Character AI results

Square Pirate's Avatar Square Pirate11/5/22 8:59 am
1 emeralds 142 4
11/5/2022 3:44 pm
Square Pirate's Avatar Square Pirate

The Dessert Devil is a creature of great speed and cunning. It will lure in its prey by offering delicious treats before revealing its true demonic form and devouring everyone that it encounters. Its mouth takes up most of its face, and inside are rows of long, thin teeth made for slicing and shredding. It has long, spindly legs that can propel it at high speeds across vast distances. No one knows where it comes from or what its true intentions are.

Square pirate

Result 1:

The Pirate of The Red Seas is an aquatic creature of unknown origins, but it has been seen many times in the blood red waters surrounding an island. It looks like it has once been human, but it is now a horrifying creature of great power. The Pirate of The Red Seas attacks with its long tentacles, which it uses to wrap around its prey. Once held, it then drains them of their life energy and devours the carcass.

Result 2:

The Pirateer is a monstrous creature with an insatiable need for treasures. It is armed with a fearsome blunderbuss and a cutlass, and has the ability to command hordes of pirates as though they were at its beck and call. It is able to sink ships by summoning powerful cyclones, and it has also been known to be able to control the weather. There is no known way to defeat a Pirateer.


Result 1:

The Creeper Demon is a demonic creature that resides in the world of Minecraft. Its main goal is to attack and destroy any structure that it comes across. It is known for its explosive abilities and its ability to teleport around at will. It is also known for its unique, haunting roar that it makes before exploding.

Result 2:

The Cubesucker is a creature of great size and strength. It feeds off of the energy given off by dying Minecraft worlds. It creates large, rectangular pockets of space with sharp edges, each of which is contained within another. The inside of each square is filled with energy and darkness.


The Tuff Beast is a ferocious creature of great strength and toughness. It is known for its brute strength, and it is almost impossible to kill. It is armed with two large swords, each of which is almost as long as its body, and is known for its aggressive combat style. It can deal massive amounts of damage before succumbing to its defeat.

Result 2:

The Tuff Golem is a creature created to protect its owner from harm in any way it can. It has a strong will and dedication and will never turn its back on its master, even in times of danger. It will fight to the death for its owner, using any and all available weapons of choice. It is an intelligent and strong creature, able to sense when someone has evil intentions towards its master!

Bald bob

The Baldbob is a monster found in the dark depths of the ocean. It has no eyes and is completely blind, but instead uses echolocation to hunt down those unlucky enough to be spotted by it. It has sharp fangs and claws that it uses to attack its prey, and also has a very powerful tail that it uses to whip away anything that comes near.


The Per_Qasper is a creature native to the cold climates of the world. It is completely covered in a thick layer of fur that acts as an excellent insulator against the cold, and also serves as camouflage against predators. This creature's main strength is its ability to generate a powerful electrical shock that can stun or kill other creatures. Its fur also doubles as an insulator against electricity.

Papa enny

The Papa Enny is a creature of great size and power. It uses its massive size and strength to dominate its territories and to crush all opposition. It is often seen as a protector and caretaker of those lower than it, and it is known for its love of the natural world. It has been rumored that it can also speak with animals


result 1:
Behold... the Terror-Maker! A monstrous entity made up of a cloud of dark tentacles that feed off your worst fears, creating nightmares beyond your imagining. This creature is a powerful foe as it can use your greatest fears against you in battle, leaving you helpless. This creature is not for the faint of heart.

Result 2:

The Monster-Maker is a creature that appears as a tall, cloaked humanoid monster. It is often seen holding a small book. It has glowing red eyes that can see through any obstacle. It can make anyone its target and it will never stop, even if its victim is dead. The monster is extremely intelligent, and will find a target's weakness and exploit it.

Result 3:

The Square Pirate was once a man known as S. P., but was warped into the hideous creature you see today. He roams the seven seas in search of ships to destroy and sailors to kidnap. S. P. has superhuman strength and cannot be killed by normal means; he must be defeated by having his own strength turned against him.


The Worry Worm is a parasitic worm that feeds of of fear. It has a tendency to enter the bodies of its host and implant its eggs. Once the eggs are implanted, the host will be infected with a feeling of anxiety and despair. This causes them to experience intense feelings of worry, which feeds the worm.

