Authors Of The Realm's Avatar
Currently making brilliant things happen
New Collective
For all the authors out there


Welcome to Authors Of The Realm!!
In this group we have challenges, group activities, and even a chat to share our latest stories!

All you need do to enter is submit a sample of your writing which will be reviewed and then decided if you are in!

Please no swear words, inappropriate content, or over-the-top of any genre. Let's keep it PG here. ;)

After you are in, start thinking about making a writer persona to reflect you and your writing!! It can be whatever you want it to be! From a character in your book, to you the person writing the book! After that, add "#AuthorsOfTheRealm" to your profile somewhere if you like to show you're in the group. <3

Interested in joining? Send me a message with your writing entry and I will review it and get back to you in a week max.

Questions? DM me anything you want to know about the group. ^u^

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