Was the moon landing faked?

Kypickle's Avatar Kypickle7/10/22 4:24 pm
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8/12/2022 8:34 am
Uptightplum's Avatar Uptightplum
I heard from somewhere recently that 1 in 4 americans think the moon landing was faked (and as an American myself I am completely and utterly confused)

so, I’ve decided to ask planet Minecraft to see what a more international audience thinks.

was the moon landing real or faked?

please, honest answers only, and if you really feel the need to debate this in the comments, be civil.
Posted by Kypickle's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Explorer

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08/10/2022 12:30 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Modder
Uptightplum's Avatar
Here's a question.

If the moon landing really was faked, why the hell would we bother doing that, thats like screaming at your accountant just because you can.

Disclaimer: Do not really scream at your accountant, horrible idea
08/10/2022 12:37 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Explorer
SlushFiend's Avatar
thе cоld wаr
08/12/2022 8:34 am
Level 35 : Artisan Modder
Uptightplum's Avatar
The Cold war was a "who's got a bigger dick" battle, just idiots not knowing what they were doing making stupid decisions
Papa Enny
08/01/2022 9:07 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Didn't you watch inside out?
It can help you by your question
08/01/2022 12:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
What does the Pixar movie inside out have to do with the moon landing
Papa Enny
08/01/2022 1:36 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Not this
I meant inside job, eh
the netflix series

In my counry it's called Corporation Conspiration tho
08/01/2022 7:54 am
Level 41 : Master Kitten
ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy's Avatar
And my vote counts, me being American.

an American attempting to learn 3 languages at once, while being fluent in English, and Nonsense, and somewhat fluent in Pain.
08/01/2022 7:06 am
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
ThatOneMonkeKidWhoAnimatesABit's Avatar
XSoulbound IDK y were talking about this on a minecraft site
08/01/2022 4:30 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Crafter
XSoulbound's Avatar
We literally have video of it. It was broadcasted across the country. We didn't have the VXF tech back then to fake it, it literally would have been harder to fake then it would have been to actually go to the moon.
Plus, while they were up there they left retroreflectors on the moon, so we can reflect lasers back. Observatories do it all the time, you can even see them if you have a good enough telescope.

If we did fake it, then every person working on the project, AKA most of the government, would have had to keep that lie up. That would be an impossible conspiracy to maintain. The Russian government, the people who would have benefited most by exposing a fake moon landing, has never even attempted to claim it was fake.

There is literally no reason to believe the moon landing was fake. But now for the more important question: Why are we talking about this on a minecraft site?
08/01/2022 7:05 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
It’s just the most international social media place I could find where I had a big enough presence to get over 100 votes lol
07/31/2022 11:37 am
Level 41 : Master Artist
roisHh's Avatar
07/31/2022 11:30 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Artist
GreenPhoenix332's Avatar
there are specimens of moon rocks, i saw one with my own eyes
07/30/2022 8:05 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
VagabondKG's Avatar
Someone call Buzz Aldrin.
07/30/2022 7:51 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
EnderBreegull's Avatar
American here: I'm convinced it's real because I haven't yet found a good reason to believe otherwise. For some stories I could picture them having something to gain from fabricating it, but not the moon landing. If anyone has any ideas I'm open to discussion.
07/30/2022 9:53 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
elektropunch's Avatar
Oh it was real. But why haven't they returned? Who's to say they haven't? Maybe there is a research outpost up there who's operations are known only to goverments. You might say "well the public would know that" the public was aware of the existence of Nellis AFB (Area 51) for many years but only recently became aware of what its used for when the US Governement released information about it. Actually for many years, it didn't even appaer on maps

Or maybe they found something there.. and it gave them reason to not return. Its like Mars. Countries keep sending these landers and probes to study Mars surface for signs of life. But we have the technology capability to go underground. And we should. Where do we find fossils at on Earth? Underground! Where does ancient life exist on Earth? Underground! But why won't they go underground on Mars?

