An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. What happens next?

Kypickle's Avatar Kypickle8/11/22 8:45 pm history
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12/31/2022 3:42 pm
EccentricEremite's Avatar EccentricEremite
An unstoppable force, as in, an object that can never stop moving ever, meets an object that is impossible to move. What happens next? Post your ideas.

The unstoppable force can only move in one direction, just to clear that up.

I’m going to start posing thought experiments like this more often if you want me to lol
Posted by Kypickle's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Explorer

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12/31/2022 12:58 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
That is the beautiful thing about paradoxes, my boy; there is no answer. It does no good to discuss answers to paradoxes. Chasing wind and Mercury, it is.
12/31/2022 3:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
there’s an answer that works that i’ve seen suggested
the force just passes right through the unmovable object
12/31/2022 3:42 pm
He/Him • Level 24 : Expert Caveman Goblin
EccentricEremite's Avatar
I stand corrected.
12/30/2022 2:54 pm
Level 37 : Artisan System
CrystalKeeper7's Avatar
The force changes its direction 180 degrees like the reflection of light. You see, the force is not stopped, it just changes its direction.
12/30/2022 3:00 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
it says in the description it can only move in one direction
12/31/2022 7:45 am
Level 37 : Artisan System
CrystalKeeper7's Avatar
Then one of them is deleted by the time because it's like an infinite paradox.
12/31/2022 11:57 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
that would mean they either stopped moving or not moving. If you don’t exist, you stop doing everything, including things you aren’t doing.
12/28/2022 12:37 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Botanist
Lyra_Capricorn's Avatar
perhaps the unstoppable force goes around the unmovable force.
12/28/2022 3:57 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
i said in the description the unstoppable force can only move in one direction
12/15/2022 8:16 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Cupcake
ThatHollowedSlime's Avatar
the unstoppable force explodes from the amount of force & speed it hits the immovable object.
is there anything im missing? prob not,
12/16/2022 6:28 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
yeah you are, because if the force is destroyed that means it can’t move anymore, meaning it’s stoppable. So this doesn’t work.
12/15/2022 6:12 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Eligames2009's Avatar
the world explodes
12/15/2022 5:50 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Procrastinator Kitten
GalaxyCat24's Avatar
The Unstoppable Force breaks the unmovable object.
12/15/2022 6:22 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
it can’t do that, because in order to break the object would have to compress and crack, which it can’t do because it can’t move.
11/30/2022 5:31 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
The_Sky_Rider's Avatar
The unstoppable force would defuse throughout the mass, It's moving particles would slip between the gaps of the unmovable object, and come out on the other side,
Or it would annihilate whatever it impacts, The mass never moved. it was converted to pure energy
10/19/2022 1:21 am
Level 30 : Artisan Whale
ThePotatoPolice's Avatar
| [||] Mind.exe |___x___| |
|                                        |
| Mind.exe has stopped working                         |
|                                        |
| Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.                                   |
|                                         |
| => Check online for a solution and close the program                |
|                                        |
| => Close the program                              |
|                                        |
10/18/2022 11:39 pm
Level 44 : Master Lemon
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
They shake hands and introduce themselves to each other.
10/18/2022 11:28 pm
Level 46 : Master Lad
TheVid's Avatar
god leaves the server
10/18/2022 3:07 pm
Level 40 : Master uwu
PaintsplattersMC's Avatar
the moving object would have equal force pushed back against it (cuased by the infinite resistance of the stationary object) and it would stay put right next to the stationary one.

for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
10/18/2022 3:12 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
but the moving object has infinite force to use against the infinite resistance, and that doesn’t work. They can’t cancel each other out if they’re infinite. Even if the infinite resistance was pushing back against infinite force, there’d still be more force, because infinity is, well, infinite.
10/18/2022 11:18 pm
Level 40 : Master uwu
PaintsplattersMC's Avatar
they do cancel each other out. the ratio is the same as 1:1

well the forces are still at play, but they are pushing against each other with equal strength. meaning neither moves

it doesn't matter what the value (including infinite [which also isn't defined as an integer) is. if both sides are equal. nothing moves.

assuming the stationary object had the tiniest amount of give. both sides would no longer be equal and since infinity - n = infinity it would be pushed with infinite strength along with the moving object.

although there's some advanced physics determining the maximum velocity this object could be travelling at

So it is objectionable that any object could even possibly have infinite energy/ moment/ force etc top begin with
10/19/2022 7:11 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
yeah, this all works in real life, but the thing is we’re kind of throwing physics out the window here. If this somehow were to happen in real life, yes, the unmovable object would win, but this isn’t real life, both these objects aren’t really supposed to be real. The unstoppable object is supposed to be unstoppable, even if it meets an object with infinite resistance.
trying to stop the unstoppable force is like trying to build a macroscopic object without using atoms. it’s impossible.
so, if the unmovable object is able to stop the unstoppable force, the force isn’t unstoppable anymore, which means it doesn’t count. You’ve stopped a stoppable force. same thing with the unmovable force. If it moves, that means you just moved a moveable force, not an unmovable one.
so, if the unmovable object stops the unstoppable force, that means it’s not unstoppable, which goes against the very nature of the unstoppable object. You have to have a scenario where both win.
10/18/2022 2:21 pm
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Musician Skinner
Juillyoom's Avatar
the unstoppable force would either go through the unmovable object or create a hole in it without moving it or very unlikely theory same as the one before this but atoms would split in half and yk what happens next
10/18/2022 2:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
R34lHT's Avatar
the entire universe just ends
10/18/2022 1:46 pm
Level 45 : Master Lava Rider
logray's Avatar
They say hello. What else do you do when you meet?
10/18/2022 12:47 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Pig
kurger_bing's Avatar
insert windows 10 usb unplug sound
09/22/2022 12:35 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Goblin
salvaPNG's Avatar
The server crashes when they collide
08/16/2022 10:29 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Dolphin
T21sfo's Avatar
They collide and one of the experiences quantum phasing which allows the other to go through it
08/16/2022 10:33 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Dolphin
T21sfo's Avatar
also considering the amount of energy between them, it could result that there is a clean transfer of momentum so the unmovibal object now is unstoppable and the unstoppable force in canceled out to no longer move
12/14/2022 3:57 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Retext's Avatar
I think this my my favorite answer. They switch operations every time they done into constant and repeat the process until the end of time. And then betond
08/16/2022 12:24 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Radon8472's Avatar
When I think about sourcecode and not about real physics the answer is clear:

