[ Rust ] [ OOC Thread ]

NorthernGamR's Avatar NorthernGamR7/10/13 6:41 pm
1 emeralds 1.1k 51
8/21/2013 6:52 pm
NorthernGamR's Avatar NorthernGamR

Long ago, The floating city made of bronze named Aurarin was on the brink of destruction. A scientist by the name of Daniel Garret attempted to improve bronze and make its uses even larger. But all did not go as planned. Instead of making bronze stronger, He created a parasite that fed on bronze, " Rust " they called it. Rust spread fast and began eating through Aurarin. A desperate people began exploring for a new land to live in. And they did! A group of explorers discovered a small continent to the south of Aurarin. However the Leaders of Aurarin were more than reluctant to let the people that filled their pockets with tax gold leave. They shut down all harbors and ships. Any and All attempts to leave Aurarin were to be met with swift and deadly punishment. However, One small airship named " The Compass " successfully escaped from Aurarin and took with it a small group of people. It set its course to the south and began its long journey to the new land. The land without Rust.

Just to describe the area a bit. Aurarin is a really ( really ) Big city. Like think the size of a very small state. Second, Both Aurarin and the new Continent float high above the sea. ( Woo Floating Land mass of hope FTW ) So yeah.... Probably coul have done a better job at typing this part.... Oh well :p

[1] No godmodding!

[2] No story derailing/hijacking

[3] No Mary/Gary Sues!

[4] Keep any Romances PG-13

[5] Acceptors ruling is final.

[6] Try not to post one liners in roleplay.

[7] Put Down in Which way does a compass point?

[8] Don't control other peoples characters.

[9] Don't powergame / metagame.

[10] Do your best when it comes to your application.

IC Here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/topic-t279943.html






Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. )


Which way does a Compass point:
Posted by NorthernGamR's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Scribe

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08/21/2013 4:25 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Sneezing_Yoshi's Avatar
(First roleplay ever, I apologize if there's any mistakes).
Name: Brandon Andre

Appearance: Thick shaggy brown hair, deep blue eyes, pale complexion, sullen expression. Slender Build. He normally wears a Uniform he received from his Father before he was killed in an attempt to flee Aurarin. Other than that, when not wearing his uniform he likes to wear a hoodie, a blue T-Shirt reading: 'Just do it.' battered jeans, and a pair of shoes.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Refugee.

Backstory: His father was a member of AM(Aurarin Members) It seemed a very formal title and they were never looked down upon. Until that day. Their main reason of this organization was a desperate attempt to flee this floating Island of Bronze. By gaining many powerful friends and members and rarely making enemies they were a formidable group.
A member called Brian Andre had a Son as they were leaving. Other then his plan, he was not a heartless man, he planned to find a place for them to settle and live there with his family. He knew he would slow the group down so he stayed, he was soon captured and killed.

Which way does a Compass point: Down.
08/21/2013 6:52 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Much to my dismay this RP died a while ago :/ Though another RP that I could suggest is quest-heroes-ooc-thread-t264627.html
07/22/2013 9:17 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
07/20/2013 6:07 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
MCHogwarts's Avatar
Martia Aurora Jenks

"See this gun? This can easily make your brains turn into mush."

Name: Martia "PickPocket" Aurora Jenks

Age: Unknown, looks around the age of 21 to 23

Gender: Female

Occupation: Refugee

Backstory:I don't exactly have ideas now, so I'll edit this later on once I have a load of ideas, if that's alright?

Which way does a Compass point: Down
07/20/2013 7:07 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
Well, this is what I was thinking.

There are two types of natives. Good, friendly natives, and bad, natives who believe explorers should be killed and scalped. My character would be a descendant of a Indian female and a English / Whatever country most people on the ship are. Basically, explorers came. Most of then went in the wrong direction and got killed by the bad, but one explorer stayed with the good Indians, and liked it so much he didn't go back.

But due to that, barely anyone knew about the expedition and if it had been a success. Barely anyone knows about it now.

My Indian would be from that line of descendants, so he wouldn't look completely like an Indian, or talk like one.

As for weapons, I would think bow and arrows would be fine. The Indians will have stealth and knowledge of the land on their side if things got tense. They could perhaps have a few steam rifles and stuff, but they've run out of ammo throughout the years.

How does that sound?

EDIT: Application.

Name: Abooksigun is his Indian name, but his English name is Johnathan.

Age: Twenty – Three.

Gender: Male.

Occupation: Warrior. ( He's not on the ship yet. )

Backstory: Johnathan was born from a unique line of people. His great-great grandfather was an explorer from the ill-fated New Land expedition. The expedition went well at the start; They were well-supplied, had a good captain, and the explorers were all well trained, but all did not go as planned.

