Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P21a - Blossoming Fortuitybusiness

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist3/15/23 9:43 am scheduled history
3/20/2023 2:53 pm
Axel-Ottl's Avatar Axel-Ottl

Welcome back! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I created BENT! I'm really proud of the progress I've made with this!

Thank you, viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy.

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Here are the contestants
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare

- Warden
- Evoker

- Axolotl
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Moobloom

- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Iron Golem
- Piglin

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager
- Iceologer
- Cat
- Wolf
- Bee
- Enderman

  Cherry blossom trees bloom by the Abiogenesis River as petals fall onto the water. Little Ruta still sits peacefully in the river, with her lights shining as blue as the sky. She's adorned with flowers and banners which blow in the soft wind.
The view of the pink trees reflecting on the pure blue water from the apartments is lovely, and quite honestly, I never thought that the campus would reach this point. I guess anything is possible if you put in enough work and have enough resources. The shops downtown are decorated with light purple triangular streamers which sway in the light spring breeze. All around, Kiruna Campus is lively and serene. The roads are busier than before, which isn't a surprise, considering that the campus is getting new traffic every day.

  Recently, I expanded the campus, purchasing the Abiogenesis Harbor, which I commissioned for another waterfront district. I really wanted to leave what was built there to the contractors, only requesting an aquarium and a marine biology lab. When I bought this campus, I wasn't planning on hosting a game show, let alone one that would last for well over a year. What I originally envisioned with Kiruna Campus was a generally small urban space to not only promote creativity and curiosity but to inspire as well. I wanted to make it a place where you could go to learn, explore, work, or just relax. It's why I let younger visitors, including the contestants, live here on campus rent-free. In a way, it all worked out. I'm here hosting a game show, but the campus frequently gets visitors for things other than Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy.
The new district is just beautiful, especially at night. I even decided to get a condo there - a preeminent penthouse, personalized to perfection. It's just like my downtown unit. There's one thing that makes it even more special, and that's the name of the street the building is located on. There aren't really that many guidelines or nomenclature regarding the naming of campus roads. It's based more on the neighborhoods, which each have their own little 'theme' for the street names. My harbor condo is located at the intersection of two very specially-named roads. They stand out from the other roads by the harbor, but that's ok. For once in my career, I made an emotional-driven decision and named them with great care and reverence. I wanted to create a more permanent dedication to a friend, and I feel that I succeeded in that.
I never planned to host Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy, or to expand Kiruna Campus to this extent, but nevertheless, I am here, looking out of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of a penthouse loft at my little city. Everything that I accomplished over the course of this year... it's all just a little stroke of serendipity if you will.
  My downtown condo has an inspiring glamour to it, providing an inspiring atmosphere that I only dreamt of when I was younger. Of course, it's pretty easy to make all your dreams into reality when you have enough money. In the grand scheme of things, the wealthy are powerful, and the powerful are rich, and as someone who is both filthy rich and has high levels of physical and political power, that is not something that I take for granted.
I sit down on my light gray sofa facing the window and eat a Mediterranean quinoa bowl. It's clear to me that it really isn't a dish that most young people like, but the refined flavor is perfect for a noble such as myself.

  Behind me, it sits protected in a clear glass display case with a modern base. The sun shines on the elusive trophy, which only makes it sparkle more. The enchanted purple glint seems to reflect onto the hardwood floors. It's less than a yard tall and weighs as much as a small dog, but the craftsmanship of the trophy is evident, even from afar. It shimmers in the sunlight and even seems to glow in the dark, and I often say it's one-of-a-kind. The truth is that it's not. While I do have a trophy on display in the Main Building, that one is just for display. It's a plastic replica that's only for show. Anyone looking to steal it knows none the wiser that the one in my highly secured penthouse is the real deal.
I know that I have important things to be doing, but I have a few minutes to spare. My penthouse is nice, but I'm feeling a bit more... dashing... Perhaps it would be nice if I went down to the river and made a little sketch, sitting atop Little Ruta's trunk. It doesn't really matter. I need to get ready. Today is a very important day.

  Everyone waits out in the modern amphitheater by the Main Building. Soft grass grows in planters on the ramps and the small trees blossom all around. The amphitheater has been used in previous elimination ceremonies and contests, but I had a tiny bit of pocket change left over from some of the less expensive episodes, and after a while, it all built up. Back in the early days of this show, I never went over my episode budget. Except for that one time when someone hacked the system and bought a whole variety of items, including four whole expensive large pizzas. The total came to around $300,000, and everything was suspiciously shipped to the Elimination Dorm. That's irrelevant right now. Anyways, I had some spare change laying around, so I decided to get the amphitheater renovated. I personally love the new look. It feels airier and less like a panopticon.
The audience seems to like it as well, at least from what I can tell. The seats are filled with voters, contestants, and employees, and unsurprisingly, the crowd is far more energetic than it's been in the past. I can understand that.
I look around and tuck my button-down cherry blossom shirt into a long and breezy pink skirt. It's the same shirt that I wore when I kicked off the very first episode, so it's only fitting that I wear it again today. I can tell that the audience is restless and waiting for me to start, so I adjust my microphone and project the voting slideshow onto the portable projection screen. I take a sip of my rosewater tea and tap my microphone before quickly speaking into it.
Testing, testing... is this mic turned on?

