Minecraft ( lack of ) Support petition...$400,000,000+ per year..no support for users/paid customers..Change.Org

Proff_C's Avatar Proff_C4/22/21 10:58 am
4/23/2021 11:29 am
Shrimpware's Avatar Shrimpware
Just throwing it out there, as my account was stolen, no fault of mine, but Mojangs security set up, and this is well documented on the net..

3 months?...waiting list to fix a stolen account!!??

Minecraft is raking in over $1,000,000 per day......and we have to wait 3 months for customer support??.

I'd like to start a Change.Org petition, just to raise awareness of this

Get the attention of bigger Youtubers, and get Mojang to update to 2001 tech support....lol

Looking for advice on how to word it, as i haven't done a Change.org thing before
Posted by Proff_C's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Narwhal

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04/23/2021 6:53 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
anonpmc1572080's Avatar
Papa Enny
04/23/2021 5:24 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
You know that it can take time to analyze and giving the things(checking what's wrong and possibilities and if there's a chance to fix it)
You need to be patient

I lost also my account and waited a long time and I am back (It happened suddenly, I didn't do anything)
and it gave me an advice to be more aware of the risks

And you aren't the only that has problems, Mojang can get tons of reports daily
04/23/2021 6:35 am
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
Proff_C's Avatar
The long wait makes me wonder what some of the other reports are...
" I've been mining for over an hour and haven't found diamonds........"
04/23/2021 10:29 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Gamenight999474's Avatar
Also that might be part of the problem is us, not mojang.
Papa Enny
04/23/2021 6:43 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Like launcher doesn't work, I cannot log, I found a bug etc.

It exists tons of types, I only shown examples
04/22/2021 2:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Gamenight999474's Avatar
I think you are over estimating. First of all they have a new update coming out VERY soon that has been delayed so many times that update has to nearly be PERFECT. People are putting so much stress on so many other areas that is is becoming harder and harder to make updates that people will not criticize. So much stress the community is already putting on Minecraft 1 million is nothing compared to the 20 other things that people are demanding from mojang. From bring Ruben back in Minecraft story mode to fixing bedrocks PvP they have A LOT to nearly perfect on their hands. COVID-19 only made more people play it and want more. Give them some slack. And another thing I don’t get about change.org is that it almost NEVER does anything remotely close to solving the problem. The problem IS the stress, so we don’t need to put More of it. Also like the post before mine said it might not even be Minecraft’s fault and someone could have leaked ur acc. Also it might be just you because I put in a ticket just for fun and to got responded to in 5 hours. Ether way I don’t see the need to put more stress on a already to ambitious company because your ticket took long to respond to when 50% of the time it is not even the games fault. No offense.
04/23/2021 6:47 am
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
Proff_C's Avatar
Over estimating what?....it's well documented on the net how long it takes to rectify an issue...even when you log an issue, stolen account isn't a department....it's a sign in issue
Developing the game is a totally different department to support, so i'm not sure how that even comes into the issue.
Have you had your account stolen?
Have you been through this?
04/23/2021 10:27 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Gamenight999474's Avatar
I have 4 friends who have and 2 of them I tried to help them with. 1 of them was responded to that day. And I meant overestimating how much Minecraft has to do with their money. If they could somehow get thousands of things done that they are working on right now, then this would make total sense.

“Developing the game is a totally different department to support, so i'm not sure how that even comes into the issue.”
It became an issue as soon as you said this:
”Minecraft is raking in over $1,000,000 per day......and we have to wait 3 months for customer support??.
that is completely right. MINECRAFT not the support section is making 1 million. They have so many more things to do with that money. Thousands of more things. So only getting 1 million total and still getting 3 month support is actually very good. And this is 1 small section of support so it gets even less. There are still dup glitch’s, villager trades make the same sound (bug), extra. 1 million becomes very little when you count in all of that not even counting events, employees, delayed and demanding updates extra. The list goes on. Don’t put more pressure, just give them some slack instead of putting more pressure. Plus there are 100s of poeple who are ranting about the same thing with the same argument over countless other things. So I don’t see why I have to go through the process to know statistics dude -__- I went to school (and got kicked out) (jk)
04/22/2021 12:05 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc2747568's Avatar
04/23/2021 6:59 am
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
Proff_C's Avatar
I can only assume it was when my email got hacked a few months ago....but it seemed fine until recently...so it's only been stolen in the last couple of weeks
The reset password has failed on the saved email+password.....and every other email i have....so my email has been changed...i have proof of purchase through paypal....but as documented on the net, to resolve this is average 3 months....which is pretty pathetic for an over a million dollars a day company.
04/23/2021 11:29 am
Level 27 : Expert Spelunker
Shrimpware's Avatar
If your email was hacked, then it's not really Mojang's fault that your Minecraft account got taken too
04/22/2021 11:22 am
Level 27 : Expert Spelunker
Shrimpware's Avatar
Mojang gets a LOT of reports, if they rushed people would abuse the system to hack accounts and get free ones
04/22/2021 11:32 am
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
Proff_C's Avatar
well that's probably what else i'm trying to find out....have you been through the process?......account stolen?
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