When they left Aurarin, sickness soon struck – A sickness that no one knew how to cure. It wasn't fatal, but the infected person would suffer extreme nausea, throw up constantly, and had a very high temperature. They used up half their medical stores before realizing this was a new disease.

Nevertheless, the captain pushed on and the explorers were dropped off with their provisions onto the New Land. After that, the captain immediately sailed away. He was not heard from again.

The explorers fared well at the start. There was plenty of game and new things to discover, but soon the animals became scarce, and the explorers were not trained hunters. They could shoot straight, yes, but in Aurarin at the time, all animals were kept in large nature pens, where it would look like their original habitat. The explorers signaled for help, but it never came.

Thankfully, they stumbled upon the Natives of the land. The friendly tribe took them in, and soon the explorers were fit again. Four went off into the wilderness, but never returned. One man alone stayed at the village, and after the remains of the explorers were found, he decided to stay at the village forever.

He married a native, and they lived happily with one son. Eventually, they passed on and the one son they had married, and then he had a son, and so on. When Abooksigun was born, they took to calling him Johnathan in honor of his great-great grandfather, but other natives called him Abooksigun, or wildcat, because of his strength and daring.

In terms of personality, Abooksigun has a sanguine disposition. He naturally assumes the role of a leader, and is not afraid to confess a mistake. He is brave, and sometimes makes rash decisions, but is usually thoughtful.

Which way does a Compass point: Down.
07/20/2013 10:39 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar

And if you want Kori you can make a a character with a really short app and use him until the ship makes it to the new land. Then have him like die or somethin.
07/19/2013 8:42 am
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
They aren't exploring america they are exploring a floating landmass... and when you say exploring its more like running away.
07/19/2013 6:58 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
This roleplay is coming along nicely, but I probably won't apply for captain of the marines anymore. I mean, how would I roleplay him now, when the roleplay is already progressing so fast? Some awful hangover? Noo.

I know this sounds kinda odd, but is it possible I could be a Native American? Because if they're exploring America there's bound to be some Indians. Then again, I really don't know what you're planning on having in America.

And yes, it may be a wait until the ship lands on America. I could wait. Maybe when it finally landed they could trade? Supplies for guns and ammo?
07/19/2013 10:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
I was actually planning on having some sort of Natives on the floating land mass ( Lol stop me if there is a better word for it. ) I wasnt sure if I was going to make em be like cannibals Or just friendly Natives. Also since it is steampunk I wasnt sure how advacned they would be.

But yeh. I am pretty open to however you want to be a Native dude since I havent put a TON of thought into it.
07/17/2013 7:51 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
07/17/2013 8:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Yay Thunder! * Claps happily * Accepted
07/17/2013 11:51 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
RoxthesoxI wonder if I can get away with this..

Play this while you give it a read through: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAWpIQATcRE

Mr. Shire

Name: Sir Anthony Wilbur Shire, often simply referred to as Mr. Shire.


Age: 42

Gender: Male

Occupation: Profiteer

Backstory: Shire and his gang hail from a land outside the city of Aurarin, the rough outskirts rarely visited for the fluctuations in gravity, and the constant fear of falling out of the sky. For 10 years he and his boys have pillaged and caused havoc in the far-lands, only looking to work up enough coin for a meagre retirement.

It was recently that the four of them were captured by troops from the capital, and sentenced to hang for a list of crimes longer than your arm. On the eve of their execution they were greeted by a shady government official. The devil of a man offered them the chance to live another day, should they work for him. Being the business man he is, Shire accepted and within a week the paperwork was done, and the gang was free.

For a long while now they've been running this gig, doing dirty jobs for some off shoot politician attempting to thin out his competition. Though during an interview Shire's boss was asked one question too many about any association he had with the gangs of the city, and the day later the group was fired and put up for bounty.

With no where else to turn, they headed for the only ship still leaving the godforsaken city, leaving nothing but poor mistakes behind them.

Which way does a Compass point: Down.

The Venson Brothers

Name: (From right to left) Mad-dog, Smalls, and Nob. They all share the last name Venson.


Age: 41, 32, 29

Gender: All three are male.

Occupation: All three work for Mr. Shire.

Backstory: Once upon a time the three hooligans, then known as the Rat-away Gang, sat in a town officer station cell, awaiting justice. Along came Mr. Shire, dapper and clean-shaven, younger too. Though to their surprise he was ushered into the same cell as them. He took his seat, and drew a small flask of whiskey, taking a swig before offering it to the each of them. As the night went on the quartet got chatting, cracking jokes, though this banter soon quieted down, and evolved into planning.

