Need Advice / Help - Promoting my YouTube channel!feedback

DarkDracoGaming's Avatar DarkDracoGaming7/29/21 3:56 pm
9/6/2021 10:19 pm
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar DarkDracoGaming
Hi everyone, my friend told me about two sites one called Veefly and the other Sprizzy, do any of you guys/gals know if these sites are alright / any good and what would you suggest? I'm just wanting to try and grow my YouTube channel for a few reasons so any and all advice would be highly welcome! 😊...

My YouTube channel can be found on my Profile here if you're interested also but that isn't the reason for this post, do any of you people have experience with these two sites or others and are they genuinely legit etc i.e. no fake subscribers etc? ...

Thanks a lot! 😊...

Posted by DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect

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Papa Enny
09/06/2021 4:26 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Try to comment a lot, be visible
Give subs, support people
09/06/2021 4:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Thanks! I'll give that a try! ^_^ ...
Papa Enny
09/06/2021 4:30 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
And good luck
09/06/2021 4:45 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
^_^ ...

Papa Enny
09/06/2021 4:47 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
09/06/2021 4:23 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Zulphiroo's Avatar
I watched VidIQ quite a bit and took their advice to upload YouTube shorts and the result was 1.8K views on my first video within a week.

Also, with YouTube shorts you can get people to edit it because its a lot cheaper as the video is under 60 seconds. I found someone on fiverr to edit my video for £8

To get the video qualified as a short is has to be under 60 seconds, in portrait and have #shorts either in the title or description.

You can mix in the occasional short video with longer videos and I think it still works.

this channel could be good reference
09/06/2021 4:30 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Oh wow thanks! I'lll check out that video in a sec! thanks a lot! I really appreciate your reply! ^_^..
09/06/2021 4:32 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Zulphiroo's Avatar
and you could also play on minecraft marketplace maps and worlds to showcase or review them, I think people would find that interesting.
09/06/2021 4:51 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Thanks, I'll see if I can do that, again using the PS4 so unsure if I can but if not I'll def do that when I can afford a new PC! ^_^ ..
I'll def check peoples worlds out regardless though and see what their like and so on ^_^ ...

09/06/2021 3:28 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
I LIKE FOOD_____'s Avatar
love what u did on the description :)
09/06/2021 4:54 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Thankies! 😊...

09/06/2021 4:55 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
I LIKE FOOD_____'s Avatar
wow their that a little wrong looking

a$$ on the face that just wrong
09/06/2021 4:58 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
lmfao ya sorry changed it lmfao am way to hyper at the moment sorry about that! I saw the last gif of the "teabag killing" and found it funny so used it but have since changed it! xD Ssssssoooooowwwwwwwiiiiiiiieeeeeee about the last gif! 😅😆👼

09/06/2021 5:00 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
I LIKE FOOD_____'s Avatar
it fine it is really funty anyways and I have a lot of energy because i drank 5 red bulls and 3 monsters

don't ask
09/06/2021 5:09 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
don't ask? oooooohhhh a challenge Mwahahaha lol!!!! xDDD ...

Ya I'm hyper as hell at the moment ugh, went for a shower got out and am now hyper as heck lmfao...
I'm as hyper as this! -> click - click CLICKITY- Click here!!!! or the Joker will come for you! Mwahaha... xD 

08/14/2021 1:44 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DinoBoy-4590's Avatar
watch VidIQ and then in a few months youll have thousands of subs
08/19/2021 2:40 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Hi, I am so, so sorry for the late reply, have been super busy with studies recently ugh!!! Newer video now uploaded!
Thanks I'll check it out later, have never heard of it! ^_^
08/08/2021 12:32 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Witch
Karaoke's Avatar
Watch others lets players and take notes. Its a hard business to get into cause its over saturated with tons of other small time youtubers all doing the same basic cookie cutter format. You need something to stand out from others/and identity. I cant tell you how to do that since you need to figure that out yourself.

Otherwise its basics
  • high quality mic
  • clear concise speech so others understand you
  • sound editing (edit out awkward pauses, stumbles, heavy breathes, etc etc)
  • entertaining gameplay to watch
  • video editing (you dont need fancy editing tools, you just have to put
    effort into actually editing your videos so they are fun to watch) This part is the longest and hardest but not everything in your recording needs to be there. Splice out the boring bits
  • A clear/simple logo and banners will do wonders as well as a short little intro to brand your videos, commissioning artists will benefit you and the artist, 2 way advertising
  • networking so you play with other youtubers to grow your base/have a group to play with (group play usually goes better than solo
It's a lot of work and why most go fulltime. It's not a field for everyone.
Figure out what works for you and put in dat WORK.
08/19/2021 6:42 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Hi, according to my beloved my video sucked so I've deleted it and will remake it with audio as she was like (GIF below!) lol...