Belief in Alien life is interesting. People ridicule others who believe the moon or mars harbors life. Or Nellis AFB (Area 51) has alien tech. But cling to a belief life exists elsewhere in the universe. Seems kinda... hypocritical

Did you also know that 1 in 4 American's aren't aware Venus was landed on in the 1970s? You might not know that yourself. But look up the Venera landers
07/30/2022 10:12 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
The reason we haven’t gone back is a political issue. In the 1960s to about the 90s, we’d already won the space race and the Soviet Union was collapsing. Everybody did think the moon was just a dead rock with nothing interesting going on, until we started realizing what the moon has to offer us. Now, we have the Artemis program, the first mission launching in august of this year, and the goal of the three Artemis missions is to send people back to the moon and establish a permanent presence there.

the reason we haven’t gone underground on mars yet is because the caves aren’t mapped. It’s too risky. getting a rover caught in a cave is too high of a risk than just staying on the surface. That said, there are some hypothetical mars missions specifically for caves, but we haven’t started building any yet.

The reason nobody thinks life exists on the moon is simple. No liquid water, it’s all trapped in ice. No atmosphere to breathe. The day side is 400 degrees while the night is -200. Life of any kind, including bacteria that exclusively live underground, cause visible changes to the surface of any world. There is absolutely no signs the moon has life or ever had. Mars is a different story. It’s completely possible that bacteria still live under underneath martian polar ice caps, people are ridiculed for thinking there’s an intelligent species. Like the moon, mars only has water in the form of ice, and an atmosphere too thin for some of the strongest bacteria to survive in.

also, I think having a secret moon base makes no sense. The whole point of the first moon landings was to inspire the world, and beat the soviets. having a permanent research base on the moon, just to show you can, is the perfect way to do that. It'd be much more beneficial to just make fake research than pretend the whole facility doesn't exist at all. Also, how would it be supplied? Regular rocket launches would be needed, and we just don't see that. Plus, it'd have to communicate with Earth somehow, and the only way to do that is through radio. And with radio telescopes commerically available, random people with a radio telescope could listen in on everything that's being communicated. Then the whole conspiracy would be unraveled and the usa's credibility would be destroyed. It'd be so much easier to either make the research facility publicly available knowledge or just not have it at all.

also I am quite possibly the biggest space nerd on planet Minecraft, of course I know we landed on Venus
(also there’s a potential new mission to Venus called DAVINCI that could launch in the 2030s, super excited for that)
08/01/2022 3:06 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
elektropunch's Avatar
"The reason nobody thinks life exists on the moon is simple. No liquid water, it’s all trapped in ice. No atmosphere to breathe"

See that is the problem I have when it comes to searching for extraterrestial life. You spend too much time looking for life like our own. And there are examples of life here on Earth that can live and thrive in harsh environments. Extremophiles. Tardigrade's are a great example. They can survive extreme temps and have even been able to survive in space. Oxygen and Water may be essential for life to exist here on Earth but elsewhere it may not be needed. There might be lifeforms out there that don't require oxygen or water. They require other elements. They live and thrive in environments which would be harmful to us. Just like there could be life out there where our environment may be harmful to them

Ammonia based life has been a theme in science fiction. Ammonia has similiar properties to water, but is highly harmful to carbon based life. Many scientists find it unlikely that the universe could be host to ammonia based life but that doesn't mean its not possible. We don't have the evidence either way. But I think people should consider other possibilities but often don't

If it were up to me, I'd send a lander to those spots on mars where seasonal waterflows happen

Before you say that's risky and dangerous, well the recent 2020 rover was risky and dangerous but we used AI to help the rover navigate to a more suitable landing spot away from all the jagged rocks and other risky objects

"the reason we haven’t gone underground on mars yet is because the caves aren’t mapped"

That's a bad excuse. In order to map caves, you need to go into caves. No different than mapping caves here on Earth. We have mapped caves by sending robots and people into caves. How do you think Google maps roads? From their satellites? No they drive around on them. But please entertain me, without the assistance of humans or robots, how would one map caves on Mars with our current tech capability?
08/01/2022 7:04 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
I’m not saying extremeophiles couldn’t survive on the moon. They could survive, yes, but not for long. Yes, tardigrades can survive in space, but not forever, and they only doing it by putting themselves in a coma-like state. At least I think I read that somewhere lol