That evening whilst the guard slept, Mad-dog pretended to attack Shire with an insane level of fury. Nearly pissing himself the guard open the cell to pull him off, that was when Smalls kicked him and Nob knocked him out. Taking his keys they made off with a load of coin, the officer's vehicle, and all their weaponry.

Since then on they've lived a simple life of robbery, all until they were called into parliament for some unknown reason.. ( this is basically the other half of the groups story, it would lead into Shire's story. )

Which way does a Compass point: "Down" "Compass don't like that stupid!" "..."

Accepted. If you promise to actually post in the IC :p
07/15/2013 12:54 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
4165037520's Avatar
Spoiler because the image is a little lewd c:

"G'd evening captain.."

Name: Phoebe K. Hemingway

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Occupation: Courtesan / Rogue


Every man has his secrets, and some are easier to acquire than others. Growing up in brothel in a common section of Aurarin, she was no stranger to love and other such things. Her mother, the proprietor of the establishment was once called to capital to speak with a few members of the aristocracy. While waiting at the brothel, running the counter in her mother's place she had assumed her business was nothing out of the usual. Though when she returned she was told of the opportunity granted to her, and a few of her companions if they were interested. Their duties were to spend time with their new clients who would be much wealthier than those they currently served, though aside from this they were to listen and thieve. However her new bosses were very clear that they should only intake special details they may accidentally announce, and to only steal documents, no gold or jewellery.

This job continued for a few years until Phoebe had the idea to begin pinching small amounts of gold from the small strongboxes of her clients, who were almost always passed out from a great intake of wine. The thievery went unnoticed, so the girl took more, and more, until one night a maid had spotted her stealing a tiara from a royal's jewellery box. The woman hollered and screamed for guards, making a terrible racket. In the heat of the moment Phoebe picked up a vase and threw it at the woman, knocking her to the floor. With her pockets stuff she managed to escape the estate unharmed, though her prosecutors were not far behind. Telling the news to her mother the pair formed a plan.

Phoebe would board a new ship heading out of the city, which had already clearly been heading downhill, and her mother would buy her time by blaming the situation on one of her other employees. Though her departure and separation from her mother was hard to pass, the young girl and mother alike know that it is for the best, perhaps one day they will be reunited. Now she awaits an opportunity to raise her placing in wherever this ship will take her.
Which way does a Compass point:
07/15/2013 11:05 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
07/14/2013 9:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
BlueLandmineTurtle's Avatar
She is 4 ft 7" and is 77 pounds. She has steampunk style googles rather than the tiara.

"Why do I need to be rich if I can't have fun."
Dio Lithe
Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. )
Refugee, She is in first class but often sneaks off to other parts of the ship.
When Dio was a little girl she was always very ill. She was diagnosed with an illness that made her legs practically unusable. This was first noticed when she had sudden issues walking at age 6. Her rich parents attempted to cure her with numerous medicines and called about 3 dozen doctors, but nothing had worked. She had no siblings, no other relatives, nothing. She was always in her room,sitting in her wheelchair with a black cat she hid from her parents as they thought they were evil cradled in her lap, just staring out the window, as if she was in another world. She could barely walk but always would be roaming the house either crawling or using a jeweled cane to balance herself, but was always caught by her parents and carried back to her room. She always had maids or butlers checking in on her. She was sick of staring out this bloody window, the same thing everyday. Any longer she would go insane. There was one butler although, about her age who she wouldn't send off or tell to leave her alone. He was the only one who didn't see her as weak or fragile. He knew she was in pain from being locked up for so long, treated like a caged animal. He offered to help her, even though he knew he would be punished, possibly killed. But he didn't care. He just wanted her to be happy and see the girl smile. So, one night she packed two suitcases, one a small suitcase, the other a proper luggage bag. The boy distracted all the guards and made sure everything was safe before she went away. She took all she needed, plenty of money from the safe, she knew the combination from watching her parents unlock it many times. Security you ask? She knew how to hack and disable it. The boy waved her off, but gave her a small black handkerchief to remember him and he whispered his name in her ear, as he was forbidden as a servant to tell his name. It was a rule in the Lithe Manor. She walked down the rainy streets. Little did she know her house would be set fire to that very night, killing her parents. She had known about the "Rust" and had already reserved a ticket on the boat as she had planned her escape for a while. She knew the guards would be superstitious of a 13 year old getting on a ship alone, so she dressed as a man, using her father's clothing and a small pair of stilts. It had worked. She always snuck around the ship, her small build and height making it very easy to hide and not be found. Whenever someone asked who she was she would answer, Sir Alexander Lithe's daughter.She used her father's name and whenever someone requested to see him, she would dress up as him and speak to the person. She kept her cover easily.Although she is still very ill, she walks around with her cane or in a wheelchair. She is excellent at shooting guns, making her a person you would not want to mess with, as she always has a small gun hidden under her dress. (I think they would at least have old time leather and copper type wheelchairs, right? if not scratch the wheelchair.And is this a legit size,? if not i can add more.)

