🌍 The PMC Weekly March 14th, 2021chrome_reader_mode

PMC's Avatar PMC3/14/21 3:53 pm history
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4/7/2021 12:55 am
Aspirin60's Avatar Aspirin60

Happy Sunday! In this edition of the weekly, we're highlighting a few new official contests and events as well as some new community ones! We also cover a couple of skins that use the phantom mob as their base for a completely different nocturnal animal. We cover a trend that happened over the week with PFPs as well as a new parkour adventure map receiving rave reviews! We cover all of this and more! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


The official project contest for this month is live! We're hosting Buccaneer Bay Build Contest alongside Aderlyon build team. In this contest, you can Download the optional starter island and create a pirate themed entry. The island is optional.You could create an elaborate treasure hunt, a pirate ship battle scene, skull cove with sunken ships, active or abandoned pirate village,organic pirate art... You are free to let the theme inspire you.

Deadline: March 29

Aderlyon Build Team | Buccaneer Bay Build Contest Minecraft Map
In this community data pack event, participants use a custom framework designed by Bertiecrafter to implement Minecraft, but ??? scenarios. The scenario is up to you, the data pack creator. At the end of the event, all valid entries will be combined into a special collaborative data pack that implements them all in a unique way and promoted on the official PMC account.We're looking forward to seeing how far the data pack community has developed since then.

Deadline: April 12

Last week we also launched the new official player skin contest, Dark Depths! Contest theme by FishStacks voted for by the community in this poll. Your goal is to make a Minecraft skin that would fit or live in the dark
depths of the ocean. Eyeless creatures, bio-luminescent fish or people who've adapted to the dark, crushing depths of the sea.

Deadline: March 23


A reminder
to those hosting their own contests and events: If you want your contest included on the calendar and promoted in the weekly, please let us know in the comment section of the Community Event Calendar.with the following information:

We found several contests in the Forums section under Events that we wouldn't have otherwise known about. It takes time to enter in all of the information ourselves so please help us by following the above instructions. Thank you :)

In this contest by 3kh0, your goal is to make a cursed skin! No HD skins are allowed and skins must be made for the contest.

Deadline: March 20
In this 123+ Subscriber event, you must make a skin that represents nothing you'd ever see in the normal world. You're encouraged to use bright colors and ridiculous shading. Mob and Player skins are allowed, however no HD skins permitted.

Deadline: March 24
Hardcrafter is celebrating 200 Subscribers and hosting a skin contest titled Beat the Darkness! In this contest, you are challenged with designing a skin using mostly dark colors but you must use small highlights of lighter colors. Standard definition player skins only.When you finish your skin be sure to tag it with "BtDHC200".

Deadline: April 2

Community Events and Contests Ending Soon:
😁 (Skins) TypeTitle + LinkHostDeadline
Themed Contest
St. Patrick's Day ☘️
March 16
Themed Contest
Cursed Skin Contest
March 20
Themed Contest
March 20
Palette Contest
March 21
Be sure to check out the Community Event Calendar for a complete list of contests and events!

Results for Stubbs1's 500 Subscriber Special Vehicle Contest are in! There were a total of 23 Submissions, all of which you can see in this collection. Congratulations to the winners!

1st Place 'Bello' | 10:1 Diorama by GrandPixelMan

2nd Place

10:1 MASSIVE DETAILED LMS Coronation Scot Locomotive by JoaoDaFonseca

3rd Place


A couple of our favorite skins this week are Phantom skins used in a clever way. Aspirin60 transformed the nocturnal mob into two species of owls, a Brown Owl and a Snowy Owl. These majestic birds are a much less terrifying sight than the vanilla Phantom is. Did you know that there are over 200 species of Owls, coming in all different sizes and beautiful patterns? The largest being the rarest of the owl species, the Blakiston fish owl which has a 6 foot wingspan! [source]

This week, picrew PFP's went trending. With piccrew, you can create a cartoon character and customize everything from hair style to rosy cheeks and accessories. Some members chose to make their OC in addition to themselves. We included a couple dozen we found on the first few pages of wall posts mid week!






