__Mini_'s Avatar
Level 1
New Network

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    11/10/2017 4:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    i have added you
    06/23/2017 3:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    IGN - __Mini__

    Age - 17

    Experience - I've been playing minecraft for over a long period of time, the longest is since 1.6.4 which doesn't seem to be a long time but considering its now 1.11.2 I mean I've gathered information on a lot of management and plugin management, i prefer groupmanger than pex but either will work for me .

    Why do you think you're worthy - I have a lot of background knowledge , especially with servers and how they operate . I understand commands and I am a very respectful person. I love to help around and make the server get into a flow and just make it, operate.

    Are you willing to receive training and work hard for your server? - Sure , I mean if you're not willing to receive training , why bother applying and that as well goes to also why apply if your not going to work hard.

    Position and Level - Co-Owner (1)
    03/12/2017 3:22 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    what freakin version are you on
    04/01/2016 5:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    Everybody want's their fair share of money, Mojang now Microsoft want's money from it but they know it's not going to happen . Of course any time soon. If Minecraft doesn't make money from it . No one can and that's exactly what's happening. Yeah , I know nick blah blah , but nick wasn't created by Minecraft so technically , Go ahead and put a limit on how many times a user can use nick before having to buy more nick packs
    04/01/2016 4:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    Set your capture program to the x and y of your screen , Might fix it
    04/01/2016 4:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    You need more ram on the laptop . For best performance you need 4 gb , since the ram is shared with the laptop , minecraft allocates 1 gb of ram to run and maybe 1gb for the videocard causing errors, since you bought minecraft , there is Minecraft Windows 10 edition since I'm guessing it's sort of like the tablet version but on your laptop . Seeing that your laptop is not a chunky one with an Intel core i3 but an atom judging it's small , you may not be able to add more ram, I could be wrong you might wanna check on google. Best wishes. Cheers
    03/31/2016 4:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    my skype is maythem.cool
    03/31/2016 3:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    __Mini_'s Avatar
    Name: Italo Luna
    Timezone: PMT
    Experience: 5 Years of sweat , rage and sadness on servers
    Skills: PLugin manager (Don't know java anymore) I know a lot about plugins
    Position applying for: Staff
    Brief description of yourself: I've played minecraft for as long as I can remember , Been staff on many big and small servers . I just came back from a 2 year leave on minecraft and I went on to build different things like make mini games in language C and websites with Flashplayer.
    Why should I hire you: I can help you with plugin management and since I'm good with handling users , just be your sidekick.
    How active will you be(approx.): Depends on the day. Like friday saturday sunday maybe all day but mon-thur. Just half the day

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