The Unofficial Lore Of Minecraft

TCC's Avatar TCC10/1/23 10:26 am history
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10/6/2023 4:44 pm
TCC's Avatar TCC
First the story starts of with the ancient builders they dont know where they are they see trees grass but everything is blocks. They Punch Down There First Pieces Of Wood. Creating wooden tool's but it wasn't long until they found there first diamonds they mined them with there stone tools realizing it dosent work. Ores are way easier to find back then they grew on the surface. The ancient builders soon had full diamond armor and tools. But The Ancient Builders soon wanted to make there Diamonds more powerful so they used books for hours trying to create new spells and they soon reach there goal, diamonds with special abilities such as fire sharpness protection and more. now they where ready to go to other universes at least they thought they kept on building portals until one worked.

They Finally Made it, a 16 obsidian block portal combined with some fire lit the portal. The Ancient builders sent pigs into the portal first the terrain was empty but beacause of the pigs the terrain grew a big variety causing the pigs to adapt to there surroundings causing pig hybrids that look close to the ancient builders but pig. Soon the builders came in the portal but it was all going down from here. The ancient builders built bastions to house the piglin but they also made nether fortresses but the ancient builders are burnt causing wither skeletons which look like the overworlds skeletons but taller and mutatated. So the ancient builders ran back to the overworld. But by the time they got back they saw piglin everywhere exiting portals the villagers where gaven axes soon winning the Warr that the ancient builders started by over farming the nethers resources so in a last attempt to save there dimension the piglin king decides he needs to win the war attacking the well of fate. But No The Last builder to ever exist it to overpowered all of his piglin minions were sent back to the nether and the portal piglin cries he has never cried before beacuse of the sweaty dimension but the piglin dies, all he wanted to do was save his dimension but failed. Soon The Villagers crossed there arms for no violence but the ancient builders miss lead the villagers. The Ancient builders said the piglins were attacking when they really where just saving there home.

But The villagers that got axes didnt lose the temptation to fight so the Illager king goes away with the illgers creating new mobs such as the Redstone golem. The Last 3 remaining ancient builders win this war but make friends withe the illager king. The Ancient Builders go back to the nether but quickly return beacuse of the remaining piglins. Now they go to the end Its filled with life but the builders over farm its resources and kills its main predator the ender dragon thats why the end is so barren now theres just a few End City's Enderman Chorus Fruit and shulker and nothing else and its all the ancient builders fault the end has 1 last dragon that kills all the ancient builders with a baby in a egg but the ender dragon has nothing except the enderman and her egg she wants to die. She Wants u to Free the end but the dragon's still mad at the ancient builders so she attacks u. Soon Without the ancient builders The Well Of Fate Gets flooded turning into the ocean monument and theres 2 more ancient builders left which make a city underground to light a portal but a disease comes out and it is devoured by the warden the portals now unlit but the sculk infection is still there. That Leaves U the Player to recover these lost mysteries.
Posted by TCC's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Creeper

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10/02/2023 1:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ninja
End_Emerald's Avatar
very good story I like it
10/03/2023 4:50 pm
Level 27 : Expert Creeper
TCC's Avatar
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