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Level 62
High Grandmaster Engineer

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    Apple Bruce
    06/17/2013 9:05 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    Cheap matter teleportation. The price of food and goods would decrease by at least 50% b/c they wouldn't have to be shipped, national borders would disappear overnight because anybody could travel anywhere instantly, and space travel would be unnecessary. Poverty and war would be eliminated.
    Apple Bruce
    06/13/2013 3:45 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    The only people who seem to complain constantly about the 8-13 age range are the 14-17 age range. I have found that the 20+ players really don't care that much about the younger kids and generally work well with them. I am 21, which I know is not that old but is still pretty old for most minecraft players. I used to build all the time with a 10 year old boy and a 12 year old girl - they were some of the most mature, nicest, best builders I have ever worked with and still miss working with them (they dropped out of contact as they grew older and pursued other stuff). I remember what I was like when I was that age, and I was way more of a little s**t than they are. I would rather work with a younger kid any day than with the often butthurt, angry, and insecure older teens.

    Don't let the few rotten ones spoil it for all the well-behaved, nice ones. One of the ways I learned how to get along with people at a young age was through online interactions. Let the younger kids play.
    Apple Bruce
    06/11/2013 1:50 am
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    Can I have "Spoiled Rich Kids" for $1000, Alex?

    This is kind of a head scratcher for me, b/c I would bet (I haven't done any research at all) that you could buy all the components in that gaming pc separately and build it yourself for less than half their asking price.
    Apple Bruce
    06/07/2013 3:42 am
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    SnowylipsEdit: Kids these days seem to be obsessed with being with someone, like it's a bragging right. Don't be one of those kids, you'll thank me when you're 20.

    It's scary how true this can be. Coming from a high school student, I see a lot of people looking for a relationship just so they can say they're in one. There are very few people I see together that I can tell really care about each other, and do their best to make it work.

    That being said, SnowyLips is pretty spot on. Dating in school probably isn't the best idea, even if she seems like the one for you. I dated a girl for almost two years, from the end of 8th grade to almost the end of Freshman year in HS. Turns out we just weren't right for each other. So if you're looking for love, don't expect it to happen while you're still in school. The chances of it happening are pretty low.

    I'll second this. When you're in you're 20-something and have the benefit of perspective, you'll laugh at all the shallow, silly girls you were attracted to as a hormonal teenager. High school is a toxic environment of peer pressure and low self esteem, and tougher on geeks than anybody else (I was one). The best advice I can give is that there are literally millions of attractive girls (personality and looks) in the world. Behind one good one is another equally as good. Crushes are pointless. Wait till you have actually spent time with a person as a friend and gotten to know them before making a move - that's real attraction.*

    *disclaimer - of course this is just my personal perspective - I don't know anything about you or how well you know this chick, so I won't presume to tell you how to handle your life
    Apple Bruce
    06/04/2013 7:24 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    seriously teddy?
    Apple Bruce
    06/04/2013 7:17 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    I want to make a clone of myself, but replace the Y chromosome with a copy of my X chromosome so that I can have a tea party with the female version of myself.
    Apple Bruce
    06/04/2013 7:24 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    seriously teddy?
    Apple Bruce
    05/04/2013 3:57 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    Apple Bruce
    I build big stuff!
    I build bigger than 1:1 for more detail (1:2!)

    Evidence of my work: ... /#comments
    Apple Bruce
    04/28/2013 6:39 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    This great video shows how to get the excellent seus/optifine shaders to work with 1.5.1:

    I did it and it worked great. You need a decent CPU though.
    Apple Bruce
    04/28/2013 4:10 am
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Engineer
    Apple Bruce's Avatar
    Here you go, mate
    Giant ship I just finished, very pretty to look at and fun to explore!

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