  Welcome, all! It really has been an entire year since the games began, even though it doesn't really feel like it. Time really flies by, doesn't it? As you all know, today is a very special day here on Kiruna Campus, because exactly one year ago today, we began this legendary competition to win the elusive Enchanted Netherite Trophy! We've come a long way from there. Putting that aside, I have a lot planned for today, but first, we must get through yet another elimination ceremony. I believe that this is the... nineteenth elimination ceremony of the series, right? Heh. I don't want to waste any more time here. Money isn't a precious resource to me, but time is.
To celebrate an entire year of BENT, I've decided to get some specially made 1st-anniversary merchandise to commemorate this special moment. There are so many choices! First, I have gold framed photos of me with some of the voters - signed in my truly one-of-a-kind rose gold ink. All the voters in that picture will be getting a copy of that as a thank-you for voting and supporting the show. I'll be handing those out after the game today. I also have some special-edition gold-plated BENT desk ornaments, which I will also be giving away later. The final thing that I have to offer as a thank you to the voters is netherite-plated trophy brooches. There may or may not be other items, but everything will be available in the Main Building from today onwards. Contestants, you can pick up some freebies too! Keep in mind that everything is in limited supply, so only take one item each.

Piglin is fascinated. "Oh! Amazing! When can I get my free gifts?"
Her brother is in awe too.
I seem to be procrastinating once more. Shall we begin this for real now?

  So, last time, Serendipity displayed the WORST performance since before we merged The Raiders (and the raided) with Everyone Else. I am genuinely disappointed in both the team for being so horrible at this game that they NEEDED Alleviation to even reach this point, but also in myself for adding them to the roster in the first place. As such, the prize for today will be a girl scout cookie. One girl scout cookie, and to really put that gold leaf cherry on top, I made sure to put in hours of research to figure out what the most hated flavor of girl scout cookie was, and that's the one that I ordered. Don't worry. I have the good ones, which everyone else will be able to enjoy. In fact, I'll be reselling entire boxes for a low price of one dollar, which anyone can purchase. Unless you are on Serendipity... but that's beyond the point.
This time, I accidentally left the voting time open for too long, but luckily, it ended a few days ago, so we have the complete votes. We received a total of [​XX] votes today. If you are safe, you will get a girl scout cookie. If you are not, you will be joining the voters in the spectator stands. Let's begin!
An impatient voice calls from the seats.

  Today, we received a grand total of [​23] votes! It's not super close to our record, but it's nice that the count isn't dropping drastically. I was really hoping that we'd get some more votes, and even as someone who has the power to create new timelines and shape reality into her own liking, I will admit that not everything is going to go perfectly in my favor.
The first safe contestant today is [​Moobloom], who quite surprisingly, only got [​1] vote this time, so she will be getting a cookie. I can't tell for sure who voted for her. I do know that ikkefleresmaragder initally voted for her, but it seems that she changed her vote to Axolotl.
You want to know something? Moobloom was eliminated in episode 15 with thirteen votes, which is two less than fifteen, and strangely enough, is the total amount of votes cast by our voters two episodes later for the rejoining. You want to know something else strange which roughly involves these numbers? Moobloom is the seventeenth contestant on the roster, and if she didn't rejoin, she would've landed herself in seventeenth place.
Another thing that I find to be oddly serendipitous is that she rejoined the game with exactly fifteen votes from the voters and other contestants, while also receiving a total of fifteen votes to be eliminated while she was on Alleviation before she was eliminated in episode fifteen.
Let's move on from that.
I point my clicker at the board, and a single yellow box appears on the screen.
I was going to vote for Moobloom because she's already been eliminated once, but axolotl didn't do anything at all! Not over 20a to 20d
Moobloom is quite pleased that she is safe.

  The next safe, at only [​2] votes, is [Cow]. There really isn't anything else to add to that, so we're just going to leave it at that.
We are left with Mooshroom and Axolotl, and I just want to say that the animal who is getting eliminated today is getting out by an enormous landslide.
At a total of [​17] votes, Axolotl will be leaving the game!

