CueballCraft 1.8.9 Cracked Vanilla Minecraft Server lag-free

NSh's Avatar NSh6/15/14 1:48 pm
2 emeralds 25.5k 4
2/21/2016 2:51 pm
NSh's Avatar NSh

Cracked Vanilla Minecraft server
Server IP: vanilla.skaia.us

1.8.9 - NOT HAMACHI - Cracked - Homestuck server

Join now! Le IP:

SS: Politely ask Clover to remain calm. He refuses outright and starts doing a really frisky jig! DOO DEE DOO DEE DOO DOO DOO DEE DOO DEE DOO DOO

Have you been trying to find the perfect Vanilla server that's strictly survival, cracked, and has a huge network with tons of players to socialize with? Well CueballCraft is your new server! Do whatever you want (as long as you follow the rules), and have fun with vanilla Minecraft.

Don't forget to join our website and maybe donate for stuff www.skaiacraft.net

What makes us a better vanilla server:
-Backups of the world made every hour
-No lag
-Online 24-7
-Staff always helping and fixing griefing incidents
-Cracked forever!

Don't settle for just any basic server.
CueballCraft is always online and has a 99.9% Uptime. We make a backup every hour. If you lose your work to a grief, let us know and we'll patch it for you good as new!

We are CRACKED and always will be. An awesome place to build, socialize and be really cool.

1. No Griefing. Don't break or steal other people's things. Don't build on other peoples builds without permission.
2. No Cheating or Hacking
3. Respect other people and the server. You may curse but keep it civil.
4. No Spamming. Don't put any server IPs in the chat or you will immediately be banned!
5. Don't ask for items or OP. If you want to help the community, please click the Apps tab on the website to apply. You can also give a donation for instant OP.

We are simply the best server there is. Tee hee.

Posted by NSh's Avatar
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart

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02/21/2016 2:51 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
NSh's Avatar
08/29/2014 5:46 am
Level 31 : Artisan Archer
Ravaen's Avatar
I believe cracked servers are not supported by pmc!
08/29/2014 5:38 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
KisoTv's Avatar
My minecraft crashes when im joining
08/18/2014 1:18 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
NSh's Avatar
Algamer123I believe cracked servers are not supported by pmc!

im not wishing for this website to support my server other than making it available to the search engines. and for that i am grateful.

my Offline-Mode servers have been around for precisely 1 year and a half. it began when cracked servers were very common. im not going to change now. and i believe this thread is under the 'Hamachi/Offline Servers' forum last time i checked, so we dont all need to be pointing our fingers. lots of people cannot afford or dont want to purchase Minecraft. im making it available to those these people. i do hope that doesnt make me a naughty guy.
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