EccentricEremite's Avatar
Lore-Accurate PFP by Aelle
Level 24
Expert Caveman Goblin

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    05/17/2024 8:18 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "I'm afraid it is nature, little queen. The bigger animals eat the smaller ones, making the meal one with the hunter. And humans, especially the proud ones, make excellent meals. I am a shepherd, and the village is my flock, and I do with the flock as I see fit. The hunger of my nature is insatiable and harrowing."
    05/17/2024 8:12 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman stares blankly for a moment at Ruby.*

    "Why else do you think the villagers are so terrified by me? You really didn't know? Have they really gotten so silent that they don't tell the travelers that I can and will eat them?!"
    05/17/2024 8:04 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "All of them said the same as you; 'we're different.' Trust me, child, when I say that you aren't. I've seen a few infant gods like yourself pass through here, seeking either the Master or other spirits. Seeking a blessing or trial of some kind, if I were to guess. The ones who managed to leave, they fled with little intention of looking back. And the ones who didn't turn back, well. . ."

    *The Boggleman begins laughing and pats the side of his legs.*

    "I believe one is right here. Either here or in my arm. He wasn't very tasty; he was covered in feathers and scales. Some reincarnation of a dragon or chimera of sorts."
    05/17/2024 7:56 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "You think this place to be an adventure for you at some point, do you? What do you think an adventure is? Something with swords and discovery and glory? Many who once passed through here thought the same."
    05/17/2024 7:51 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman looks up warily at the moon above.*

    "I see. The people in this region have stories of madness induced by the moon, and often it is under the full moon that the other spirits and guardians of these lands emerge to celebrate their guiding light. I have grown to view it as the eye of the one who protects me from the dangers of this world; an eye of the one that has created and guided me. It is at this time, under the silver eye, that I am safe. The sun, though somewhat bearable to my flesh, burns my skin, just as the Eye burns the Lireun."

    *The Boggleman chuckles at this last remark.*

    "And for keeping that wretched thing from me, I am grateful."
    05/17/2024 7:40 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Bah. You are a mere infant of a deity. Yet, yet there may be hope for your ascension; that, I must honor."

    *The Boggleman, at last, seems to have calmed down from his hysteric outbursts. He crouches down before Ruby, his long arms resting on his knees and his legs almost crushed by his massive head.*

    "I have been a very wretched gentlemen thus far. Let us move on to something much more calming. I still do not know why you have come to this hill for so many nights, with you ruling a kingdom and in need of preparing for godhood. Why have you taken such lengths to be here, beside your misplaced devotion to the traitors?"
    05/17/2024 7:25 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman goes silent, and seems unable to answer the second question. However, it seems he only now processes the claim, and laughs his guttural laugh.*

    "You think yourself an equal to the Round? Tell me, child-queen, have you wrought life from dirt with your own hands? Have you given thought and memory to something, able to shield and guide it? Have you had the will to break your creations that they might be reborn? Have you had the will, to discipline the prodigal child, taking what you have given, that they might be drawn back to your mercy? Have you been able to bear the weight of stretching out your hand, giving, and been able to withdraw it, taking it all back? Answer me carefully and fully, young goddess, for I will accept no less than a complete answer."
    05/17/2024 7:15 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "But it is not a test if you know the result, wouldn't you agree? The Master is not so foolish as to torment without reason or foresight. Don't the traitors agree, that life cannot be wrought without death and toil? The Master is merciful in these ways, that he calls forth the wretched animal- the things wrought from muck and dirt- to share in his glory. Within his eyes, life and death are one and the same, for they are to him both mere leaps to greater glory. And the Master is a generous and merciful lord."
    05/17/2024 6:52 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman begins chuckling. Gradually, the chuckle breaks into his maddening, cracking laughter as he descends into total hysteria.*

    "Your mercy is misplaced, little queen. Do you really think the Master is without his good justice? Do you think he would pick those to bear his mercy and blessing at random and on stupid curiosity, as you no doubt would?"