Completed image
Completed image

The FaiyaBLAST










-Rae- deactivated


Completed image


Herobrine's Chambers is a 1.16, single player or multiplayer parkour adventure ma created by Greenteacups. Your objective is to escape HeroCorp alive, by completing the parkour in each test chamber and navigating your way to freedom! The janitor of HerCoCorp States:

"You've been invited to complete some important scientific testing for HeroCorp. The invitation was a sedative, you've been locked in a cell for 3 weeks, and the science involves fire, lava and whatever else was lying around, but you've made it this far so you might as well get started. Good luck!"

This map is getting rave reviews, one member even saying that this was one of the best maps they've played in a long time!

We can all agree that a cluttered inventory is less than ideal and an annoyance. PuckiSilver solved this issue and created Multitool, a data pack that allows you to craft a multitool, creating ONE item made up of all of your tools! The multitool can be crafted by combining all 4 tools and a sword of the same tier.

The multitool switches between all the different tools, depending on the block you look at including switching to a sword when looking at mobs. The data pack also
Craft a Multitool by combining all the tools of one type!  Not the actual texture
Are you a skin creator and have created a skin for just about everything? Well, you might want to take a look at Stubbs1's most recent blog, 1001 Skin Ideas because it includes not only themed ideas ranging from animals to abstract, but also some palettes and collaborative ideas too! From a jar of pickles to a crying onion, you'll certainly be inspired after reviewing this extensive list of creative ideas!

Are you a builder out of inspiration? Tom also created a blog with 1001 Building Ideas!


This week's interview is with...

Uknownymous! You might know them because you were a victim of their generous diamond giving. Or perhaps you know them because of their big, unique builds they've submitted. More recently, they've become a Site Moderator so you may know them because of their title. Whatever the case may be, Uknownymous is a stand-out member in several ways, contributing to much of their success including being featured on Minecraft.net! Unknownymous spreads positive vibes to all members on the site, showing support through diamonds, favorites and comments! After reading their interview answers, we're inspired and feel that you will, too!

Minecraft/Personalized Questions
How did your Minecraft experience begin?

My Minecraft experience began quite a while ago, back in 2010 when a friend at the time brought it up and showed me the Shadow of Israphel YouTube series. Looking back at it, it definitely wasn't very good, but I hadn't really seen much media prior to that, and hadn't really played any games either, so the concept of a game where it was possible to completely create your own worlds thoroughly snagged my attention. I internally over-hyped the idea at the time too, imagining bustling expansive worlds with growing cities of non-player characters spreading of their own accord. It drew me to the Millenaire mod too which did something similar with autonomous AI villages, but even that didn't really do what I had in mind, so I wound up settling for the creative experience and grew to really enjoy it despite it being different than what I had in mind.

Do you still play Minecraft?

I most definitely do; I still often play regularly and build several times a week as a minimum. There are times where I've played a lot less, with a few years where I didn't really touch the game much at all, but in the present it's what I spend a lot of my free time doing and I'm more than happy to keep going with it too.

You build some impressive, unique, and massive Minecraft projects. Tell us your creative process, where you draw inspiration from, and how you manage your time?

I don't do very well at managing my time; I'm somewhat sporadic, so I just make my decisions in the moment and go from there. I occasionally make to do lists if I feel I might forget things, but then I forget to check them enough anyway, so most of my creative process is just doing whatever I feel like with the build. If I feel like making a wall, I make a wall- and I tend to just go with my gut for that. It does mean the outcome of my builds and the quality level they have fluctuates a lot because I don't really plan or think much about them ahead of time, but it also allows me to be surprised by the outcome of them and it can be really cool to see as even I don't always know how it'll look in the end. I do like looking up amazing art pieces across the web for inspiration sometimes though, but I don't tend to us inspiration much overall so a lot of my creativity is just from whatever comes to my mind.