Which way does a Compass point:
Down, although I may need a new compass. Oh well. *closes compass locket*

Mmm. Wasnt sure what to do with this one. But since I am not very strict with this RP accepted I suppose.

Sorry., edited it a bit.
07/14/2013 9:30 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
She is 4 ft 7" and is 77 pounds. She has steampunk style googles rather than the tiara.

"Why do I need to be rich if I can't have fun."
Dio Lithe
Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. )
Refugee, She is in first class but often sneaks off to other parts of the ship.
When Dio was a little girl she was always very ill. She was diagnosed with an illness that made her legs practically unusable. This was first noticed when she had sudden issues walking at age 6. Her rich parents attempted to cure her with numerous medicines and called about 3 dozen doctors, but nothing had worked. She had no siblings, no other relatives, nothing. She was always in her room,sitting in her wheelchair with a black cat she hid from her parents as they thought they were evil cradled in her lap, just staring out the window, as if she was in another world. She could barely walk but always would be roaming the house either crawling or using a jeweled cane to balance herself, but was always caught by her parents and carried back to her room. She always had maids or butlers checking in on her. She was sick of staring out this bloody window, the same thing everyday. Any longer she would go insane. There was one butler although, about her age who she wouldn't send off or tell to leave her alone. He was the only one who didn't see her as weak or fragile. He knew she was in pain from being locked up for so long, treated like a caged animal. He offered to help her, even though he knew he would be punished, possibly killed. But he didn't care. He just wanted her to be happy and see the girl smile. So, one night she packed two suitcases, one a small suitcase, the other a proper luggage bag. The boy distracted all the guards and made sure everything was safe before she went away. She took all she needed, plenty of money from the safe, she knew the combination from watching her parents unlock it many times. Security you ask? She knew how to hack and disable it. The boy waved her off, but gave her a small black handkerchief to remember him and he whispered his name in her ear, as he was forbidden as a servant to tell his name. It was a rule in the Lithe Manor. She walked down the rainy streets. Little did she know her house would be set fire to that very night, killing her parents. She had known about the "Rust" and had already reserved a ticket on the boat as she had planned her escape for a while. She knew the guards would be superstitious of a 13 year old getting on a ship alone, so she dressed as a man, using her father's clothing and a small pair of stilts. It had worked. She always snuck around the ship, her small build and height making it very easy to hide and not be found. Whenever someone asked who she was she would answer, Sir Alexander Lithe's daughter.She used her father's name and whenever someone requested to see him, she would dress up as him and speak to the person. She kept her cover easily.Although she is still very ill, she walks around with her cane or in a wheelchair. She is excellent at shooting guns, making her a person you would not want to mess with, as she always has a small gun hidden under her dress. (I think they would at least have old time leather and copper type wheelchairs, right? if not scratch the wheelchair.And is this a legit size,? if not i can add more.)

Which way does a Compass point:
Down, although I may need a new compass. Oh well. *closes compass locket*

Mmm. Wasnt sure what to do with this one. But since I am not very strict with this RP accepted I suppose.
07/14/2013 8:52 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
BlueLandmineTurtle's Avatar
She is 4 ft 7" and is 77 pounds. She has steampunk style googles rather than the tiara and black hair instead of blonde.

