Concluded! Season Three is on the horizon!
Completed Ranked Jam for Texture Packs
Change a single texture, while adding to the vanilla vibe.


This unique no-pressure jam has a short and sweet idea, this allows people who haven't participated in a jam before to get a small taste, without all the pressure of completing a big project! The One-Texture Vanilla Jam is a friendly competition that asks participants to modify a single texture in the files, whether it be an entity, particle, GUI, or anything found inside the textures folder of Minecraft. The following are some basic guidelines and things to note.
  • What can I alter? The one texture concept means you may only alter a single file, one item, one mob, one block, etc. An exception to this rule is if a block has multiple sides, or a mob has multiple texture files that all culminate in one model, this includes if two blocks share a texture. If you want to make your pack more complete, editing the item texture is okay, an example of this is if you edit the hanging sign, but the item texture doesn't match, editing that is okay then. However, this does not mean you can edit a full set of armor or armor trim collections.
  • What are we looking for? When making your texture try to make it feel like it belongs in the vanilla game, the texture should not look out of place, though it can still be from a property not relating to Minecraft. (I.E: If you want to make a grass block look like the retro grass from Sonic the Hedgehog, feel free, but it should still feel in place with the vanilla aspect of the game. Minor note: If you add say a Pokémon, it'll still be from Pokémon, textures will have to be convincing to dissociate things from their properties.)
  • What's the main idea? Make sure to look at the criteria, the main idea I want to convey is that you're looking to add something to the game, by doing the bare minimum, altering a single texture.
  • Funny things? (Clearly couldn't think of a question for this bullet point) It is absolutely okay to create something silly or goofy, if you look at some of the things in Minecraft, such as the Sniffer, it's quite the oddball creation, yet it still feels part of the game. Meme-based things are fine as well!
  • Why such a limited time? A single month (plus a bit) gives a participant enough time to edit a single file, while not bearing so much pressure as an event spanning multiple months.
  • How should I post my texture? Make sure your texture is posted with a description - textures are preferred to be made in 1.20, easily accessible downloads should be there, and the edited texture should be clearly stated, all must be accessible through vanilla, not Optifine! All files will be checked to make sure the requirements are met, and any texture pack submitted with more than one texture edited will be disqualified until the rules are met, delete any files you did not edit! This is very important, I do not want to sift through files!
  • Non-Texture Edits? Edits to the files to change the names of items, or to add audio, are allowed, and suggested to stand out!
These rules are quite short, so if you do end up having some obscure questions, post them on the guest book! A response will be left hopefully within the day, and ratings should be released rather quickly once the one-month time period has concluded.

With all that said, welcome to Season One, these Jams will take place quite frequently and will always have the same concept. Good luck, and we hope to see you with some snazzy profile trophies!

Upcoming One-Texture Jam:
Planet Minecraft


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