Personally, I do like the idea of ammonia based life or even silicon based life, but we don’t know what they’d look like at all. If we found a planet with silicon based life, we may never know, because we don’t know what bio signatures for exotic life look like. I love the idea of finding exotic life, but we simply haven’t done enough research yet. As far as we know, all life needs a liquid solvent, of any kind, that can dissolve molecules to allow complex chemistry. All life needs energy. While energy is present on the moon, liquids aren’t. Not even lava, since the moons core is so cold. So, while live, even the toughest extremophiles could survive on the moon, they wouldn’t be able to reproduce or get food, and would most likely die.

As for seasonal water flows on mars, I totally agree. I actually forgot those were a thing, but I think perseverance saw one, but it was too dangerous to get to, because of rocks or quicksand or something

as for the Martian caves, you do make a good point, but there are other ways to map them. We have a pretty good idea of what earths interior looks like, despite never being there, because of sophisticated instruments. So, if we send some of those tools to mars, map out a cave system from orbit, then send a river specifically designed to explore Martian caves, then we could definitely go and explore them. However, that isn’t a full solution, since orbiters can’t make out everything in super high detail, and we will eventually have to send a rover in, I just think the rovers we have now are way too fragile to go near a cave. Wasn’t it either spirit or opportunity that couldn’t get a single wheel out of some quicksand so they had to abandon escaping entirely and just turn it into a stationary rover? If a small patch of quicksand can stop a rover in its tracks like that, imagine what it’ll be like in a dark Martian cave, where the only way you’d be able to see is with the small headlights the current mars rovers have.

another solution could be to use a small helicopter like ingenuity. It’d be much more maneuverable and less prone to quicksand and sharp rocks on the ground, but with a helicopter that small it’s be hard to fit all the scientific research everyone would want to do when exploring a cave for the first time.

still, we will eventually have to take a risk and explore Martian caves. I’m not saying we never will. We just need to be prepared. Imagine we send a mars rover in, everyone’s super excited, then a boulder just falls on it and crushes it lol
07/29/2022 11:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Goblin
Sutikki's Avatar
Unfortunately us Americans aren't the sharpest tools in the shed LMFAO.
07/30/2022 7:39 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
NASA was made up of a lot of German scientists from world war 2 that were either forced to work or just switched sides, plus it was an international effort, so it wasn’t just the Americans

also, we may not be the sharpest tools in the shed, but at least we’re in the shed
07/30/2022 7:44 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Goblin
Sutikki's Avatar
I mean I guess.
07/29/2022 11:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
SvmpPvmp's Avatar
Maybe next time fed boy
07/30/2022 7:48 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
Damn bro you got me
im actually working for the government and everyone who said it was faked is now on our hit list and we will kidnap them from their homes and force them to take vaccines
07/29/2022 10:51 pm
Level 29 : Expert System
FreebuildLegacy's Avatar
1969 technology to fly 238,900 miles out into space for 4 days at speed of 25,000 miles per hour I guess it's possible but then they have to make it all the way back in that little capsule but only took them 3 days to return, I don't know it seems possible but there's too many things off about it.

I reckon it's easier to lie to everyone instead.

And then no other nation, since then to ever go to the moon. With improved modern technology,
07/30/2022 7:43 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
Of course it would be faster, earths gravity is stronger and was pulling them

