🌍 The PMC Weekly May 8th, 2021

PMC's Avatar PMC5/8/21 1:09 pm history
58 emeralds 2.5k 21
5/12/2021 6:33 am
Rudolft's Avatar Rudolft

Happy weekend! We hope everyone is having a great time, whatever you may find yourself doing today! We're wrapping up some official contests/events and will be launching a new one in a couple of days. Be sure to check out the 24 hour skin event one of our community members is hosting, as that starts today! We also cover some cute skins, a new PMCSkin3D tutorial (a must see), some art, a data pack, and... more!


We're in the final phases of the Biome Swap Mob Skin Contest and the Bees Knees Spring Event! We will be calculating results and writing a summary in the coming week. We will also be launching the new Player Skin Contest, Elements, very shortly!


This 24 hour event by Zypher Solina is happening TODAY through TOMORROW! In this 24 hour event, your goal is to create an original skin from scratch. No presets, no templates, no pre-made palettes, and no edits of other skins. The skin MUST BE MADE within the 24 hour period!

In this event being hosted by BigBuilds, your objective is to create something with a tropical theme in mind! The event is accepting Bedrock maps and skins! Think tropical islands, a base around the ovean, skins dressed for the summer weather.. You will be judged on your creativity, effort and uniqueness of your submission!

May 30
IndigoDusky is celebrating 100 subscribers by hosting a skin contest! In this contest, you are going to make a Fanskin of someone on PMC you look up to! Trophies will be awarded to all participants, and special trophies will be given out for top 3!

Deadline: June 1
In their first ever contest, Melygoomba is challenging you with creating a skin related to...the apple! It can be cute, funny or simple!

Deadline: June 14

🏠 (Projects) TypeTitle + LinkHostDeadline*
Themed Contest
Tropical Skin and Bedrock map contestBigBuilds
May 30
👽 (Other) TypeTitle + LinkHostDeadline
Texture Pack Contest
Mini Texturing Contest_Blip_
May 12

😁 (Skins) TypeTitle + LinkHostDeadline
Themed Contest
~angels vs demons~ ~100 subs~BlossomRuna
May 12
Themed Contest
FROST LANDS! Mob & Player Skin ContestMJ_mcMaster
May 15
Reshade Contest
M'aider, more and more secrets. 300 Subs RCE Contest」sonderrr
May 15
👽 (Other) TypeTitle + LinkHostDeadline
Texture Pack Contest
Mini Texturing Contest_Blip_
May 12


Believe it or not, this was SoftieSalem's first time doing rainbow hair! We think they nailed it, and their clown skin is just so adorable! Between the white painted face, red nose and awesome rainbow hair.. this look really pulls together for the cutest clown skin we've ever seen. FuntimeWolfy112's latest mob skin is a darling dolphin that has so much character with it's big, beady eyes! We'd love to see this version in our Minecraft world, what about you?

Clown by SoftieSalem
Cute HD Dolphin by FuntimeWolfy112

On the topic of skins... HTG George released a video this week that goes over ALL of the features of PMCSkin3D! This video is one of the most complete tutorials we've seen so far. They've even broken the tutorial into parts so you can easily skip to a section of interest.

They show you how to use the eye dropper, HSL Shift Mode, Mirror Option.. and they even walk you though how to save to your computer and publish it to PMC!

For beginners looking to create skins with PMCSkin3D, you'll find this incredibly helpful! Or, if you've been using PMCSkin3D and have been hesitant about playing around with all of its' settings, be sure to watch this video!

In their latest blog post, VANlTY A pretty pink house on a floating island. If you study the background, you'll notice severall small details such as swirls and hears, and what appears to be two dragons. AngelBi posted their first ever pixel art scene; an adorable, colorful bakery with a small cat outside, a cookie sigh, and some illuminated fairy lights. This is the first of many blogs in a series they call "Kawaii Street". We're looking forward to seeing more submissions in their series!
hi besties by VANlTY
Kawaii Street Blog 1 - Bakery
Bakery by AngelBi

This pack was first released two months ago, but updated just a couple of days ago. Panted Creatures is a pack by chai_CPU applies clothing to each and every "one of those pesky nudists!" You may be asking yourself... who is running around nude?! The mobs, silly! This pack puts pants on them, making them and you "more comfortable"! Cows now have khakis, chickens wear jorts, pigs wear joggers.. it's nice!

Are you a veternan Minecraft player? Does the "end game" seems too easy for you? Or perhaps you want a harder experience or a new challenge? You'll definitely want to check out this data pack by Shamwig!

