Hive Style Community's Avatar
Happy Hiving (:
Apprentice Community
Level 6
A group for everyone who enjoys Hive style or makes hive styled art.


Frequently Asked Questions

What even is Hive style?

a beehive.
a place in which people are busily occupied.
"the kitchen became a hive of activity"
place (bees) in a hive.
"smoke is used to subdue bees when taking and hiving a swarm"



1. a particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way.
"different styles of management"

a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.
"the pillars are no exception to the general style"

Ok, no seriously Hive style is a 3d model design developed by the HiveMC artists. It's quite simplistic and uses 3 colour palettes

an example by ShoneVolcano369
How can I learn Hive style?
There will be a Hive style guide soon, if I find the motivation to make it, but till then I can recommend you Maji's Youtube video about the colours and would recommend you to take inspiration from high quality creators (like me jk)
Am I allowed to use the showed skins or remake them?
Of course you are! But please give credit, not only to respect the creator but also to spread Hive style. 😀


How can I apply for the roles and how can I join?
send an application to either me Builderbeast14 , beasta7070 or to ShoneVolcano369.
You should include the reason why you want to join and what role you're applying for.

Moderator: I will accept 3 mods, potentially more in the future, apply for that in my pms or I'll invite you by myself.

Contributor: You made some insanely good art, that not only pushed the groups level through the wall but also is very high quality, or you recommend sth extremely good. Mods decide, who earns it.
Master Artist: You cannot apply, but you will get it if your art is goo. You're now able to post content

Apprentice Artist: Just DM an Admin that you want to learn Hive style and you'll get it

everyone: Just dm that you want to join, take inspiration here or download skins :)
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