personally I think it would be harder to lie. I’m not exaggerating when I say millions of sheets of paperwork would’ve all had to be faked perfectly. The thousands of employees would’ve had to keep their mouths shut. Every single one. And also, I have no doubt there even could’ve been Soviet spies in nasa at the time, you don’t think they caught on?
speaking of the soviets, if random people on the internet can just debunk the moon landing, don’t you think the Soviet Union would’ve called the usa out, destroying their biggest rival’s credibility entirely and winning the cold war?
07/29/2022 11:29 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Goblin
Sutikki's Avatar
Why would they go to the moon? There's nothing up there, and it was just for bragging rights like "Hey, we can make missiles that can reach the moon so don't fuck with us."
07/30/2022 7:36 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
Helium 3 is on the moon. Very useful for power generation in the future
oxygen is on the moon. It’s in rocks, but there’s enough of it to keep 8 billion humans breathing for 800,000 years
there’s water on the moon, hidden as ice in caves and dark craters. If there’s water, there’s ingredients for rocket fuel. Not to mention earth and the moon are made of the same stuff, and it’d be much easier to mine valuable resources on the moon, since you have 0 environmental regulations and with lower gravity you can haul so
much more of it for cheap
also, we are going back. Artemis 1 should be launching in august of this year. The first of three missions that will send people back to the moon and eventually establish a lunar space station and a lunar colony. It’s led by nasa, but it’s an international effort. The only reason we haven’t gone back was because of politics. There’s so much valuable stuff on the moon, and we’re just now realizing that. And look, we’re going back.
07/29/2022 10:04 pm
Level 49 : Master Ranger
DucksBucks's Avatar
real I was there

07/29/2022 9:42 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
I mean i think it was real, when i watched a video i thought it wasn't biut they also showed a clip of this person saying

"Why set up all that green screen and make fake suits and fake rovers and fake stuff when really, sending a metal object with people inside is way quicker???"

Ik its kinda random but it makes sense (a bit)

And also why are we here, making moon landing a "theory" tho
07/29/2022 7:59 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
I'm sorry but definitely fake.
At the very least, made of cheese as proven by our boys W&G.
Attached is photo proof.

In "Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out" the moon is not actually made of  cheese! It's made of clay, as the film was shot using clay actors. :  r/shittymoviedetails
07/29/2022 9:37 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
Oh my god it was faked!!1!1!!!
07/29/2022 7:03 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Pig
kurger_bing's Avatar
the moon is some rock spinning around earth which is spinning around the sun which is spinning around i don't know
07/29/2022 7:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
the sun's spinning around Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of the milky way
then our galaxy is racing toward the andromeda galaxy
our whole local group of galaxies are spinning around each other
we're all moving toward the great attractor, whatever it is

and the great attractor is spinning around who knows where in the universe
07/19/2022 4:04 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
the_useless_cake's Avatar
My dad says the moon has a space station being hidden by a hologram & venus is a tropical paradise. Take of that what you will.
07/19/2022 4:53 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
ah yes, the 1940s logic where people thought venus was a tropical world that just rained all the time and mars had forests and canals
07/19/2022 1:45 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc4072473's Avatar
07/19/2022 3:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
do not question the strength of the cameraman, he transcends space and time to bring us footage
07/15/2022 9:53 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
Unrelated but fun fact: Moon landing event was 2000 years after Cleopatra died but the Giza Pyramid was built 2500 earlier before Cleopatra even exist.
07/15/2022 9:50 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
I used to believe moon landing was real and then this random guy have proof of the moon landing was fake. Then I kinda believe that guy, but then I fact checked like where's stars in space and it because our camera can't "handle" that at that time.
So I hink moon landing was real.
07/15/2022 9:02 pm
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07/15/2022 9:04 pm
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07/15/2022 9:48 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
It's a carricature
07/15/2022 12:37 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
DrDark's Avatar
IT was real
07/15/2022 12:23 pm
Level 40 : Master Mage
Arkaliasus's Avatar
of course it was real :) , theres a few videos online explaining why it would of been impossible with the technology at the time to recreate such a feat
07/15/2022 12:10 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Goblin
salvaPNG's Avatar
in the video they filmed you can see that the flag is waving, which would be impossible considering that there are no wind currents on the moon
07/15/2022 8:38 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
It wasn’t waving
It was moving with the pole
thats how energy works
if you apply force to something it will move
07/16/2022 6:06 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Goblin
salvaPNG's Avatar
well that makes sense, thanks for the fact
07/14/2022 9:23 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Peacock
YokaiS's Avatar
if we haven't gone on the moon yet, i highly doubt we'd be taking a picture of smthn 4.6 billion light years away either
07/15/2022 12:36 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
MrDrSalamander's Avatar
You have proven this theory that the moon landing is real
07/19/2022 3:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Modder
Uptightplum's Avatar
It's not really a theory.. it's more a of a scientific fact..
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