When you defeat the Ender Dragon, Late Game Mob Variants by Shamwig adds 20 new mob variations of existing mobs like zombies, skeletons, witches and more! The pack also adds new advancements and loot for some mobs.
 Late Game Mob Variants
This 2k x 1k multibiomed map titled Long Diff is one of AquaLessPantsu's latest and features a Jungle, Nether Moor, Desert, Tundra and Oak Forest! It has winding rivers (talk about a fun and scenic boat ride!), pools of lava, mountain ranges, and plenty of interesting areas to build on.
Where would you build your base?

This week's featured map is created by TheJeroen! They hint towards their previous train station, Fhiridad Central Station, as being part of the inspirtation behind creating this one with stating "So all of you thought my previous Train Station, Fhirdiad Central Station was large huh? I welcome you to the grand release of Enbarr Central Station!"

Jeroen is a history enthusiast, so you'll find 24 statues and historical figures placed throughout the entire city center.This map combines history, mobility and sustainability.

Some facts about the map:

"The name ''Enbarr'' comes from a fictive city from the game Fire Emblem Three Houses, just as with my previous station.This train station has scaled up to include up to 28 Train Tracks, 42 Service Points / Stores, 3 Metro Station Entrances, 3 Bus Stations, 1 Tram Station, 4 Bus Stops and another 4 Tram Stops!"

The submission includes a download, so you can explore and admire the intricacy of this map in (virtual) person!

This week, a Russian game news site wrote an article about Boscawinks mob statues! The article even links to his entire collection that features all of his supersized mob statues! Additionally, the mob statues got some attention on reddit last week. The post currently has over 14,000 upvotes and over 220 comments! Way to go, Bosca!


This week's interview is with...
eagoy! Eagoy has been a member of Planet Minecraft for over 8 years! Eagoy caught our eye because of their constructive feedback and positive comments on several projects and wall posts, we just had to learn more about them! If you take a look at their trophy case, it's evident that they are active in contests, events, and other activities around the site! They've been a finalst in over a dozen contests, and landed third plave in the Maze Making Contest we held just a few months ago! Take a peek into their submissions and you'll find a variety of Minecraft creations from skins to redstone devices. We hope you enjoy our interview with them and gain some positive, inspiring energy from reading their answers!

Minecraft/Personalized Questions

How did your Minecraft experience begin?

A friend showed me Minecraft 9~10 years ago, played it at my friends house a lot on a local LAN map, till the point I bought it (with help from the same friend due to online payment stuff) and started playing solo. First in survival, before creative was even introduced as a game-mode. But when it was released I jumped to it and never really looked back at survival.

Do you still play Minecraft?

From time to time (just look at the time gaps between submissions posting) with high and low tides to say so in activity. At the moment not much, but I am pretty sure I will return to it in the future.

You’ve dabbled in a few areas of Minecraft; skins, texture packs, redstone, and adventure maps. Which area is your favorite?

Redstone maps in disguise of an object/vehicle type (keeps the scope of the project at bay). To make a seemingly static looking vehicle more interactive and realistic.

Which do you wish you could be better at or learn more about?

Skinning/texturing-stuff. Even though I dabbled in them (more or less once a year to give it another shot), felt like I have ways to go + what’s in your mind vs. what’s on the canvas is quite different...

Your last texture pack was updated 3 years ago. Do you have any plans to update it again, or do you have any plans on creating a new one?

Wait, is that already been 3 years ago… Darn, time sure flies.

Don’t expect any updates from them, if I recall correctly I stopped updating it due to an annoying Minecraft game update. Changing all file names of the textures. With the snapshots I started renaming those already to be ready for the stable release… Only to find out I screwed up (or the file-naming between the snapshots and stable changed). Combine that with the big amount of files, I was done with it and lost motivation for it. I do have mod on my favourite list that should be able to do that automatic but never came around to give it a shot.

I do prefer to start a new one than updating the old one. Starting with a fresh sheet appeals to me much more + new theme/idea (+ no need to

screw around with older Minecraft versions). There is a theme in the far back of my mind, but I don’t know if I’ll work on it, it’s quite some work to make a texture-pack to the point it’s actually use-able for builds.

You created quite a few redstone powered maps. Tell us what inspired you to learn redstone and how you learned it, and if you have any redstone projects planned in the near future!

Playing around with redstone was around the same time on high-school (equivalent I guess) I needed to learn essentially the same logic

gates which I played around. I do like the easy to follow/physical nature of redstone. You manipulate a seemingly static(in terms of blocks) world to make it more interactive (hidden passages, way to large machines – games/paint stuff and such). It piques/challenges my mind in ways programming or command blocks doesn’t as those are black-boxes to me.

