The Uncharted Lands of Tiberos

_chickadee's Avatar _chickadee6/25/17 5:04 pm
1 emeralds 217 2
7/11/2017 6:59 pm
_chickadee's Avatar _chickadee

Lore and Rules: https://tiberosroleplay.enjin.com/

Welcome to The Uncharted Lands of Tiberos!

We are new a medieval fantasy roleplay server featuring a highly customizeable, community based experience. We have a fresh map, and we take our roleplay very seriously. We are a small community, and every character is included in personalized events. Events occur nearly daily, with several staff members overseeing them! Our roleplay consists of a mixture of free roleplay and a D&D like combat and crafting system.

The old world is plagued with war and sickness, and the people have turned to the teachings of the gods for hope in the future. The old scripture talks of an island in the north that is a utopian land full of life and promise, but the ocean that separates it from the rest of the world is rough and unforgiving. There are people out there, however, who wish to take a chance at pilgrimage to this new land, with many different reasons. Some wish to find a new life, having lost their family to the burdens of war and the plague, and others perhaps simply seek the adventure.

At the begging of your story, your character finds themselves shipwrecked on the beach, no matter their reasoning for setting out in adventure, they are now part of the growing community of survivors that seek to make a new life in this land.

*Please note the playable races are found on our website. Your character MUST have a race and a class to start off with. You may not start off as an important figure or with anyone major advantages over anyone else. Please use common sense, or you will not be accepted. Only well thought out applications will be accepted.

================= Application Format ===================
OOC Information

Minecraft IGN:
Do you have Roleplay Experience? Please give an example.
Please define the following in your own words:



What is our golden rule?
Why do you want to join our server?

IC Information

Character Name:

Description (Personality, traits, appearance):
Character Biography (Where do they come from? Why did they decide to leave their home?):

*Players will be whitelisted and notified upon acceptance.
Posted by _chickadee's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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07/11/2017 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
_chickadee's Avatar
We are accepting applications through the fourms as well as our website! Come check us out!
07/09/2017 6:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Arkwright's Avatar
I've been on this server a while now, and it's honestly been so much fun! Events almost every day, and a salt-free community XD
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