As I've said I'm using the PS4 so I can't really do certain things and so on but when I can finally afford a PC (had one, one of my older brothers got angry while using it as it froze due to what he was doing ugh. Sort half of a long story! He ended up throwing it out of a window and it well... *GIF below!* ugh!) ...


Anyway when I can finally afford to either make a new PC or ugh buy one, I will make sure to get a decent mic, better video editing software and so on! Thanks for your input also! ^_^ ...
08/08/2021 3:26 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
I LIKE FOOD_____'s Avatar
if i were u i would use final cut pro x sense when i had a gaming channal i used it and it is awsome
08/19/2021 2:47 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
I'm using a Windows 10 Pro laptop, not an Mac so I can't use Final Pro, I'm currently using Cyberlinks PowerDirector on my laptop as it seems to be the only video editing software my laptop can handle ugh or I'd be using Blackmagic or something else that are much better the PD....
08/08/2021 3:22 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
I LIKE FOOD_____'s Avatar
take a new calander and turn it into video calendar and plan what days ur gonna make a video and write it down so u already know, or watch other videos to get some ideas and just do something like the videos just ur way

what editing app do u us?
08/08/2021 6:19 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
I'd love to use Final Cut pro but I haven't got an Apple laptop, my laptop is a Windows 10 one so.............
And I'm using Cyberlinks PowerDirector 15 as we got it free from a video capture card that we got last year so
I'm now using PowerDirector, had tried Adobe and stuff but it won't work on my laptop as due to my laptop being
a i4 ugh and some other things....

Yeah problem is, it's all well and good setting something in a calendar, the problem is that I never know what I'm
doing day to day and things always change so I'm making / editing and uploading videos whenever I'm able too
due to that and also studying and so on at the sametime as well as doing a few other things ugh...

As I've said before, when I'm able to afford a desktop PC I will be able to use a better video editor and also I will
be able to make better content but for the time being I'm using the PS4 which is better than nothing...
08/08/2021 11:50 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
I LIKE FOOD_____'s Avatar
that is true, well keep making awsome videos
07/29/2021 4:14 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
Isz's Avatar
You need better quality content before you should you think about promoting your channel mate.
07/29/2021 4:20 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Hi thanks for your reply, what would you suggest may I ask? I'm always open to advice / criticism and so on as no one is good at things right away regardless of what they say or might think, everyone needs some help / advice at some point in time...
07/31/2021 12:26 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
Isz's Avatar
It seems you're just uploading poor quality video/poor quality mic of you looking around in creative mode sort of giving a tour of your ps4 world?

In my opinion you should play on java edition on PC and invest in a better mic. You could take a look at Hermitcraft videos and do a lets play survival series, that's a very good way to start. Make sure to get a decent amount done per episode and edit out all the boring stuff. Nobody wants to watch a 30 minute unedited video where all to show at the end is a dirt hut. Interact with viewers comments and suggestions and incorporate them into your world in the next episode.

To put it simply just watch a let's play series that has a lot of views and copy the format.
07/31/2021 9:40 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
DarkDracoGaming's Avatar
Thanks for your reply I really appreciate you taking the time to say this but the problem here is, I can't afford a new PC yet, had one but my stupid brother ended up throwing it out of a window due to it freezing, got home to find it trashed ugh so am having to use the PS4 until then so I apologise for the bad quality and the crappy mic as you called it, I'm using a pair of Razer headset, when I can afford a new PC I'll invest in a better mic and I'll try and get a better setup in whole and will also do my best to improve my videos but as I've said, it's either use the PS4 or use nothing, I'm making videos and am editing them the best I can via my laptop and no my laptop can't handle Minecraft, feck it can't even handle something simple ugh and it's not even that old! got it in 2019 ugh.. -.-" ..

Also I don't like Survival mode, plus I do whatever I can, atleast I'm trying! There's also tons of popular people out there who also just play Creative mode, not everyone likes nor tolerates Survival mode, if I wanted to play Survival mode then I'd play something like Doom Eternal, Fallout 4 / Skyrim (on survival mode) and so on.... I play Creative move on Minecraft due to my love for building and so on, nothing else!

Also I don't like to copy others, I prefer to be unique / be myself so thanks for the advice about copying others but no thanks, if I copy others and get a load of subs etc for it then what does that say about me? I'd prefer people subscribed to me due to my personality and my uniqueness, not because I'm a carbon copy of someone else! I would rather have 2 subscribers that like me for me than have 1,000 that like me for copying other people like, I don't want to be the people I admire...

Also as I've said, I can't afford a PC at the moment, if you want to help with that then there's links on my profile, if not then you'll have to wait until I can get a PC as I plan to make better content when I've finally got one, until then I have the PS4 and I use what I've got for a mic, it's that simple!
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