:24 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "If you know, then you should leave."

    *The Boggleman slowly ducks back into the woods, stomping and thudding as he goes deeper into the forest.*
    03/10/2024 7:08 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "The Lireun, as you have just seen, cannot be exposed in the night, for he is a fragile creature, just as I cannot be in the sunlight. What you just did by telling him your name has given him authority to hunt you. The wretch would sneak to the village and ask the people their names, luring them into the forest and devouring them if they answered. However, the villagers have grown wise and do not answer his pleas. He may not hunt you for now, but once the dawn breaks, he will pursue you should you enter these woods again. He and I are two sides of the same coin; I hunt in the night, he in the light."

    *The Boggleman pauses, stifling a yawn amid his ever-shut mouth.*

    "I only tell you this for I wish for the wretched creature to starve, as he wishes upon me. I will not hunt you, for I quite doubt there is anything I could do against you, your highness. The Lireun and I may both be monsters out for blood, but we differ in that I hold honor and reason with some care."

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