    "Please. Please, don't listen to what he says."
    *The She-Unravelled pleads desperately in your mind. The He-Unravelled remains silent, though both of their presences can be sensed.*

    "Do you really think, that he would test innocent lives?"
    05/17/2024 6:07 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman, after shouting more incoherent complaints, glares down at Ruby again.*

    "So go on then! Tell me! What is all this for?! You're a friend to traitors and cowards. You mock the creations of a god, and have become the target of the most lowly and wretched of them out of your stupid curiosity! And yet, yet you keep coming back! Why do you torment me so, that you must mock and taunt me when the time is so near? Why, you wretched child?! Why?"

    *The Boggleman is completely livid and unhinged, seemingly ready to strike at any moment. Its disgusting feet are visible in the dark pines, the needled toes/tentacles writhing wildly, eager for a victim to sting.*

    "Oh, Ruby. What have you done? Why have you done this?"

    "I would tear you to shreds, if not for the commands of the Master and your divinity."

    05/17/2024 10:00 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The Boggleman's massive and disproportionate head rises and stares directly at Ruby as she speaks. Its pupils have dilated and its grinning teeth sheen with eager malice.*

    *You can feel a gentle whisper in your mind:
    "What have you done. . ."

    "A phantasm of the Master's first experiments, then? Conspiracy still runs through their veins, then. Seeking to disrupt the order of such things out of jealousy again, are they?
    "How fortunate are you, then, that the Master has commanded silence of me! I've reported your blasted visits so often now, that he has commanded silence of me until the time is right, and to continue with my duties! Blast you, wretched child! You are my undoing! Stinking, wretched, blasted abominations-"

    *The Boggleman borders on hysteria as he says these things. Somehow, Ruby has completely enraged this creature beyond insanity.*
    05/17/2024 9:20 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "I smell insincerity in your claims of wisdom, but so be it. But you have not answered my question! Why do you return to these woods time and time again? You are hunted by a lion of flesh and iron, you are hated by the creations of a god, and you are making yourself an open target of this same god! Why? What's the point? You've accomplished nothing by coming here, only stirring the Master's anger and attention! Why do you return?"

    *There's an odd desperation in the Boggleman's voice; its clear in his words that he hates Ruby, but there's also a sincere worry in them. He seems afraid, and not just for Ruby's sake.*
    05/16/2024 9:25 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *In the cool night sky, the woods are tense and still. The gentle thudding of the Boggleman's steps draw closer, though its massive form is yet unseen. It's croaking and deep voice echoes through the wood.*

    "Why are you still here? I have tried to ignore your visits, I have kept silent on my duties, I have warned you of the dangers of this place. And yet! Yet, you continue to pester me. So tell me, young queen, tell me why you are this reckless and foolish?"
    05/11/2024 2:08 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    The Sarlacc is a creature from Tatooine. It is a massive tentacled and beaked organism that resides in the sands of the desert, and takes years to digest its food. It is often used by Jabba the Hutt as a punishment for prisoners and those who displease them.
    04/30/2024 12:10 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Orange and cyan
    04/25/2024 7:54 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Heck ya, lore. We must know more of this multiversal DID.
    04/22/2024 7:42 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The dawn slowly creeps through the night sky, a gradual orange and pink seeping into the deep blues of the night. Morning is near.*

    "You must leave the forest now, my lady. The Lireun has been given authority to hunt you in these woods in the day, and I fear he may succeed. When given authority, it is a dangerous creature that is relentless in its pursuit. Flee, go back to your kingdom, my lady."
    04/22/2024 7:08 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Forgive my asking. I suppose our time waiting and our wretched past has made my other and I rather cynical. Even our only other accomplice, who is much younger than us, is weary and distant from others. We've all grown to distrust things that present themselves with good intentions, as this was how the Round has tricked the others before and after us. We only really managed to survive by stepping back and laying borders. Our friend hasn't even told us his name for fear that the Round will find out more of him, and he has lost much already. So I ask again: please forgive our mistrust of your intentions, lady queen."
    04/22/2024 6:34 pm
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    *The She-Unravelled hovers silently for a moment, pondering something.*
    "There is something my other, Arawn, has been wondering: why do you want to help us? We have done nothing for you or your people, and to help us can only make the Round aware of the threat you pose. You by all rights can ignore our plight, and we would hold no guilt over you for it. So why, why do you want to help us?"
    04/22/2024 11:33 am
    He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    "Do not be ashamed to miss the ones who've passed. There is still loss in death, no matter what the silver-lining may be. Grieve as you must."

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