"Weak you say? Ha. Tell me that again when you are almost dead on the floor begging for mercy."
Dio Lithe
15, although she looks like a small child.
Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. )
Refugee, she often explores other parts of the ship
When Dio was a little girl she was always very ill. She was diagnosed with an illness that made her legs practically unusable. This was first noticed when she had sudden issues walking at age 6. Her rich parents attempted to cure her with numerous medicines and called about 3 dozen doctors, but nothing had worked. She had no siblings, no other relatives, nothing. She was always in her room,sitting in her wheelchair with a black cat she hid from her parents as they thought they were evil cradled in her lap, just staring out the window, as if she was in another world. She could barely walk but always would be roaming the house either crawling or using a jeweled cane to balance herself, but was always caught by her parents and carried back to her room. She always had maids or butlers checking in on her. She was sick of staring out this bloody window, the same thing everyday. Any longer she would go insane. There was one butler although, about her age who she wouldn't send off or tell to leave her alone. He was the only one who didn't see her as weak or fragile. He knew she was in pain from being locked up for so long, treated like a caged animal. He offered to help her, even though he knew he would be punished, possibly killed. But he didn't care. He just wanted her to be happy and see the girl smile. So, one night she packed two suitcases, one a small suitcase, the other a proper luggage bag. The boy distracted all the guards and made sure everything was safe before she went away. She took all she needed,enough money from the safe to get on the ship, she knew the combination from watching her parents unlock it many times. Security you ask? She knew how to hack and disable it. The boy waved her off, but gave her a small black handkerchief to remember him and he whispered his name in her ear, as he was forbidden as a servant to tell his name. It was a rule in the Lithe Manor. She walked down the rainy streets. Little did she know her house would be set fire to that very night, killing her parents. She had known about the "Rust" and had already reserved a ticket on the boat as she had planned her escape for a while. She knew the guards would be superstitious of a 13 year old getting on a ship alone, so she dressed as a man, using her father's clothing and a small pair of stilts. It had worked. She always snuck around the ship, her small build and height making it very easy to hide and not be found. Whenever someone asked who she was she would answer, Sir Alexander Lithe's daughter.She used her father's name and whenever someone requested to see him, she would dress up as him and speak to the person. She kept her cover easily.Although she is still very ill, she walks around with her cane or in a wheelchair. She is excellent at shooting guns, making her a person you would not want to mess with, as she always has a small gun hidden under her dress. She is not normally caught by guards for roaming but when she is her illness gives her the excuse of being unstable or unaware, although none of that was true. She would rather be around the con-men or the stowaways than the rich people. She hates how they act, so she prefers the more "real" people. She has a disability pass that she uses when she gets caught, it excuses her from most as her illness is rare and not much known about. (I think they would at least have old time leather and copper type wheelchairs, right? if not scratch the wheelchair.And is this a legit size,? if not i can add more.)

Which way does a Compass point:
Down, although I may need a new compass. Oh well. *closes compass locket*
07/14/2013 8:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
I feel less original now
07/14/2013 8:37 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
* Pats on backs * Its ok Deth.... Its ok..
07/14/2013 6:41 pm
Level 29 : Expert Network
Oni__'s Avatar

Hey wanna buy a watch? 100% fake, dirt cheap too.

Rilr "Dodger" Fiore

The picture at the top of this app only with blonde hair. 6'5", moderate build, leaning towards skinny.



A con man of sorts, he also has a handy skill in engineering and inventing.

Backed into a corner, what a predicament he was in now, he looked around, then he started  to count, "One, two, three, four, five," he said with a small pause between each number, he was counting up on his fingers, as he looked at the people surrounding him,  looked back at his hands, one was fully open, three of his other hands fingers were yet to rise, "Ohh! That makes seven of you!" a wild look was flickering in his eyes, a manic grin painted across his face. The men surrounding him were thugs, quite clearly, men of thirty and older. "Now gentlemen!" he exclaimed with great alacrity, "Is somthing the matter?" he said this to them with a wide grin on his face, seeming unphased at the various bits of metal they carried. "Kid, this rust repellant you sold us didnt work, care to explain yourself?" one of the thugs said, clearly the leader,
"Oh! It didn't work? Soooo sorry mister! Don't worry, this small misunderstanding can be fixed quite easily! tell me do you have any insurance on said faulty item?" the thugs stared at him their anger showing on their faces, their leader hit his pipe against the wall next to the young mans head, "No we didnt get any insurance, now are you going to give us our money back or not?" the leader said, fuming at the young mans ignorance at the amount of them and their weapons, the young man however soon replied,
"Sir that would be a... no, sorry please come again!" with this statement the thug wildly swung at the young man, missing him by a few cenimeters,
"Are you insane? Do you know what we could do to you?"
"Oh insane sir? Please let us avoid using such strong statements as that! I prefer the term, now what was it? Oh yes, Mental unstable, yes that was definatley it. Now if you shall excuse me I will be leaving!" With this, the young man stood up and started to run, putting on the hat which he had been holding this whole time, his manic grin turned into one of self-accomplishment and his eyes turned dark under his hat as he let his fringe fall over them, he ran to a bridge, where he was cornered, "Oh come now, lets not end this on a spur note gentleman!" he exclaimed as they pushed him towards the edge, "Oh! well, it was lovely meeting you!" these were the last words he said as he fell backwards off of the bridge into the water than ran coursing through city underneath, taking him into a sewer sytem.