  Before we move on, I have an important message regarding something that happened to one of our dear voters, Emminlk12. A while ago, something happened to her, forcing her to depart from the campus. As such, we've named two roads by the new harbor region in her honor. Everyone, please behold Emmeline Avaneue and Koch Street. I have somewhat of an idea as to how she was forced off the campus, but I don't want to disclose too much. All I can say is that she'll be gone for quite some time.
I... had something else I wanted to say which regarded Allay, Vex, and Shadow Allay, but... I don't think that now is the time to bring any of that up. It was about one of my more... unethical experiments, to say the least.
Allay and Vex look at each other, knowing exactly what I am talking about. However, they are the only ones, and I kinda want it to stay that way for the time being. Once again, it's an experiment that I'm in no way proud of, and I prefer to you know, not talk about it on my TV show that lots of people are going to see. I have lots of regrets about it, so if anyone wants me to elaborate on it further, please come talk to me off-camera.
  Once again, I want to give a huge shout-out to everyone who has voted on this show and made this possible. I love the support and can't thank everyone who has helped me get to the point that I'm at today.
Illusioner looks up and makes a snarky comment. "When you say everyone, that includes that basement bit-"
He's cut off by Evoker. "AYOO! I mean, this may be the one time that I actually see eye-to-eye with you, but must you go to that extent? There's children watching this show, you ignoramus!"
"Why you little witch... You're gonna regret that!" He bolts up, almost as if he is about to cast some sort of spell.
Evoker laughs and turns to her friend sitting next to her.
The other teen is an iceolger with long, black hair, braided ever so slightly above her hairline. She pulls a white cardigan over her blue dress before speaking up.
"Is he serious? Does he really think that he's going to be able to use magic against you?" She turns to a third illager girl to her right.
The third teen, who also happens to be a mage herself, brushes her colorful hair, dyed in a sunset-esque gradient behind her back. "Even if he does, he somehow stands even less of a chance than I do, and my magic skills are straight garbage!"
Evoker nods with pride. "You know, Lina, you for one, not only admit that you suck at magic, but you take pride in it and don't start meaningless rivalries because of it!"
The girl with the dyed hair chuckles. "Right on that!"
The three girls are so caught up in their conversation that they don't notice Illusioner approach them and sit down in the row behind them.
"Hey NERDS!"
The black-haired iceologer whips around, while unconsciously creating a small ring of ice spikes around herself.
"Ah, I forgot. I don't understand how someone as feisty and fiery as YOU can somehow be a cryomancer. Anyways... why don't you just conceal, not feel~ Why don't you just... you know... let it go? Hah!!"
The girl becomes more infuriated. "Ok, so THAT'S the way that you want to play, huh? In that case, do you want to BE a snowman?"
Illusioner backs off, and turmoil within the audience ensues.

  I don't have time for this nonsense. Can we just end this already? I don't have the time to deal with this much... must I say it... chaos. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but, I've been having these really intrusive visions lately. Visions of a fabricated past that my mind is desperately trying to convince me... I don't know how to put this, but my mind is trying to convince me that everything in these visions is real, even when it's clearly not. Some of these visions are manifestations of real experiences, and others seem to strange omens. I've had these visions for quite some time now, and I think that my anxiety is making them worse. I'd appreciate it if I DIDN'T have to deal with this chaos right now.
The audience continues chatting loudly, so I think that... you know what, I need to make an announcement. I tap my microphone, and the crowd seems to fall to silence within seconds.

Now that that's out of the way, we can prepare for today's task. Please give me some time to get things set up. In the meantime, you can do what you want. Within reason, of course. I need to take some time to myself, so you'll have to wait an hour at most.
I nod as I drive down to the Abiogenesis River, with the intent of commanding Little Ruta over to the boardwalk. From there, I'd board the mechanical marvel and take some time to myself...
Thank you to these users for commenting/voting on the game!


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What happened to the badge drop down menus?
I'm honestly not bothered to put them back.

If you are a returning viewer, you probably noticed that the user badge and badge requirements drop down boxes are gone! Where did they go? Well, I had to remove them due to time limitations, formatting issues. I might add them back at a later date though!

  Since today is the one-year anniversary of the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy, I want to make today's contest special. For today's contest, I want you guys to set up something special to celebrate an entire year of BENT! This can be anything you want, and it can be anywhere on campus that you want. This can include making food, throwing a party, or even a visual arts performance. Anything that you can make to celebrate the show's anniversary. You will be judged based on a set criteria which I will not be disclosing. You can do basically anything you would like to, and you have four hours. I will be judging the... let's call them venues... based on how close they are to me. You don't need to worry about reaching out to me to tell me where your team's venue is. I have the Timeline Crystal, which allows me to view live feeds of any timeline I choose at any given time. Granted, do have other ways of finding out. If you need me, I will be inside Little Ruta, who is in her normal space in the Abiogenesis River. You have four hours to create something to celebrate the first anniversary of BENT, and your time starts now!

Heya! The poll is on 21b! The question for this chapter is... totally unrelated to BENT! That's because... well... check the group. It's not good. I'd prefer to switch the focus away from this. Do you have any pets?

Poll ended 04/13/2023 9:43 am.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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03/20/2023 2:53 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pig
Axel-Ottl's Avatar
03/15/2023 11:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
platinadrottning's Avatar
03/15/2023 2:42 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Awesome story !

And thanks for the reference to Emmi... Warms my heart.

She'll be back, and that day, I'll be so happy !
03/15/2023 10:51 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
I'm so sorry.

Promise me that... you will never forget
03/15/2023 10:15 am
Level 31 : Artisan Theorist
Zibonzi's Avatar
Yes ! I'll read it as soon as possible !
03/15/2023 9:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar
in case the ping didn't work
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03/16/2023 8:51 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Tonytime34567's Avatar
Who else clicked on this because they were mentioned in it?
03/15/2023 12:31 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
this time it worked
03/15/2023 1:04 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
ok good ;D
03/15/2023 9:49 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
i love it!
can't wait for 21b!
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