08/15/2022 8:54 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman uwu
noot12234's Avatar
joe appears
08/16/2022 10:37 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Sus
SamIsPog's Avatar
joe mama
08/15/2022 9:53 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Waffle
6ProUp4's Avatar
It will go thru the unstoppable object compacting it more, and making a hole.
08/15/2022 9:20 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Retext's Avatar
The unstoppable object punches so hard to keep moving that the molecules slowly start to combine with the unmovable objects until the unstoppable object has either gone through the unmovable object to continue or is dressed from existence.
08/15/2022 9:07 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragon
Gwenom999's Avatar
08/14/2022 7:06 am
Level 44 : Master Crafter
JonaTheCrafter's Avatar
its a paradox because they cant coexist, either the moving object has to stop or the unmovable object hast to move. this means they cant meet
08/14/2022 8:05 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
Or they just pass through each other.
08/14/2022 6:25 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Cookie
Backwards_long_jump's Avatar
Everything stops existing
08/13/2022 9:44 am
Level 24 : Expert Carrot
EliZard29's Avatar
The unstoppable force will pass through and say hello to the unmovable object and they say goodbye (Cuz they ARE POLITE) when the unstoppable force passes through him or ( I really don't know is the unstoppable force on the left of the unmovable object or right?????) and yeah pretty simple explanation. I GUESS IN MY BRAIN IT'S SIMPLE. The unstoppable force will never stop moving right :), if it's smart just go left or right duh it's moving it didn't say it couldn't turn I had fun making this with my dumb idea also if the unmovable object cant turn then, to be honest, an unstoppable force has a lot of energy I can't even run for like 25 minutes without getting tired so easily, So back to the topic you didn't say the one that unstoppable is it an object? lets a say a block an Iron block then if it comes in contact with the immovable object it would break but the iron block is still moving in very tiny particles or IDK how fast it is so what if it was slow then it would IDK. So the simpler answer to

An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. What happens next?

they would pass through each other Because its immovable right so it won't move the unstoppable force will just keep going so its quite simple (Did not search this totally did not think that the unmovable object would be in particles but the particles ould legit not move ) so yeah

08/13/2022 11:05 am
Level 24 : Expert Carrot
EliZard29's Avatar
and just noticed that the unmovable object would not be in particles if the unmovable object cant separate :) soooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo another simpler one.

It goes crashing to the unmovable object right? ( The unstoppable object) Then you didn't say how FAST it's going let's say the speed of light :) actually FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT you are practical time traveling then yup it didn't say what it was so let's assume that this object can handle faster than the speed of light that would mean it legit goes TROUGH IT ( SO bland 2nd THEORY)

2nd theory:
It just spins the earth cuz let's just say this is on earth and the unstoppable object is about to hit the unmovable object it won't move right then the object below it WILL MOVE ( this works because of gravity ok...... not every object like a hotdog) once they hit together the unstoppable force is still moving and the unmovable force is still moving but the earth is spinning REALLY FAST or not that fast? I do not know the speed of the unstoppable object so I just improvise.

3rd theory:
Creates a black hole and ends the world or somehow ends the whole world or universe. because since the unstoppable force has infinite energy it might be REALLY FAST ( this is impossible because you can't make a black hole it requires SO MUCH ENERGY..... but this has infinite energy soo when this collides with something with INFINITE mass which is also required in making a black hole it might be able to make a black hole if all that mass and energy is crammed up in a small enough space its possibly possible.
08/13/2022 9:29 am
Level 39 : Artisan Dragonborn
per_Qasper's Avatar
maybe unstopable breaks? like unomoveable cant break becouse its moving parts of unmoveable away, but when unstopable will break it's part will still move.
08/13/2022 10:04 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
unstoppable only moves in one direction, so even if it broke, all the pieces would still be together, moving in the same direction. Both are unbreakable.
08/13/2022 8:42 am
Level 26 : Expert Spleefer
thebattybat's Avatar
If the object is impossible to move, it simply can't move. The unstoppable force would kinda 'noclip' through it if it can only move in one direction without the binds of physics, therefore, the impossible to move object stays where it is.
08/13/2022 8:26 am
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
The force would pass through the object, and equal force would be released from the opposing side of the object. The force doesn’t stop, and the object doesn’t move.

Do not comment on my amazing drawing skills
08/15/2022 9:21 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Retext's Avatar
Wait lol I have the same idea
mine is inspired by the Lego justice league movie where the flash loses his powers
08/13/2022 5:04 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
The unmovable object starts going 1 inch per century
08/13/2022 7:43 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
But that would mean it’s slowly pushing the unmovable object.
08/13/2022 8:53 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
Yes, I believe that the pushing force is stronger because Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah (My dolphin instincts tell me that)
08/13/2022 4:26 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dwarf
Alksander's Avatar
Unstoppable force is just running into unmovable object and it is running into it for eternity.
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