A little TOO suspicous...

Knarfer's Avatar Knarfer2/2/12 2:37 pm
2/8/2012 3:30 pm
CraftingKid's Avatar CraftingKid
I remember months ago when I was in my friend's server. It was private and only the 2 of us could join. We had shop and an entire city. The city is up fro download here.
It was beautiful until a few strange things started happening.
We would always go mining (This was 1.7.3 so no creative). And EACH time we went, we would see a shadow and the closer we got to it... POOF! Gone... We tried to ignore it, thinking it was just a one time deal. But no, same thing happened 5 more times in different sections of the same cave system.
We never saw the shadow again for weeks. The shadow never returned but something stranger happened. The Inconvernience (The main shop in the server) got random opening and closing doors. We could swear that we always closed the door.

We don't beleive that this was Herobrine or Israphel. Just a simple ghost in the code....
Posted by Knarfer's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Network

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02/08/2012 3:30 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
CraftingKid's Avatar
02/08/2012 3:29 pm
Level 42 : Master Lad
rageman96's Avatar
Good story bro. Finally, a story that isnt infested with herobrine rubbish. I cant explain the shadow, but sometimes, doors bug out and open themselves
02/08/2012 2:47 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
Knote7's Avatar
Sounds legit bro...
02/08/2012 2:41 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
Pibble's Avatar
or...you have the memory of a goldfish and seeing as you are both running around looking for things you stumble over yourselves...

for example:

friend 1 opens door 1 and goes into room 1.

friend 2 opens door two and exit's room 1.

friend 1 tells friend 2 room 1's second door is open!

friend 2 tells friend 1 room 1's first door is open!

is this what's happening? and basically you guys are hamster's on a wheel? =D
Lord Fawful
02/08/2012 2:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Lord Fawful's Avatar

The door thing is a glitch, but about the shadow, it seems interesting...
02/07/2012 9:31 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Scarifar's Avatar
Hmm... so mysterious...
02/07/2012 9:28 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
Jaws1998's Avatar
Were you on peaceful? If you weren't, it could have just been a mob walking away as soon as you looked at it if you were far enough away. With the doors... I have that same problem on one of my servers, and I have a plugin for locking doors so other players can't open them, so... *shrug* I think that is a glitch.
02/04/2012 12:46 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Canine28's Avatar
Strange...not sure how to explain that, mate

That is a very good story inspiration, though! Let's see:

It was a typical day for us, just us two, working away in our mine...
as we dug, my friend spotted a bit of iron...
"I see iron!" he said, and went to mine it...
As he went, I spotted something in the dark...I could barely make it out...
I approached it, but as I got closer, it vanished.
"It's just my imagination" I thought.
I'll never forget how horribly wrong I was.
We finished our mining, at least for the day.
As we headed back home, I noticed something odd...
"Hey, didn't you close the door to the shop?" I asked...
"Yeah...I did, why?" replied my friend.
"It's...open" I said, with a puzzled expression on my face.
"Huh, maybe I didn't close it..." He said, although, I knew he had.
We forgot about it, closed the door, and headed back home.
The next day, we noticed the door was open, once again.
"Glitch, probably" I said...
"Yeah, probably" he replied...
We continued our daily rounds, when we stumbled upon a cave.
"Hey! I found a cave!" I shouted with glee.
So, we explored, what was strange was, it was...the cave didn't branch out...
It only went one way...some parts of it seemed man-made.
We didn't really care, we just, kept exploring.
"Well, this sucks. There's no ore in here at all!" Complained my friend.
"Yeah, this is weird...Hey, what's that?" I asked.
We had stumbled upon a door...at the very end of this cave!
We opened it...but as we walked in, it just...shut, right by itself.
"Did you close it?" I asked...
"No, never did..." He replied.
We walked forward, noticing this room was oddly decorated with redstone torches...
As we walked forward, we came upon an iron door.
I pressed the button, and as it opened, we entered.
I should have run. I should have grabbed my friend and just dragged him out of that cave.
But no...we walked in...and there was someone there...
It was the default skin...no eyes, though...just...blank...
It turned around...

Cliffhanger, I know...Herobrine, I know. I really just made up each line as I went .
Let me know what you think
02/08/2012 2:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
semproser19's Avatar
LOL! That was epic!
02/02/2012 2:44 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
ZaphodX's Avatar
Invisibility plugin.
02/08/2012 3:24 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
bumlick's Avatar
you wouldn't see a shadow though.. Hmm...
02/02/2012 2:48 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Knarfer's Avatar
Nope! It was a hamachi server so no plugins.
02/04/2012 12:50 am
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
You can have plugins on a hamachi, my bros friend does.
Lord Tristem
02/02/2012 2:47 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
Lord Tristem's Avatar
Theres a plugin for that?
02/02/2012 2:44 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
eviltictac's Avatar
This could be legit. I don't believe in herobrine but i do think that there may be a ghost in the code because more than once strange things like opening doors and shadows in caves.
I am not sure what to think...
02/02/2012 2:40 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Lumberjack
icegums11's Avatar
i believe you *thumbs up*
Lord Tristem
02/02/2012 2:39 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
Lord Tristem's Avatar
Could it be that someone hacked him or herself onto your server?
02/02/2012 2:42 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Knarfer's Avatar
Maybe but Im not sure, we were on the server every second and it never said

_____ Joined the Game

The doors just opened randomly when we would look away fro a few minutes
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