Would you prefer Fresh Animations to be the default animation for all mobs?

StalkerNugget's Avatar StalkerNugget3/27/24 12:14 pm
4/20/2024 9:22 am
The Great Magicspeller's Avatar The Great Magicspeller
There are 3 options for this, with explaination for each choice (Yes, bias is allowed on here, the vote is based on how you really want it, but please consider the cons).

1. Yes - You want 100% of fresh animations, including the moving 3d eyes.
1a. Pros - Cool, alive, fluid.
2b. Cons - resource intensive due to the eye movement, not necessarily lag, but things need to look simple, and also not ideal for entity pack makers who have to deal with the eyes.

2. Yes, Except for the eyes - You only want the main parts to animate, no need for 3d eyes.
2a. Pros - Very cool and less resource intensive, easy for entity pack makers, alive, and fluid.
2b. Cons - idk, type in the comments on what you think the cons would be.

3. No - No
3a. Pros - Simple, laxed, UwU, good and easy for amateur entity pack makers, traditional, og, nostalgia, conservative of what Minecraft used to be.
3b. Cons - said to be outdated on some mobs, may not be desireable nowadays due to the evolving landscape of Minecraft, even the og's prefer Fresh Animations.
Posted by StalkerNugget's Avatar
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Dragon

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The Great Magicspeller
04/20/2024 9:22 am
Level 42 : Master Mage
The Great Magispeller's Avatar
Even Though I Love Fresh Animations, Most Modders/Optifine Mob Painters are Using Vanilla Animations, so I can't Really Use It
04/15/2024 11:59 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
Cornbread_Alphanumeric's Avatar
i'm gonna go ahead and say no. no offense to whoever makes fresh animations, but i don't really like it. there are tons of animation packs for bedrock edition that not only look better, imo, but also keep the original models intact.
04/07/2024 4:13 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
I wouldn't mind it, but I'm not begging for it. With some of the new mobs that have been added recently though, they really should add some consistency with the animations. Just look at the strider, warden, and breeze. And then look at some cows, wolves, and villagers.
03/28/2024 2:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
Pangin11's Avatar
honestly if this was default that would mean that I get it in vanilla instead of having to go through the risk of downloading a bunch of crap all for a virus just to make it compatible.
04/15/2024 7:31 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Megamind5547's Avatar
Certainly! Let’s delve into the intricacies of why labeling a safe file as a virus is fundamentally flawed. 🤔

    1. Misunderstanding of Terminology:

        • A virus is a type of malicious software that attaches itself to legitimate files and spreads by infecting other files. It actively harms your system.

        • A safe file, on the other hand, is a legitimate program or document that poses no threat to your computer. It’s like a friendly neighbor who brings you cookies instead of stealing your Wi-Fi.

    1. False Positives:

        • Antivirus software occasionally flags safe files as potential threats due to false positives. These are instances where the antivirus mistakenly identifies harmless files as viruses.

        • False positives can occur due to similarities in code patterns, heuristics, or even the file’s digital signature. It’s like accusing your cat of being a ninja because it moves stealthily.

    1. Overzealous Antivirus Algorithms:

        • Antivirus programs use complex algorithms to detect threats. Sometimes, these algorithms get a little too enthusiastic.

        • Imagine an overprotective parent who insists on checking your backpack for contraband even when you’re just carrying textbooks.

    1. Behavioral Analysis vs. Static Analysis:

        • Antivirus tools employ two primary methods: behavioral analysis and static analysis.

        • Behavioral analysis observes how a program behaves during execution. If it acts suspiciously, it raises an alarm.

        • Static analysis examines the file’s code without running it. Safe files can trigger false positives here.

    1. Heuristic Scanning:

        • Heuristic scanning involves identifying potentially malicious patterns. But sometimes, it’s like mistaking a pineapple for a hand grenade because they’re both spiky.

    1. Packed or Obfuscated Files:

        • Some safe files use compression or obfuscation techniques to protect their code. Antivirus software might misinterpret this as an attempt to hide malicious behavior.

        • It’s akin to assuming someone is a spy because they wear sunglasses indoors.

    1. Outdated Signatures:

        • Antivirus databases rely on signatures—patterns associated with known malware. If a safe file is new or uncommon, it might not have a recognized signature.

        • It’s like expecting your grandma to recognize the latest TikTok dance move.

    1. Human Error:

        • Antivirus vendors occasionally make mistakes when updating their databases. They might accidentally flag safe files.

        • It’s as if they’re playing “Where’s Waldo?” but Waldo is a benign PDF.

    1. Trustworthy Sources:

        • Downloading files from reputable sources reduces the chances of encountering false positives.

        • Trustworthy sites are like well-lit alleys—less likely to harbor shady characters.

    1. User Education:

        • Educating users about false positives and safe practices is crucial. Don’t panic; investigate further before labeling a file as a virus.

        • It’s like teaching your grandma to differentiate between a phishing email and a genuine one.

In summary, let’s not jump to conclusions. Safe files deserve a fair trial before being branded as viruses. 🕵️‍♂️🔍
03/27/2024 8:27 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Default for mobs should be the most lag friendly version.
03/27/2024 7:16 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
drupii's Avatar
if it could be adjusted to not break a bunch of resource packs, or could be toggle-able, then it should def be added! adding a "default animations/fresh animations" option to the settings menu would be great C:
03/28/2024 2:58 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
Pangin11's Avatar
best reply i've seen
03/27/2024 6:05 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
Daralexen's Avatar
It would break 95% of resource packs, and every official resource pack on Bedrock would need to be remade for Fresh Animations. Lastly, I think that Mojang is officially done with porting mods into Vanilla. Despite how badly I want Alex's Mobs (with some balancing and performance fixes) to be in vanilla.
03/27/2024 5:41 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Computer_Boss's Avatar
Absolutely yes, the game is in the modern era and the animations need the update. Keep in mind veterans me included forget about the ender dragons smooth animations, so this was a long time coming, entities come alive compared to their stiff surroundings, it always did look off to me how stiff they were and are right now, no life. There really is no logic in keeping content old in modern updates, it makes no sense, old is old and new is new. I can't play without fresh animations in the modern updates because of the lack of theme, basically they all match the warden now and they each have their own personality just like the warden does. The warden is huge, creepy, intimidating, with newer animations skeletons balance on themselves, zombies sloth around, pigs snouts snort (say that five times fast) etc. it just brings so much life into the game, where as older versions lacked it.
Papa Enny
03/27/2024 4:45 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
I guess optional, like programmer art
03/27/2024 1:46 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
amateurpainter32's Avatar
The fresh animations are bad taste. Completely out of the original Minecraft style. And it’s not even a good addition, they just look silly, they are completely unneeded and were never asked for by the community.
04/15/2024 7:32 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Megamind5547's Avatar
Nobody asked, amateurpainter32.
04/07/2024 4:15 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Never asked for?
No one asked you to like Fresh Animations, so don't get all worked up about it.
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