You’ve been featured by Minecraft for a couple of your builds. Tell us how that felt!

It felt absolutely great, but when I was first contacted by them for my Dirt Mansion a large part of me thought it was a trick. I double-checked their proof of being an interviewer, and their account was subscribed to by everyone they'd interviewed (such as GeminiTay and PearlescentMoon) despite having no posts, so I assumed it might've been real, but I was suspicious of it even then, up until it being posted, and by that point it still surprised me and felt almost surreal. It was something I'd hoped to achieve even while younger, thinking so many featured builds that showed up there were awesome, so it was great to achieve. Then of course came the second time round, where I got reached out to by another interviewer, and I was suspicious of them as it was a completely different user with the generic name of “Minecraftinterview”, made just a few minutes before they messaged me – but it was legitimate, as I know now; it's not only awesome knowing I was reached out to for an interview, but also even more awesome knowing the interviewer made an account specifically to interview me for the Scarecrow's Meadow build. It was really satisfying, and I feel it's one of my most valued achievements so far.

Are you currently working on any Minecraft projects?

I am! I'm struggling along currently with trying to build a massive scene of statues of my girlfriend's Dungeons and Dragons' characters for her birthday, but I'm really, really not doing well at it as I don't have experience with building faces (faces are truly the bane of all art, for me). Still, I'm trying my best anyway and it's a project I'm attempting to keep working at in a hopeful bid to create a memorable 3D representation of characters she's found herself attached to over the many months of playing. Besides that I'm not working on anything else major, so I'm hoping I can manage to make it work. Chances are it could even be posted around the time of the interview if I manage to succeed, and as it's a present; a gift, I'm hoping I can.

How has Minecraft influenced or changed you in real life?

Without having played Minecraft, where I'm at in life wouldn't even be comparable, for better and for worse. Just about every single thing I currently do with my life has been influenced by Minecraft, going so far as to affect my daily routine, the people I know and meet, how I try to support myself and more. It's somewhat absurd to think about, yet through sinking thousands of hours into the game over a decade of life; over half of the time I've been around, it's somewhat inevitable the impact it would have is so huge. I'm not really sure what to say as the list goes on so far, but the most vital element of it for me is that it's only through the people I've met through Minecraft that I've been able to grow even more as a person, looking out for others and being looked out for too. For me, that is the most valuable change upon my life.

In one of your latest wall posts, you state that you’ve been trying to learn game design through Unity. What inspired you to start learning this? Can you share anything that you’ve created so far?

I was inspired to start learning this when watching people play games full of masses of puzzles, as I really, really, really enjoy puzzles and it's absolutely one of my favourite things to make and to solve, yet I don't really have much opportunity for that in building, and making a game could still permit me to delve deeper into creativity while also producing puzzles people could play through and unravel. I took interest in the concept of making a game themed somewhat around the concept of Escape Rooms, as it's something I've been thinking for a while now that I miss due to lockdown, and it was while watching that it hit me that if I miss it then I just need to make it happen elsewhere, and I couldn't find any particularly sizable and popular puzzle game that suited my interests and didn't simply end after a few hours, so it seemed like the best shot, and everyone I spoke to about it appeared interested in the idea too. I'm still learning though, so I'm basically at the starting stage of game design; I haven't even quite got past the very bare-bones beginning of base code like movement, so it'll be a while before I have anything I can share! I have assistance for graphics (as I'm not quite good enough at digital art), and there's more than enough in-depth planning and consideration for the design itself such as puzzles, features, rooms, streaming potential and more, so it should at least work out if I can manage to learn. So... the crux is whether I manage to learn, for that.

Is game design something you’d like to pursue as a career or keep as a hobby?

If I can manage to pick it up I'd absolutely like to pursue it as a career, since while I originally was drawn to Planet Minecraft to try to build up a portfolio and hope to aim to support myself through Minecraft – which is really quite irrelevant to the site! - I soon enough realised that wasn't going to work, and had to keep thinking of something else. If game design can be that something then I'd gladly take up the chance.