Now this youngs man name is Rilr, Rilr Fiore to be exact. However many know him by a different name, Dodger. This is the name given him to those on the street who know him as a con-man, however those are only the people in the black market, idiots he calls them, people trying to stop the rust spreading, it would never happen, nothing seemed to be able to stop it, he realised that when it destroyed all of his inventions, small as they were his contraptions had their own quirky traits which made them sell, like the lighter which would only light if it got wet, hilarious to see people get frustrated, thst was one of his favorite, Dthen there was the Yo-Yo which would only release upwards and lock if it started to unreal downwards, yes they were amusing contraptions, sll destoryed by the rust. It drove many out of buisness, to the point of begging, the city state didn't even want people to leave, they wanted them to stay there with the city falling apart around them, no one bought it though, then there were rumours, of a ship which would set sail to a new land, now today just happens to be that day and Rilr has already made the arrangements.

Getting himself on was simple you see, all it involved was a small payment and a crate of wind which he "borrowed" and falsely labelled to make it seek a higher brand and the promise he would use his engineer skills to help out on the ship, when he boarded it he was amazed, so many people were willing to crowd onto one small ship without the governments permission, he soon sat himself right at the back on the edge and waited for the Compass to take flight.

Which way does a Compass point:
Down, I think I broke it.
07/14/2013 7:12 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Though there are a few misspelling I will accept... Now get on the IC :p
07/14/2013 3:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar

Lol sorry it took so long. Got distracted by a new TV show. Anyways I will add this to the first post also... See you in the IC.
07/14/2013 3:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
WuvBunneh's Avatar
Yaysh! ^w^ where iz teh IC link?
07/14/2013 3:32 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ClayDoc's Avatar
The quotations are probably better. Italic isn't as easy to see.
07/14/2013 2:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ClayDoc's Avatar
Did you add quotation marks? If you did they aren't showing up for me. Also I changed it.
07/14/2013 2:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
No the quotation marks were there when I first posted this thread. I changed it to Italic later. Anyways Accepted!

I will make the IC now.
07/14/2013 2:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ClayDoc's Avatar
I didn't understand what I was supposed to write. Was I supposed to write "down"? It was hard to read.
07/14/2013 2:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Yeh. Was it hard to read with the Quotation marks or is it still hard to read?
07/14/2013 2:25 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
ClayDocName: Alexander Elahart

Kind of like this. Less feminine looking.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. ) Vice navigator and doctor's assistant.

Backstory: Alexander Elahart had lived in the city of bronze for as long as he could remember. His parents had told him that they moved their when he turned 2 years old. His father had been offered a job at a bank there and his mother quickly settled into the idea of staying at home until Alexander was old enough to take care of himself. At the age of 6 he started going to school and his mother started working part time in a store that sold hats as a clerk. Alexander was a weak and socially awkward kid which led to him being bullied. He didn't tell his parents about it since he feared that he would get picked on even more. His life continued like this until he became 12. A teacher saw the kids bullying Alexander and told his parents about it. His parents decided that it would be best if he switched schools. The same year he did. The people there were much nicer and the rest of his school life was great. He learned all mathematics, history, geography and navigation that he would ever want to know. He even learned a bit about different kinds of plants. His life was good and he forgot all about his past school. When he turned 18 he graduated school and started working in the bank like his dad which at that point had become his boss. For four years he worked at that bank until one day news about the parasitic "rust" that spread through the city, eating anything made of bronze in it's way. The rust spread quickly and rumors spread at the same speed. Rumors that the city was going to fall. That the rust has started eating away at the very things keeping it in the air. This terrified Alexander and his family and they ran to the airship dock to catch a ride on one of the airships. However the leaders of Aurarin for whatever reason banned any travel out of the city. Everything seemed hopeless until rumors about an airship called "The Compass" that was about to try to escape reached them. He and his parents managed to find this airship. However the ship was just setting out and couldn't take more passengers. The dock was filled with people that didn't get a seat on the airship, all of them desperatly ran after the ship and some of them even jumped towards it in a desperate act to get aboard, sadly all who did just fell down into the world below. Alexander's parents looked at him and then at the bag with rations they took with them then they nodded to each other, gave him the bag and told him to run for it. They told him that it was his only chance of survival and hugged him then they let go and gave him a boost. He ran for all he was worth but the terrified faces of the people that fell haunted his mind. He looked around to see if there was something to give him some elevation. He saw a couple of crates standing by the railing and decided that they were good enough. Then he ran towards them, jumped up, and leaped forward out into the air. Towards the airship. He expected that he would grap nothing and simply fall down like the rest but he felt the wood that "The Compass" was made of under his palms. He opened his eyes which he had closed in fear and saw that he actually managed to grab the ship. He climbed up and sat down on the floor of the ship. Alot of angry people stared at him but decided not to kill him when he told them about his abilities and when he showed them the food he brought.