I actually have a working prototype (with command blocks due to limits of piston powered flying machines). Just didn’t find the motivation to finish it up after I proved/tested it for the spring community event. I do plan to rebuild it to something different with the same system somewhere in the future.

PMC Questions

How did you choose your PMC name?

I had to choose a randomized 5 letter username for my university from a list of 4 or 6 options. I didn't like those, so I pressed the button for a new list and in the end 'eagoy' popped up. I liked it as it was easy to remember + felt like a nice replacement for the old internet nickname I used.

What is it that you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?

The contests, official and unofficial (community ones). They make a nice challenge with each of them offering a unique set of constraints/rules. Getting creative & improving myself with constrains is one part of the fun.

The second part is what other community members come up in terms of creativity. To see all kind of unique builds/themes with the same restrictions set, yet so different in ways I didn’t think of.

Getting constructive feedback, not often given but it’s stuff I can use to improve myself.

Which PMC Pet is your favorite?


although I try to get all of them. I do not really have a favorite, but If I had to choose I think I go with Speck.

You’ve been a member of PMC for just over 8 year!. What is it about PMC that’s made you stick around?

One part, insert answer “What is it that you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?”

Other part, some community members who stick around and post feedback/comments on my builds & sometimes have a pm/dm chat.

During your time here, you’ve participated in several contests and events including some community ones like Meticulum, Meticulum. What inspires you to participate in so many contests/events?

Once again, insert answer “What is it that you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?”

Out of all of the contests and events you’ve participated in, which one has been your favorite?

Let’s make shortlist first considering the amount (& I hope some contest makers/hosts take notice) I joined, more precise:

29 official contest, 2 official community events & ~20 unofficial contests/events

Ivain      Sand build contest

Gravity affected blocks only. I still want to make a way to large build with these constrains one day.

jduartemiller   120 hours speedbuild contest

Mostly because of the build I made, I visited it in real-life several years later (image),

please note it was quite hard to take a picture without all the fellow tourists in an endless stream of them.

Giancarlovan   Meticulum, Meticulum

Poem interpretation, an unique contest idea I hope to see again in the future.

canday     Skinning Secret Santa

Giving & getting a skin present, still like the one I got

PMC       Chunk challenge & Chunk challange

Simple constrain, yet so much freedom (probably why it went for a second round)

PMC      Penthouse sweet!
Restricted space, making it easy to enter, yet so many different styles & insane quality to be found (looking at you art_dei_tech)

Gheppio     Procedural Metropolis Contemporary Edition

What can I say? Redstone + contest + creating your part of the city

PMC       Interior Decorators Minecraft Detail Contest

Same starting point for everyone, with some unique themed entries.

Gheppio     Maze making contest

Once again, redstone + contest + no post processing for Gheppio + resulted in a great vanilla map making tool

Looking back at all these contest I go for the “Penthouse Sweet!”

Simple premise with simple/clear rules to follow. Resulting in a lot of different/unique themed entries to look at.

What PMC submission are you most proud of? Why?

That one is quite easy, my ‘Skyrider of Dawn’ One of my biggest (holiday project) builds & one of the oldest to fuse redstone with a vehicle to make something static interactive. Also, it kinda exploded in comments, diamonds & views (emphasis on the sequence), which is always a nice bonus.

Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to? Who/Why?

That probably means pinging some gone/lurking members to the surface,

Note: these are persons who excels in their niche and/or gave some actual constructive feedback over the years to me


great guy, crazy realistic skyscraper renderer & great contest host

Art Dei Tech

a centipede that turns almost everything in gold in terms of project quality


(is probably getting used to be mentioned in these interviews) redstone genius, friendly & gives use-full feedback


Trains & more trains with insane detailing (+ nice to see him improve over time)


just look at his insane poem contest winning entry

Mine Maus Craft

Large detailed builds with her own custom texture pack


friendly person who made a youtube video of my 4-year anniversary build

Oh, if you’re interested in some great detailed yet small Japanese builds, check him out


friendly person who popped up here and there to comment on new builds of mine, plus he made an awesome Vivec city from Morrowind

You’ve certainly seen several submissions here on PMC. Is there a project, skin, pack or mod that’s always stuck with you? One that you were

so impressed and inspired by?

*goes dusting off his brain by looking at his favorite list*

I go for the Autumn passage

Insane quality that you could literally hang on your wall and it inspired my entry for the poem interpretation contest.

Fun Questions

What other video games do you enjoy playing?

- Monster hunter, at the moment Rise (and before MHFU, MHP3rd, MH4U, MHG, MHGU)

- RPG’s such as: Dragon Age Origins & Golden Sun (GBA).