PMC Questions

You’ve been a Site Moderator for PMC for a little while now. How are you enjoying it? Was it what you expected?

It's actually exactly like I hoped – not what I expected, but what I hoped it would be like. Most moderation communities I've been in have been rather lonely, where any individual member is completely replaceable, but I feel like the Planet Minecraft staff team feels like every person actually matters, which is really nice. They're all specifically picked out by members of it through nominations and direct recruitment, leading to everyone in the team already being on good terms with at least a couple people there from the start as they've had interactions with each other before joining, which makes it all feel a lot more upbeat overall. It's really nice. Plus the community's actually usually really polite about it, so while most teams for sites and servers and so on get more hate than appreciation, the sheer amount of wholesomeness in the Planet Minecraft community thoroughly flips that on its head and does the total opposite. I'm enjoying it a lot.

You’re known to support the community in several ways, including liking wall posts and giving out diamonds and favorites; in fact, you’ve given over 30,000 favorites and nearly 50,000 diamonds! What inspires you to be so generous?

When I originally joined the site I was already pretty generous with them, so I gave out a few hundred diamonds and a couple dozen favourites in my first month, but that wasn't really anywhere near as much as I give out now, and the ratio of favourites to diamonds has also massively changed too. I now tend to give anyone I feel has put a sincere genuine effort into their work a diamond, which can be quite simple in a way, but at the same time is far from all people, at least; I think everyone who's put in effort deserves the right to feel happy about it and know it was seen, and I give out favourites whenever I feel the quality of the resulting piece is worth appreciating, whether it's the designs itself, the thought put into it such as the backstory, the details, or else, and it's likely true I've become more happy to give out the shiny appreciative rewards along the way, but I've also seen several tens of thousands of submissions more by being a moderator and scouring through many submissions regularly to look out for the site!

How did you choose your username?

I picked my username back in 2015 while a little confused about who I was by mixing together the words “Anonymous”, “Unknown”, “Known” and even “U.K.” to flip between a couple layers of confusion in a single word. The name has since lost a lot of its relevancy to me as I understand myself quite a bit in the present, but I still like it and it's what I'm known as by now, so I keep it around anyway.

What PMC submission are you most proud of? Why?

The submission I'm most proud of and have most consistently been really happy with is easily my Cyberpunk City, which feels like the most impressive visual piece I've managed to capture, especially as it was in only 4 days. I really like all the structural design in it and the faces I placed within while playing about with different ideas of lighting and mixing in the various colours granted through glass panes and shaders and it turned out really wonderfully by fulfilling exactly what I had in mind. I've made other pieces that I'm really, really happy with though, like the Derpy Dinosaur and the Steampunk City, but the Cyberpunk City stays my favourite for now.

What do you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?

What I enjoy most about Planet Minecraft is definitely the interactions with the community, which are the most vital element of the site. The community are amazing! I was drawn back here for obsolete reasons, and gladly stayed for the community.

You’ve participated in quite a few PMC Events and a couple of contests. What has been your favorite PMC Event and/or Contest?

My favourite PMC Event/Contest so far is definitely the 10 Year Anniversary Event, revolving around the PMC Server and the experience on there, with the PMC Chest Quest. It was a highly enjoyable experience, and I wound up coming third in the run for it which was satisfying. I really like puzzles after all.

Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to? Who/Why?

I don't have a specific member that inspires me or who I look up to, but there are many members I feel are really epic and have shown large quantities of care, kindness and motivation around the site to many members, being supportive pillars of the community, while there are also many members who are really seriously skillful in their respective fields of interest. I'm not very good with bringing names to mind though (and I wouldn't want to say some but leave out others by accident, because there are a lot), but for me the most important inspirational members are those contributing to making other people's day, and bringing them up and making them smile, in any way they can, and there are so many like that. It makes a huge difference. Every time someone brings a smile to another's face, it matters.

Fun Questions

What other video games do you enjoy playing?

