Minecraft Coming to Xbox 360!!!

markybhoy999's Avatar markybhoy9996/6/11 3:24 pm
8/10/2011 4:25 pm
King_Of_Nether's Avatar King_Of_Nether
Minecraft is being released on Xbox 360 in the Winter!


Posted by markybhoy999's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer

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08/10/2011 4:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Spider Rider
King_Of_Nether's Avatar
like what some of the others said, pc should be the most important when it comes to minecraft although i wouldn't be bothered if it came out on both xbox and playstation. the fact that it will be xbox only is anoying since all my m8's have ps3 and theres only 3 of us with pc. also, i wrote this on ps3 internet search with a normal controller (which is really difficult) which i think deserves my dragon eggs gettin a click. plz?
06/27/2011 7:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Cro_Player's Avatar
i will be really cool play minecraft on ps3
and if they were minecraft for ps3 and xbox 360 it would be cool to use pc acc of minecraft for it and play with ppl who plays on ps
06/24/2011 12:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
NMVMNV's Avatar
Well you pretty know all there is to know sooo.... yes it's coming out on the 360 and I don't think it will be released on PS3 but I think that they will release it on 360 and then update it or make something like Minecraft 2 and I wouldn't be surprised if that was released for PS3 and 360 and thats not official info at all thats just what I think....
06/24/2011 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
samalot's Avatar
Firstly, let me appologies if this is in the wrong section, or asked before (as I am brand new)

Minecraft is coming to the Xbox 360 and sony xperia this autumn.

I personally belive that it is better on the computer and always will be, but I would like to ask on behalf of a friend (who doesnt have a computer), If it likely/possible that Minecraft will be ported to the Playstation 3?

4J studios have ported games to the PS3 before, but does onyone know if Microsoft are playing a bigger part in this to make it exclusive to their next gen console ?

I know that it is NOT being made for PS3, I just want to know if anyone has anyother information... I can find suprisingly little on google :/

Thank you people of Planet Minecraft!!!
06/09/2011 11:57 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Excision's Avatar
I`m glad i made you lol!
06/09/2011 11:24 am
Level 74 : Legendary Spleefer
three_two's Avatar
Actually, this thread was posted before the "Minecraft on 360??" thread but, whatevs, I let my thread fade and the other thread live cause I'm nice like that. Thanks for having the balls to call me out on it though xD made me LOLz
06/09/2011 10:19 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Excision's Avatar
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PPS: I`m joking of-course its really not that big a deal

PPPS: I don`t really expect much...Kinect would be awesome though.
06/08/2011 11:53 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mountaineer
GrizzlyAmish's Avatar
I read that from one of his twitters yesterday and forgot to post.
His tweet made me happy.
06/07/2011 9:18 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Excision's Avatar
I agree with all of you BUT Kinect would probably be awesome
06/07/2011 10:00 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mountaineer
GrizzlyAmish's Avatar
Kinetic's pretty good, it may be able to capture the swinging motion.
And if Kinetic could handle it, then the Wii and PS3 could easily do it with their controllers.
06/06/2011 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Keonyn's Avatar
It's great that he's expanding to other markets, but as someone mentioned above I am also concerned that it will take their attention away from where it is most needed. Minecraft is a great game, but it's an incomplete game and it is that incompleteness that is one of its most limiting factors at present. I would hate to hear that sought after features and improvements and fixes would be delayed to focus on the drive towards XBox, development has been slow enough as is.
06/06/2011 4:52 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Guard
esoomytefasgone's Avatar
Its gonna be more of an Arcade Title then a full game. I expect it will be the exact same game as the one thats being released for the Playstation Phone.
06/06/2011 4:43 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Mountaineer
GrizzlyAmish's Avatar
But it will piss me off to ask someone "hey, do you play Minecraft", and have them reply "yeah! what's your gamertag?"

That right there would be the end of the conversation.

My thoughts exactly.
I think it's kinda cool that Mojang's expanding, but we'll have to see.
But yes, they better keep the PC users on top priority with updates!

I play Minecraft without using a lot of in game mods. I'm sure some minecrack junkie will be able to develop a program that'll allow a player to install mods onto the game.
But, who knows if Mod developers will make them playable on Xbox anyway.
06/06/2011 4:17 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
crazyazey12's Avatar
fortress craft?
06/06/2011 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
vyross's Avatar
I'm a little annoyed. They've already sold 2.5 million copies almost just for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It's not that Mojang shouldn't expand to other markets - it's their game anyway - it's just kind of frustrating to lose the only real PC exclusive.

But I'm mostly annoyed because it means that the developers will be spending a lot of time working and bugfixing and delaying things I actually care about (like pistons), all to release it on a platform that neither I, nor any of my friends, would dream of playing Minecraft on anyway.

As long as they don't forget who got them into the big-time (PC/Mac/Linux gamers) I have no huge objection. Annoyance, yes, but not objection. As long as the PC version takes the center stage and gets at least equal or greater attention and there are zero features exclusive for anything else, it won't matter in the end.

But it will piss me off to ask someone "hey, do you play Minecraft", and have them reply "yeah! what's your gamertag?"

That right there would be the end of the conversation.
06/08/2011 10:54 am
Level 42 : Master Lad
rageman96's Avatar
Notch isnt developing minecraft for 360, its a totally seperate team
06/06/2011 4:06 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
Can't wait!!
06/06/2011 4:01 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Spleefer
three_two's Avatar
c danovich
06/06/2011 3:27 pm
Level 40 : Master Musician
c danovich's Avatar
i just read it on the main minecraft forum,
i don't think it is a good idea, minecraft just needs to be played with a mouse and keyboard, it is easy that way,
and, on the xbox you can't install mods to the game, which is, in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of minecraft
06/06/2011 4:14 pm
Level 47 : Master Steve
BrokenTactics's Avatar
I definitely agree. Mods, skins and textures are what this site is about, after all.
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