Blue Lagoon Survival!

_chickadee's Avatar _chickadee1/2/16 7:05 pm
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1/3/2016 9:07 pm
pandemic67's Avatar pandemic67
Blue Lagoon Survival

Brand new world!

Some simple Rules:

1. Don't be a jerk - griefing will result in instant and permanent ban, without warning

2. This is a mature server - swearing, ect will be allowed - MUST BE 18+ TO JOIN

3. PVP only if both parties consent

4. Build at least 300 blocks away from spawn, and a fair distance from other players unless agreed upon
5. ABSOLUTELY No giant statues of your (or any) character, signs, ridiculous things...ect

(Failure to be a tolerable human and follow no. 4 and 5 will cause structures to removed without warning)

We are really easy going - and just want a nice server to play on with other mature players.
We are always open to suggestions, the owners are very active players.
Players will be whitelisted ASAP - please message me if you feel you have been overlooked

Currently accepting applications:
About yourself:
Why you want to join:
**Edit** Please tell us your location:

Posted by _chickadee's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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01/03/2016 9:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pandemic67's Avatar
IGN: Pandemic67
Age: 24

About yourself: I'm a computer technician by trade, with formal college and trade school under my belt. I just got back into Minecraft recently as I've felt the need to build things again, though it sort of loses its fun without individuals to share it with. I started out playing Minecraft when it was still in Beta and played up to the point when they added Ocelots. What patch was that again? Anyways, I am introverted by nature and generally keep to myself, though I do enjoy helping others if asked. All in all, I am pretty laid back and just want to be around other laid back people when playing a game I like.

Why you want to join: As said before, I just got back into Minecraft, and all the usual servers which I visited are either shut down, or overrun by preteens who think constantly cursing is a sign of maturity. Now don't get me wrong, I am no stick in the mud but a guy gotta have standards yes? Anyways, the main draw I am seeing here is your 18+ rule, also I love that whole no Giant Statue rule. Means the server won't be overrun by skyscraper sized monuments of a phallic persuasion.....if you get my drift. You gents are my first stop in trying to find a mature community to hang with.

Please tell us your location: USA Central
Planet Minecraft


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