There are many I've enjoyed, and I tend to lean towards RPGs and strategy games, such as Skyrim, the Civilization series, Rimworld, ParadoxInteractive's games and the Portal series too. I really quite enjoy those games in free time, so Minecraft's really the only creative one I tend to work on.

What genre of music is your favorite? Do you listen to music while you’re creating in Minecraft?

I don't have a favourite genre of music; I actually quite like any song so long as it seems like the lyricism has a lot of thought and consideration put into it. I'm fond of singers like The Stupendium and Random Encounters for this reason, as their songs feel especially thoughtful about it.

Describe yourself in 3 words!

Talkative, logical & considerate.

What’s your favorite food?

Uh, honestly I'm not the most active connoisseur of eating, but I do like the taste of some things like chocolate fudge cake which I think is the dessert I like the most, so if I had to pick one I'd go with that. Dessert is a good choice for favourite food, isn't it?

Do you have any pets?

I do! Technically. I have a pet cat called Zeus, which a sibling has claimed as their own, so I don't exactly have one. There are also two pet rats in the house named Crowley and... and Wraith(his name's longer but I can't remember how it's spelt, so Wraith will do!).

Are there any hobbies outside of Minecraft that you have?

I rather enjoy writing, drawing and singing, and I also regularly play Dungeons and Dragons, but talking's probably my favoured hobby and I do that quite a bit more than anything else. It's all quite enjoyable for me.

Is there any new skill that you’ve been wanting to try, but haven’t had the chance to yet?

I think a skill I haven't really tried much that I want to try is 3D modeling and model animations. I've attempted it a little bit through a couple more basic Minecraft models, but I'm not exactly any good at that as of current and I'd like to try 3D modeling unrelated to Minecraft for the sake of making the game. It would be a tough challenge and would also take quite a bit of practice, but I'm more than willing to do that.

Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?

I don't really have a quote or words of wisdom, but I think the advice I'd give to new members of PMC is to remember that if you support others and look out for them, there's a good chance they'll support and look out for you too; this isn't just limited to the site, either. The more care you give, the more likely it is people will notice you and take the time from their days to give it back. That of course shouldn't be the goal of care, but it's something to remember, at least; a bond requires both sides to put in effort to be established. Caring about others is the surest way to being cared for, and the most likely way to grow close to other people. It's a simple thing; it's really as simple as it sounds, but it's often forgotten about so I feel like that's my advice I want to mention. It's not very relevant to PMC's community though as the majority of people know it already!

Anything you'd like to add?

Thank you for interviewing me! I enjoyed going through the questions and thinking about them and answering; it's always quite fun to talk after all – perhaps even too fun sometimes, but yes, I appreciate it, and besides that I don't think I've got anything else I'd like to add. :)

If there was just ONE biome in Minecraft, which one would you choose?

Posted by PMC's Avatar
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake

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04/07/2021 12:55 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Thanks PMC for loving my two cute owls;it was funny to made!
04/07/2021 12:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Kinser532's Avatar
SO MUCH going on this week, so really this issue of PMC Weekly was a blessing to have for reference/keeping up with it all!

03/16/2021 9:33 am
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
LilBitOfSage's Avatar
imagine the time it takes to type these out weekly. kudos to you guys
03/16/2021 5:23 am
Level 43 : Master Pixel Puncher
Eventlesstew's Avatar
noice :D
03/16/2021 5:23 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Collective
Mensh123's Avatar
03/16/2021 2:30 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
F I N N L E Y's Avatar
wait.. who draws the pfps 😲🤩
03/17/2021 9:48 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
F I N N L E Y's Avatar
👀 welp
03/17/2021 6:56 am
Level 17 : Journeyman uwu
noot12234's Avatar
artificial intelligence draws them
03/17/2021 1:38 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Imposter
MoonAstraea's Avatar
The Picrews are made using WoudiM’s maker. The maker/character creator can be found by searching on Google, or on Picrew.
03/16/2021 9:34 am
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
LilBitOfSage's Avatar
it's a website called picrew
03/15/2021 10:43 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Theotmt's Avatar
Awww man, Didn't win The vehicle contest ;-;

