TheYellowStarMites's Avatar
Let us spawn
Expert Group
Level 23
A group to help and support


Frequently Asked Questions

Purpose of the group
Our purpose is to spread support around the Minecraft Community Planet. We want to help as much people as it is possible. To our basic tasks belong sharing diamonds, hearts and feedback.
How to receive support?
To receive the support, you can write in the guest book or give us a diamond/heart, like on our submissions. We try to work like the Diamond Distributor, where we try to spread how much support

If you feel uncomfortable to ask for spam, you can just write anything or post an image
Minimal Requirements for Spam
We cannot give everyone a spam, by some cases it isn't possible. Some accounts are used more for following than posting

Our minimal requirements:
1. At least 3 submissions - the works cannot be rule breaking
2. No political related things - we are a community related group
3. No spammers - people who spread the same thing ever and ever
4. Trolls and toxic users aren't welcome
1. At the end of every month(day 25-31), we plan to make a summary what have changed in the group and how many diamonds, hearts have any member given.

2. We can also organise shout out wallposts if we collect at least 5 users that would deserve it. The wallpost are weekly depending on our presence.

3. We can also try with interviews, any member of our group can make it and then post here. The interviews appear weekly. Feel free to give us permission to interview you in the guest book or dms
Who's our mascot?(WIP)
Our mascot's name is Star. It's an axolotl-endermite hybrid. Our inspiration comes from the fact that endermites are really underratted mobs in the game. They only spawn in a chance of about 5% when an enderpearl or enderman teleportation is used. Sadly they don't stay for long unless you give them a name. The axolotl part comes from a suggestion of one of our head members, which likes the amphibian. Axolotls are in danger of extinction, techniqually it fits the topic of rare or underratted creatures. Based on the logic that every mob in minecraft are genderless or both depending on the personal view, how you would interpretate it, Star will be seen as a creature without any gender. We don't give them specific pronouns, so feel free to use any.

Name: Star
Species: Axolomite
Colours: Purple, Yellow, Red, Dark Purple
Endermite Parts: Short Button tail, single eye, purple-red colouristic
Axolotl Parts: Body structure, gills, yellow colouristic

Some useful information for pmc members

How to remove an account on pmc?
Do you have a need to remove an account, because you lost interest or just want to make a new? Just make a ticket, where you request account removal. Be patient and wait for a staff member's response.
Important point of Pallette Contests
Pallette Contest - you create an entry/submission which contain a limited amount of colours, the colours are specified. Like 16 colours pallette, you use just 16 colours,

It could not be mentioned, but it's important to be aware of it. Using noise or different shades of any pallette related colour can give you a disqualification, which can close you the way to win a jam/contest. Use the specified pallette only! If 16 colours are allowed, use 16 colours, never more than the amount.
Complaints about admins
If you want to complain that a staff member of PMC did something wrong, you can make a complaint. Instead of using blogs for it, use tickets to adress your problem. Mistaking this point may result in a moderation takedown.
How to receive more XP and level perks
To receive more XP, you need to be more visible. How to become visible?
First of you need to get a plan what do you want to do here. Are you interested in making skins, blogging or modifications? Do you plan to be an active member of the community or just a viewer(no submissions, you just subscribe to people)?
Secondly, try to comment there and there. Avoid spreading the same message over and over again. It may be seen as spam and you would get problems. Share feedback, write with anyone.
Thirdly, do not force anyone to like you. Force can give the opposite effect. If you want friends, you need to deserve them. How? Be nice, friendly, avoid selfish behaviour. Spread nicedom, not hate

Short: Comments, likes and positive notifications(non mod reactions or foreign submissions updates) gives you XP

Important things:
+ DO NEVER ask or beg for XP, it's against the rules.
+ Political or controversial topics may end in a drama, which can let to moderator reaction.

Some specific levels allow you to do more on this site:
Level 5: Group creation, Collaborations

Level ups, increase the amount of private messages(yes, there is a limit)
Removal of the submissions may decrease the level, the XP contained in the work disappears causing the level or collected XP to reduce.
Posting Minecraft Map Designs?
IDK how to explain it, but here I mean build designs like walls. This type of work should be posted as maps in the 3D art category, not as blogs or any other submission :)
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