Which way does a Compass point: South :3 ((Btw I'm sorry if the app was half-arsed personally I think it turned out pretty bad but I didn't feel like rewriting it.))

Looks fine to me. But one thing. You put the wrong thing in Which way does a Compass point. (( And yes I do plan to be a pain in the butt about it ))
07/14/2013 1:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ClayDoc's Avatar
Name: Alexander Elahart

Kind of like this. Less feminine looking.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. ) Vice navigator and doctor's assistant.

Backstory: Alexander Elahart had lived in the city of bronze for as long as he could remember. His parents had told him that they moved there when he turned 2 years old. His father had been offered a job at a bank there and his mother quickly settled into the idea of staying at home until Alexander was old enough to take care of himself. At the age of 6 he started going to school and his mother started working part time in a store that sold hats as a clerk. Alexander was a weak and socially awkward kid which led to him being bullied. He didn't tell his parents about it since he feared that he would get picked on even more. His life continued like this until he became 12. A teacher saw the kids bullying Alexander and told his parents about it. His parents decided that it would be best if he switched schools. The same year he did. The people there were much nicer and the rest of his school life was great. He learned all mathematics, history, geography and navigation that he would ever want to know. He even learned a bit about different kinds of plants. His life was good and he forgot all about his past school. When he turned 18 he graduated school and started working in the bank like his dad which at that point had become his boss. For four years he worked at that bank until one day news about the parasitic "rust" that spread through the city, eating anything made of bronze in it's way. The rust spread quickly and rumors spread at the same speed. Rumors that the city was going to fall. That the rust has started eating away at the very things keeping it in the air. This terrified Alexander and his family and they ran to the airship dock to catch a ride on one of the airships. However the leaders of Aurarin for whatever reason banned any travel out of the city. Everything seemed hopeless until rumors about an airship called "The Compass" that was about to try to escape reached them. He and his parents managed to find this airship. However the ship was just setting out and couldn't take more passengers. The dock was filled with people that didn't get a seat on the airship, all of them desperatly ran after the ship and some of them even jumped towards it in a desperate act to get aboard, sadly all who did just fell down into the world below. Alexander's parents looked at him and then at the bag with rations they took with them then they nodded to each other, gave him the bag and told him to run for it. They told him that it was his only chance of survival and hugged him then they let go and gave him a boost. He ran for all he was worth but the terrified faces of the people that fell haunted his mind. He looked around to see if there was something to give him some elevation. He saw a couple of crates standing by the railing and decided that they were good enough. Then he ran towards them, jumped up, and leaped forward out into the air. Towards the airship. He expected that he would grab nothing and simply fall down like the rest but he felt the wood that "The Compass" was made of under his palms. He opened his eyes which he had closed in fear and saw that he actually managed to grab the ship. He climbed up and sat down on the floor of the ship. Alot of angry people stared at him but decided not to kill him when he told them about his abilities and when he showed them the food he brought.

Which way does a Compass point: Down? ((Btw I'm sorry if the app was half-arsed personally I think it turned out pretty bad but I didn't feel like rewriting it.))
07/14/2013 6:27 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
WuvBunneh's Avatar
Everyone is doing this type of app, time to go... MAINSTREAM *Swag dance*

Lex Harthorn

(Insert cheesy line)






Spear Fisher-woman


I apologize if it is short/sucks XD

Lex was raised in a a small shack directly next to the ocean on a shabby, dull beach. Far away from society her father taught her to fish with nets, rods and snares but she enjoyed spear fishing the most. Learning how to hold her breath and swim, her father recorded her times. The highest she lasted underwater without breathing was 8 minutes and swam around 600m (about 9-10 lengths in an Olympic pool), her ability to swim powerfully allows her to hunt for various fish, return to her father and cook them, sometimes she was told to take them to a market a few miles from their home.

When Lex was 14 Lex's father told her to go and meet with his sister and stay with her for a few months to be educated, as education costed and they were a poor family. So she did, when Lex met her aunt she began teaching Lex about common literature and mathematics. Overall the basic requirements for an average job. Since she didn't go to school she wasn't as intelligent as most others, this made her father decide to send her to her aunts three times a week, this lasted until she was around 18 years of age when her aunt decided Lex knew what was needed to know.

