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Level 39
Artisan Blob

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    08/10/2016 6:56 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
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    I haven't played it but I've seen a few hours of gameplay. It seems interesting and exploring random planets seems fun. Most of the time you are exploring planets and gathering resources for fuel or to upgrade your gear etc. There doesn't seem to be much story but you'll find small lore elements on the randomly generated planets.

    The biggest thing about the game is the "infinite procedural generated universe". Everything else seems to be basic survival game elements and resource gathering. You might be able to build a small base of some sorts but I doubt it is going to be a big feature since you'll most likely never visit the same planet twice.

    Based from what I've seen, I wouldn't exactly pay $60 for it. Maybe $30-40. Sure they have probably done lots of work on it but from a gameplay perceptive, there doesn't seem to be much to do except exploring, which is interesting on itself. Also the gathering/gear upgrades but that's nothing new. You are basically paying $60 for a random map generator with a few survival elements. I'll most likely buy No Man's Sky because I like exploring, but I'll wait for a while before buying.
    10/21/2014 8:36 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    If someone created everything, then who created the creator?

    Same problem as with the evolution/big bang theory.

    It is a theory and very plausible that Universe was once really dense. Poof is that Universe is expanding. If we reversed time, everything would return to one centre point. Unfortunately, we will most likely never know what was before that.
    10/01/2014 5:09 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    I use SteelSeries Apex keyboard and Mad Catz R.A.T 7 mouse. Can recommend both. There is also Apex raw and R.A.T 3 and 5 for lower budget, with less fancy things ofc.

    The keyboard does have quite amount of possible macros. I use them for shortcuts in programs like Blender so I don't have to do all the fancy key combinations. Also have binded the keys to open YouTube and Google for example (possible to bind to open any program). Also fancy colors. Takes 2 USB slots, but the keyboard has 2 built in so doubles as an usb hub. What I really like is the play/pause, next/prev and volume keys on the right side of the keyboard. Makes changing track so much easier (I use foobar2k, but works with spotify too).

    For the mouse, the ability to change presets and sensitivity on the fly is handy (example in BF4). What I like the most is the customizability, fits the hand like a glove after some tinkering.

    09/21/2014 3:55 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    F-secure, the only thing I trust.


    How to optimize your PC (aka make it faster) and other fun things: Sysinternals
    09/18/2014 4:36 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Even in 1.8, Minecraft is not fully utilizing your PCs resources. At render 32 I am getting anything between 1-100+ fps (avrg ~30) and I have GTX 770, i7-3770k and 16GB RAM, my CPU and GPU usage both hover around 20-40%. At render ~25 I can get a solid 60fps. At render 2 I get so much fps (1000+) that my GPU heats up from the amount of frames it has to calculate/render, even though there is nothing that would actually require much rendering power.

    Look here. I am running 4 Minecraft at the same time all at render 25, smooth lighting on etc and 3641MB of RAM allocated to all of them (total of 14564MB). Yet, my GPU usgae is barely above 60%. Yes, that is 2 monitors.

    (Right click > open in new tab/window)

    Getting 1000FPS but having 60Hz monitor does not mean that the GPU renders only 60 frames, it renders all the 1000 frames each second. You only see max 60 of them each second though.
    09/16/2014 5:22 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Chrix12Well... 1000Mb/s is 125MB/s or 0.125GB/s.

    I have fiber too, but is limited to 50Mb/s.

    Upload speed always depends on the receiving end. You can have 1Gb/s connection, but if the other end can only take 1Mb/s, you will upload at 1Mb/s. You can also receive nly as fast as the other end can send.

    Going to assume you live in Finland. Ofc you live in Finland I do not need to assume. Anyways, how much are you paying for that speed if you don't mind me asking?

    09/16/2014 5:12 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Well... 1000Mb/s is 125MB/s or 0.125GB/s.

    I have fiber too, but is limited to 50Mb/s.

    Upload speed always depends on the receiving end. You can have 1Gb/s connection, but if the other end can only take 1Mb/s, you will upload at 1Mb/s. You can also receive only as fast as the other end can send.
    09/14/2014 5:38 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Anything is better than plastic casing.
    09/14/2014 5:33 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    HTC Desire Z (Old phone, but got for free)

    Does this:

    Enough for me, but I wouldn't mind a HTC One.
    09/10/2014 1:50 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Yes. Though you should get an SSD on top of that and install the OS on it. Use the 1TB HDD as a secondary drive.

    I have OS and drivers and a some programs on an 120GB SSD and everything else like music, pictures, videos etc. and games (~250GB of games so far) on an 2TB HDD because they can end up taking lots of space.

    I also have system backup on the HDD (and on an external drive).

    Also, unless you actually use wireless, you don't need the ASUS PCE-N53 Dual-band N600.
    09/10/2014 1:26 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Can't see this happening.

    Besides, it is just MS trying to get ahead of Sony. XBone sales didn't go as well as PS4s did. Minecraft has a huge market, they are trying to get a hold of that. Then they could even do things to MC on PlayStation.
    09/09/2014 2:12 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    You can get the OS iso for free from Microsoft and other sites and put in on a USB. It just is only 30 day trial in most cases. All you really are buying is the registration key.

    For example here is Windows 7: ... ads.12325/
    09/09/2014 1:54 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    It wasn't the company. If I really wanted to favor a company, that would be Kingston.

    But let's not argue. Raspberry Pi wins anyway when it comes to 'a cheap computer'.
    Even plays Minecraft:
    09/09/2014 1:48 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    I didn't go with that RAM and MOBO because the RAM I picked is better and not much more expensive. The MOBO I picked has better LAN.
    09/09/2014 1:37 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU/GPU: AMD 2650 1.45Ghz Dual-Core Processor ($28.00 @ Amazon)
    Motherboard: Biostar AM1MHP Micro ATX AM1 Motherboard ($32.95 @ OutletPC)
    Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($25.95 @ Amazon)
    Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 80GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($20.49 @ Amazon)
    Case: Rosewill FBM-01 MicroATX Mini Tower Case ($19.99 @ Newegg)
    Power Supply: Inwin 350W ATX Power Supply ($13.98 @ Amazon)
    Optical Drive: Lite-On iHAS124-14 DVD/CD Writer ($12.99 @ Newegg)
    Total: $154.35
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-09-09 13:36 EDT-0400
    09/09/2014 9:35 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar


    Lots of meat and onions (at least 10 onions and as many meat) braised in creme & spices. Then some cream potatoes.
    09/08/2014 10:04 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    That PC has an AMD Radeon R7. You could just get an AMD Raedon R9. You might have to upgrade your power supply too. 300W is not enough if you want to upgrade your GPU.

    Also, you might be able to upgrade to 8.1 from 8 for free. At least I was able, not sure if that has changed.
    09/07/2014 11:57 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Haven't played any CoD since 2009-2010. Stopped after MW2.

    (I prefer Battlefield).
    09/06/2014 6:43 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Blob
    Chrix12's Avatar
    Remove the -Xms1G and leave only the -Xmx1G.

    I have only -Xmx4G and works just fine. Total of 16GB RAM installed.

    The error occurs if you have too high -Xms (minimum amount).

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