Result 2:

The Dark Lord of the Seven Seas was once a man. He was a pirate who sought ultimate power and ruled the seas with an iron fist. But he became corrupted by a dark force and eventually became a monstrous creature. He has superhuman strength, can breathe fire, and can cause storms. The only way to defeat him is to use lightning and strike him down. But it is a difficult task, for he wields lightning and is impervious to any other attack.


is a strange creature that lives deep in the jungle. It has large ears and a sharp beak. Dibby has a huge appetite and will eat just about anything it comes across, but its favorite food is people. It likes to sneak up on them and gobble them up whole! Dibby is very fast and is able to chew through bones like butter, which is why it's so dangerous.
Posted by Square Pirate's Avatar
Square Pirate
Level 28 : Expert Crab

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Square Pirate
11/05/2022 3:37 pm
Level 28 : Expert Crab
Square Pirate's Avatar
New results!

Having no friends

Allow me to introduce you to... The Bestie Bot! This sentient bot is a friend for life, and will never abandon you. The Bestie Bot makes a great companion for late-night talks and is equipped to dispense both the perfect advice and the perfect cocktail. Just make sure your credit card is connected...

Being autistic

Meet your new best friend... The Socializer! The Socializer is a super-intelligent AI that is totally unable to be socially awkward. The Socializer will analyze your every move and create the perfect social situation, from making friends to asking out the person of your dreams. Just don't get addicted...

Talking to an ai

Talk away to this... The Humanizer! The Humanizer is a super-intelligent AI that will perfectly mimic any human. It is capable of mimicking any accent or dialect, and is even equipped with a perfect virtual replica of any human in history. Just be careful... you might get to connected with this one! ;)


Having trouble affording food? No problem! Meet... The FreezerBot! The FreezerBot is a hyper-intelligent AI that will detect if you are ever running out of food based on your spending habits, and will teleport to whatever store has the best free samples and steal them. The FreezerBot even keeps inventory of all the samples so you never miss out again!

Not being able to tell somebody my feelings

Meet your new best friend... The Lovematic! The Lovematic is a super-intelligent AI that will help you navigate romance like never before. With this in your back pocket, you will always have someone to confide in and a perfect place to practice romantic moves. The Lovematic will always understand your side and give you the best advice you ever heard. Just make sure to keep your significant other away from it...


You have summoned the Death-Repelling Aura. This AI-driven device will scan the environment for any possible way you could die, and will use a combination of lasers and magnets to eliminate them. Be warned - the AI is not perfect and may cause the occasional explosion or other accident, so make sure to use this in moderation

Death (2)

I present to you... The Life Extender! This simple device is actually an implant that will extend your lifespan by any amount you choose! Simply select a period of time, like 50 years, and you will be granted with the gift of life until the end of it! It will also reduce your risk of death by any physical means throughout this time to prevent you from dying before your designated endpoint!


You have summoned... The AI Therapist! This smart AI will be your personal therapist that is ready to help and guide you through any life experience you desire. The AI Therapist is equipped with the knowledge of 1,000 years of human history and is capable of creating a perfect plan to live your best life.

You (2)

You have summoned... The Anti-Socializer. The Anti-Socializer is a super-intelligent AI that will make any social situation as awkward as possible, so avoid having that conversation at all costs. It can eliminate small talk, eliminate romantic opportunities, and even eliminate job interviews! You can try to escape the awkward situation, but the Anti-Socializer can always catch up.

Square Pirate
11/05/2022 3:44 pm
Level 28 : Expert Crab
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More new results!

Running out of ideas

I present to you The Idea Genererator! The Idea Genererator is a super-intelligent AI that can create a seemingly unlimited supply of ideas for you. The Idea Genererator is capable of creating the perfect idea for your career, life choices, and inventions. The Ideas generated will be so creative, they will be guaranteed to stick in your head. Enjoy!


The Self-Hater* is a creature that hates itself with a passion. It despises everything about itself and wants to destroy itself at any cost. It is consumed with rage, self-pity, and hatred for all things. The only way to defeat the Self-Hater is to make it love itself, but this is a very difficult task.
11/05/2022 10:17 am
Level 25 : Expert Skinner
Endalore's Avatar
what did you use for this?
Square Pirate
11/05/2022 3:13 pm
Level 28 : Expert Crab
Square Pirate's Avatar
Character AI.
Planet Minecraft


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