03/15/2021 5:56 pm
Level 48 : Master Mountaineer
J685's Avatar
for the if there was only one biome i would choose basalt delta
03/15/2021 3:20 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Fox
AriWasTaken's Avatar
Other Meaning The Aether Mod XD
03/15/2021 3:39 am
Level 40 : Master Loremaster
Hubal's Avatar
Creating my persona in picrew wasn't easy, but I'm enjoying it relatively (I will probably improve it in gimp)

03/23/2021 11:25 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
green_subway's Avatar
which one did you use? I want to make my own but can find the right piccrew application. Please send me the link.
03/23/2021 11:43 am
Level 40 : Master Loremaster
Hubal's Avatar
03/15/2021 5:49 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Goblin
MASTRIO's Avatar
03/15/2021 3:34 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Goblin
MASTRIO's Avatar
I immediately went to picrew lol
03/16/2021 3:18 am
Level 40 : Master Loremaster
Hubal's Avatar
Same ^^'
03/15/2021 3:04 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Waffle
TNTFortify's Avatar
same, i have never tryed a trend before so this is big.
03/15/2021 5:49 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Goblin
MASTRIO's Avatar
i just thought it looked cool
03/15/2021 1:20 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Shaurya3211's Avatar


03/17/2021 6:57 am
Level 17 : Journeyman uwu
noot12234's Avatar
this is getting too political
03/14/2021 11:42 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
The anime boys, and girls are everywhere!
03/16/2021 12:46 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Batman Senpai
ZappyGru's Avatar
S I L E N C E. Picrew is not anime, it's a cartoony comic theme.
03/15/2021 3:16 am
Level 40 : Master Loremaster
Hubal's Avatar
Yeah, anime theme happened mainstream
03/14/2021 11:32 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Imposter
StaticNCogs's Avatar
flower plain or whatever its called is pretty cool
03/14/2021 11:03 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
myoldfriendsaredjs's Avatar
"The data pack also"

you have been banned for the next 24
The King Of Spooks
03/14/2021 8:43 pm
Level 49 : Master Necromancer
The King Of Spooks's Avatar
The Nether
03/14/2021 8:02 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
I don't think anyone thought of editing the picrews in another software type of thing except MoonAstraea, who taught me that.
03/14/2021 7:32 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Lemilas's Avatar
"Beat the Darkness" is misspelled as "Bear the Darkness" in one place. Just thought I'd try to help by letting you know.
03/14/2021 7:50 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf
Hardcrafter's Avatar
You noticed? lol I just edited my own reply here to mention the typos in the blurb about my contest, I didn't even see your comment
03/14/2021 6:20 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dwarf
Darin_the_Dwarf's Avatar
I think I'd choose taiga, with jungle as a close second.
Also, it looks like you forgot to finish the last sentence about the multitool datapack. ("The data pack also")
03/14/2021 5:09 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
Warped Forest. 💜
03/14/2021 5:00 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
RavenVLemon's Avatar
I always wish I could participate in the contests, but I am just not skilled enough
03/14/2021 7:52 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf
Hardcrafter's Avatar
Just saying, I'm accepting skins from any skill level for my contest, you don't need to be great! I mean, not even my own skins are the greatest lol
03/14/2021 5:00 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
RavenVLemon's Avatar
03/14/2021 3:59 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf
Hardcrafter's Avatar
I didn't think I'd have a big box feature for my contest! Thanks for the mention!

Also, the blurb for my contest does seem to have a couple of typos, just for clarity's sake, I'd just like to say the theme name is Beat the Darkness, not Bear the Darkness. And the contest tag is BtDHC200. You can see the rest of the details on the forum thread.
03/16/2021 9:42 am
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
PMC's Avatar
Fixed, thanks. Spell check didn't catch, of course because Bear is actually a word. Apparently I need to reach a tad farther to get that "t" key when I type ;)
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