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    โ€ข 07/14/2021 11:39 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    Probably never since he does nothing to credit the packs he uses.
    โ€ข 07/01/2021 5:29 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    I believe that by default, most public creations fall under all rights reserved, but I too am not a lawyer so I'm not certain of this. I know curseforge makes you select a license when publishing a creation, and I'm pretty sure PMC has a default one that is applied to all posts
    โ€ข 07/01/2021 5:26 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    The YouTube algorithm panders mostly to the "quantity over quality" mindset, meaning the more low quality videos you put out, the more likely they are to be recommended due to there being more of them. Its a really stupid concept, but that's just how it works, so creators who put massive amounts of time into their content aren't as recognized as people like steveee who mass produce these minute-long clips. Its been like this for years and its probably never going to change.

    Regarding the titles/descriptions not claiming he made it - While at first glance it may not seem like anything wrong, as nowhere does he directly claim that he made the content, the style of videos are almost like a showcase; the whole concept around the videos is basing it off of one resource pack, mod, etc. Due to this style of content basically being a showcase, by not crediting the thing you are showcasing, he is basically taking credit for it. He even has a few videos titled "I shouldn't have done this" or something similar, which implies that he๏ปฟ is the one who did the thing, and its pretty evident from the comments that the viewers also think this.

    If you look at the comments, you'll see a lot of people who think all of these packs are his due to this. Some even ask him to publish the packs, not knowing that they aren't his and are already out there. If it weren't for the style of video he makes being showcase heavy, it wouldn't be an issue. Lots of other creators simply use packs as they play, but since the content they make doesn't directly revolve around the packs, there isn't completely a need to credit (I've seen a few cases where if someone in the comments asks what the pack is, the creator will respond directly with a link, which is good).

    Crediting these packs takes almost no effort, as a link in the description is all that is needed, and would help out the pack creators a ton. An example I used in another comment is that even if 1% of the views on that video clicked the link/downloaded the pack, that would still be hundreds if not thousands of people, which would help the pack creators out tremendously.

    TL;DR - The large number of little things combine to form the larger problem that this thread is about. It could be argued that he isn't doing anything wrong, but all of these factors make up the larger picture.
    โ€ข 06/30/2021 11:27 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    While some of his titles do imply that "he" is the one who made the pack (for example, the ones he titles "why did I do this," or "What have I done"), if you look at the comments, a majority of the ones regarding the pack used in that video assume that steveee is the one who created it, some even asking steveee to publish "his" works.

    Another thing is that many of the packs he uses instruct people who use the pack to credit them in some way (if you scroll to the bottom of many of them, they will have a "If you use this pack, please credit it in the description" line or something similar), and steveee has not credited a single one of the packs he has used, as his descriptions usually contain a single word or sentence.

    A final thing to note is that if it was just some youtuber using the pack as they play, it wouldn't be an issue. The problem stems from the fact that steveee centers the entire video (regardless of the fact they are usually less than a minute) around the pack and its contents. Steveee making the pack the sole purpose of the video is where the problem arises, because he's basically doing a 'showcase' of the pack without telling anyone what the pack is. This "showcase" style of content is what leads the unsuspecting users into believing that he is the one who made the packs. The whole thing is kinda scummy, as crediting a pack takes little to no effort (literally just a link in the description, or even a pinned comment), and helps out the creator of the pack a ton (his videos usually get tens of thousands of views, even if 1% of the viewers clicked the pack it would boost it a ton).

