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Level 25 Expert Architect

the greats blog

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the greats is a smp (text me if you want to join) and this is our lore...

the land oh thee contains kingdom o' three, the land between, the firery plains, the ice of depths.
life on the three great platue's is hard and unforgiving choose your land wisely as power each beholds is sacred scrolls.
the land between is a empty barren eye scape the fog of dark looming haven is before thy, longer thus waits the more the islands evolve.

the firery plains is unowned no one enters without reason or escapes without harm. the scape of pain is harsher then blood falling from hell.
and the seas are cold and warm take thy words as heed and follow thus lines the kingdoms are owned and never given up,

last the ice depths a long line of empty blue a sea of theives and empty souls

Take these words seroulsy and choose you platue carefully they all want dominance of the world and all own kings so heed my advice and always protect the head
this is what happens when you turn youre back on a friend, you raised youre last ammend condemed to your cursed doomsday.
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