Does anyone make logos / username photos?

DarkDracoGaming's Avatar DarkDracoGaming7/22/21 7:43 am history
7/22/2021 8:25 am
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar DarkDracoGaming
Hi, does anyone here know how to make logos like the one I currently have as my display picture?

The reason why I am asking is because I now want to change my logo ugh had paid someone last year to make that logo for me, £3 or something he charged so thought great, can't afford much at the moment due to studies etc so took him up on the offer, have been using that logo for ages now and just decided to write something on my photo, so I chose the text tool on Photoshop (a friend gave me it as his dad has a few licences!) and something had popped up! Something that says: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et (and some other stuff!) looked it up on Google but am still unsure what it even means, I've tried everything to remove it from the photo even cut out the logo itself as that writing is above it or something, pasted the logo onto a fresh black background that I made via paint, saved it in paint and then transferred the logo onto the black background, used the text tool on it again and that Lorem stuff re-appeared and I'm confused as hell!

I can't seem to get rid of it at all! 😑...

So due to this I'm looking to get a totally new logo for my YouTube channel, unsure where to look so decided to ask here, sorry if this is the wrong thing to ask here but had wanted to ask anyway, if someone can help or has any advice then I'd be eternally grateful! thanks! 😊 ...
Posted by DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect

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07/22/2021 7:53 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Lorem ipsum... is a commonly used placeholder text in Latin, used for example in mock-ups for newspapers and magazines. So it doesn't mean anything weird. 😊
07/22/2021 7:56 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Ahhh so it's safe to have in a photo? why would someone place that there though that's what confuses the heck out of me and why can't I get rid of it, it's literally embedded within different layers and I have no idea how to remove it as everytime I think I've gotten rid of it, it reappears ugh...
07/22/2021 7:58 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Yeah it is safe, only annoying. I bet they added a text layer at some point, and their editing program had that text preset as a default example, and then they didn't alter nor remove the text. My guess is that's how it ended up in your image.
07/22/2021 8:12 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Is there anyway whatsoever do you know to remove it? if a program helped make the photo then do you know if there's a way to remove it? I've tried photoshop / paint and even gimp and not, cannot get rid of it and it's frustrating as I paid for it so it's def not a mock up anything and the person I got it from, his Instagram account seems to have been removed ugh and his name which I have on a receipt from PayPal, I've looked up his name but something like thousands of different results comes up for it as the name is Youssef (not adding the surname!) but 44,400,000 results comes back ugh so I have no way of contacting him! -.-" ...
07/22/2021 8:16 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
I'm not too great with image editing and different file formats. Maybe we can ask Chiaroscuro who I suspect is much more skilled in use of Photoshop than I am.

Hi Chiaroscuro, might you be able to help here? :)
07/22/2021 8:22 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Same, I'm still learning how to use Photoshop and still learning image and video editing so I'm a total Noob at all of that stuff still...

Thanks a lot, I'll go sub that person now, subbed you also, hope you don't mind? think I did it a few days ago! ^_^ ...

Thanks again for your replies, I genuinely really appreciate it!!! ^_^
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