    The whole problem can be split into different lesser parts, but in this case those lesser problems form together to create the current situation.
    โ€ข 06/30/2021 11:17 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    There was one about PvP resource packs that got big some months ago; a lot of pvp pack makers would flood the site with tons of recolors of the same pack (multiple uploads of practically the same pack per day, usually in bursts) as well as claim their packs give users more fps (which is a lie used to get people to download it), and it became a pretty active thread for a few weeks, eventually leading to the creation of the pvp category in the resource packs tab. The recolor and lies problem is still around, but its not as bad as it used to be.
    It proves that popular forum posts can achieve stuff, but in this case I don't think much will come of it, and I doubt steveee is going to change anything.
    โ€ข 06/29/2021 2:35 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    Easily the best comment in this thread lmao
    โ€ข 06/26/2021 4:31 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    I'm pretty sure that by default most creations fall under all rights reserved, although I'm not certain on this.
    โ€ข 06/25/2021 7:09 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    It doesn't really matter what the content is if its stolen. Even if it wasn't memes he should credit the creators who make the content he uses in his memes, and like Raven said, reddit doesn't really have a way for people to make money off of their posts, whereas with youtube steveee is generating revenue off of other creator's stuff.
    โ€ข 06/25/2021 1:42 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    This is the first step of many. We shall gather an army
    โ€ข 06/25/2021 12:22 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    I could definitely see opaque glass being up next, as it seems like the perfect kind of pack for one of those videos. Hopefully that doesn't happen though, although at this rate its unlikely not to.
    โ€ข 06/24/2021 5:36 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    The YouTube algorithm is flat out horrible. It has been proven time and time again that it panders mostly to creators who push out a large number of low quality videos rather than a smaller number of high quality videos, and the fact that creators have to give up quality in order to be recognized is a terrible system, but YouTube will never do anything to fix this. Quantity over Quality systems are never good when it comes to user generated content, as it just encourages people like steveee to pull stunts like this to get popular off of. If the algorithm was improved this situation would never have happened because people like steveee wouldn't have any reason to make this type of content.
    โ€ข 06/24/2021 3:43 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    I knew I recognized those pandas from another pack. This is getting outrageous.
    โ€ข 06/24/2021 3:08 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that by default most publicly posted creations fall under All Rights Reserved, so no, taking them and even implying that they are yours is not legal, so all of these creators can and should strike steveee's videos.
    โ€ข 06/24/2021 3:05 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    Some of Steveee's more recent videos have also been blatant copies of other YouTubers who make similar (more original) content, such as PhoenixSC. Just looking at their list of videos, you can see that each one is almost exactly 3 hours spaced from the last one, so its almost certainly a team of people and not one individual person doing this, as they wouldn't be able to pump out this number of videos, no matter how short they are. They probably have multiple people who scour sites like PMC looking for stuff to make videos on without bothering to credit anything they use.

    This has got to stop.
    โ€ข 06/10/2021 9:54 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    Instead of the past method (CIT), CEM is now used for tridents. It works differently than CIT, and name based CEM does not work on tridents unfortunately, so you can only change the base model
    โ€ข 04/21/2021 8:50 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
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    The G stands for Graphic. its an acronym, and letters in acronyms usually follow how the word itself is pronounced (although there are some exceptions)
    โ€ข 03/14/2021 1:57 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    It is. Hopefully it gets fixed sooner or later but its kinda annoying how its not possible anymore.
    โ€ข 03/13/2021 1:26 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    It was possible up until 1.15 but no longer works due to changes to tridents. The item model for tridents in the player's hand is hardcoded from 1.15 onwards, and such cannot be changed using Optifine's Custom Item Textures/Models. You can still change the base texture for it in vanilla, but you can't add additional trident variations using optifine, like the question is asking about.
    โ€ข 01/01/2021 9:18 pm
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    You should do a floor with large archways as the walls, maybe with a balcony around the edge, leaving most of it open.
    โ€ข 12/16/2020 11:10 am
    โ€ข Level 44 : Master Artist
    Cart3r's Avatar
    As someone who has worked with CIT tridents in the past, I regret to inform you that Mojang removed the ability to change the trident texture/model in 1.15. In 1.13 and 1.14 you were able to change the appearance of the trident model when held in the hand, but that is no longer an option. You CAN however change the texture of the Sprite in the inventory using CIT, but that is all you can change unfortunately. The model of the trident while thrown is actually hardcoded, and even optifine cannot change that model.

    So unfortunately, the answer to your question is that you can not change the appearance of the trident model, whether thrown or held in the hand, but only change the inventory icon.

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