- Kerbal space program

- others that didn’t pop-up in my mind

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

One of the Nordic countries I haven’t visited yet. Friendly people (I have met so far), almost everyone can speak decent English (not my own native language either) but makes life as a tourist way easier. General quite safe countries to wander around the back streets (in broad daylight at least) to find some nice places with less fellow tourists.

Describe yourself in 3 words!

1: silent

2: a non-tactical-speaking-person (haven’t found a proper translation yet)

3: google (for technology and work relating stuff)

What’s your favorite food?

Grandma styled own country dishes. Still improving on those cooking skills of my own on these kind of dishes.

Not going to mention my country though.

Do you have any pets? (include pictures!)

None (not including the spiders and other small critters in unreachable spots to clean)

If you could have one superpower which one would it be?

At the moment I’ll go for the one that makes it save enough for kids all-around the world to:

- have fun on the streets unsupervised (for example, riding an uni-cycle on walkway without parents nearby through the masses where

no-one thinks it’s strange – except me at that moment)

- (be able) to go school on their own (kids 4+), nearby or father away with public-transport on their own and other passengers not blinking an eye about it.

*Essentially Japan safety levels all-around the world*

Are there any hobbies outside of Minecraft that you have?

Gaming, Cycling (wandrer.earth color all the cycle-able roads – requires Strava), visiting museums (history) & going there by train (to sometimes overhear loud talking persons daily things and see oddly dressed person either going to concerts or comic-cons), watching anime & reading (is quite on the back-burner).

Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?

To stick around for a long time like me (+8 years).

I think the best thing to do is what YOU WANT, which is not necessary the current popular thing on PMC.

In other (longer phrasing) words, do what you find interesting to make. Even if it isn’t popular or long overdone and chewed out by a lot of other members. Not motivated? Do something else and come back later.

Minecraft (to me) is meant to be fun, not a chore so don’t let it become one for keeping an upload schedule or to stay in the picture.

Popular? Try to see it as a nice bonus, rather try to cherish the members/subscribers of yours that actually comment useful stuff/show that they actually properly looked at it on your submission. And don’t be shy to give yours to others.

Anything you'd like to add?

Turned out to be quite the long response...
Posted by PMC's Avatar
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake

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05/12/2021 6:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rudolft's Avatar
Awesome weekly :
05/10/2021 2:02 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Witch
SoftieSalem's Avatar
no wayyy, i got featured :'^o
king enderman the 34th
05/10/2021 8:56 am
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
king enderman the 34th's Avatar
i love weekly!
05/09/2021 3:28 pm
They/Them • Level 47 : Master Waffle Toast
Whispearl's Avatar
Awesome weekly as always!
The PMC Sheep
05/09/2021 2:58 pm
Level 46 : Master Sheep
The PMC Sheep's Avatar
What's a "veternan" player? :S
05/09/2021 3:58 pm
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Olonea's Avatar
05/09/2021 2:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
TNTFortify's Avatar
GJ Boscawinks! I guess some people will be checking you out in Russia.
05/09/2021 3:52 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Dwarf
Boscawinks's Avatar
Yeah :D thank you!
05/09/2021 11:52 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
Fantastic issue as always, and hey eagoy that was a great interview! 😀
05/09/2021 2:31 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Thanks :-)
It was a pleasant surprise for me to be interviewed for the PMC weekly.
05/09/2021 5:26 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Sweetheart
Melygoomba's Avatar
it's a lovely interview you have in transcripts! I read it all 😁🔥👍🏻✨
05/09/2021 11:47 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
eagoy Thanks for the mentions! Really glad you enjoy my works, and I'll hope to host a more accessible version of a poetry interpretation contest soon!
05/09/2021 2:30 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Thanks :-)

Feel free to send me a dm to make double sure I notice the contest in time
05/09/2021 12:15 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
05/09/2021 3:58 pm
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Olonea's Avatar
05/09/2021 3:57 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
05/09/2021 7:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
hol' up
05/08/2021 11:10 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Noodle's Avatar
TheJeroen nice trains bro
Zypher Solina
05/08/2021 7:03 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
Zypher Solina's Avatar
Thank you for the event feature // support on such a tight notice-! Greatly appreciated :)
05/08/2021 1:25 pm
Level 49 : Master Network
BigBuilds's Avatar
Always great to see all the amazing things the community has been up to!! Thanks for featuring or event!!
05/08/2021 1:17 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Itzyourmanapm's Avatar
first comment

this stuff is amazing
Planet Minecraft


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