When Lex was 20 she began visiting the market more often and speaking with various travellers until news came about of 'The Rust' a parasite in a city called Aurarin. Out of curiosity Lex left her father for a few days to travel to this city, it was the worst mistake she made, the sights she saw was great but within days of staying there the city had fallen. Wanting to go home Lex attempted to leave but those around refused warning her that there was consequences of trying to escape, however it didn't take long for Lex to hear the rumours of 'The Compass', an airship leaving Aurarin. And it didn't take long for her to sneak into the cargo.

Which way does a Compass point:

07/14/2013 7:47 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Looks pretty good. Just so you know your skill with fishing more than likely wont be much good on the Compass Because it sails extremely high over the water. ( The new continent is a floating land mass. Probably should put that in the first post. )

07/14/2013 5:51 am
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
07/14/2013 4:35 am
Level 29 : Expert Network
Oni__'s Avatar
I have writers block for steampunky stuff right now, expect app when it leaves.
07/14/2013 4:06 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
WuvBunneh's Avatar
I ahm applying shoon
07/13/2013 7:40 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
07/11/2013 5:46 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
There isn't one... if you mean quotation mark then sure
07/11/2013 6:24 pm
Level 29 : Expert Network
Oni__'s Avatar
It looked like an asterisk on my phone.
07/11/2013 6:30 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
I will fix that I suppose
07/11/2013 5:24 pm
Level 29 : Expert Network
Oni__'s Avatar
Is it a bad thing the asterisk in rule 7 has made me unable to understand it?
07/11/2013 11:16 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Occupation: Marine captain. He'll be partly in charge of some of the military stuff when they land. That ok?

Go for it :]
07/11/2013 7:41 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
Name: Johnathan Steel.

Click to reveal

Age: Twenty-four.

Gender: Male.

Occupation: Marine captain. He'll be partly in charge of some of the military stuff when they land. That ok?

Backstory: I'll do this later. I don't have ANY ideas right now though, and I will be busy for a week starting Monday.

Which way does a Compas point: You spelled Occupation wrong. Down to the grave with you!
07/10/2013 9:33 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
Minecraftassassin's Avatar
I'll change the profession. Still working on backstory.
07/10/2013 9:38 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Kk. I think the only way that The Compass would have a prisoner is if someone on board like tried mutiny or stole from the storage or somethin.
07/10/2013 9:42 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
Minecraftassassin's Avatar
I just misread the occupation part. Thought it said prisoner and not provisioner.
07/10/2013 10:10 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar

And I cant wait to see your backstory. Once I accept you I will wait for one more person. Then I will make the IC
07/10/2013 9:21 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
I 'spose yeah
07/10/2013 9:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
"You see this gun? With this gun I can paint this ship with your brains,"

Name: Serra (Se-arah) Mograine


Age: 23

Gender: Female

Occuptation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. ) She is a freelance guard for the prisoners on the ship

Backstory:-I'm going to be working on this-

Which way does a Compas point: "Where do we go? Cap'n we be needin' a headin'," The first mate yelled. The Captain look up with a shocked expression, "We need to go down," He whispered, "Down mate," He yelled to his first mate.

Hey Assassin. I am not sure if there would be any prisoners on the Compass. I will wait to shoot it down though.
07/10/2013 8:55 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
Minecraftassassin's Avatar

"You see this gun? With this gun I can paint this ship with your brains,"

Name: Serra (Se-arah) Mograine

Appearance: See above

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Occupation: ( Refugee, Provisioner, Etc. Stuff you would do on a ship. ) She is a freelance guard for the ship

Backstory: Born in the flea district of the bronze city Serra knew what the hard life was like. She had to fight for every piece of food she ate, few and far between as they were. She learned to scavenge the scraps of bronze that broke off of the city to buy as much food as it would get her. Eventually she began stealing to gain the money needed to get food as the bronze scraps grew scarce. She new that soon this city wouldn't have any room left for her.-Not done yet I have writers block-

Which way does a Compas point: "Where do we go? Cap'n we be needin' a headin'," The first mate yelled. The Captain look up with a shocked expression, "We need to go down," He whispered, "Down mate," He yelled to his first mate.
07/10/2013 8:51 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
Damon Farrow

"Why earn it, when you can steal it!"



Occuptation: Was a theif but used his charisma and illegal wealth to get on the ship by giving them supplys and saying he could find them things once they were down on the ground

Backstory: Damon was born into a middle class family and for his early life that sufficed and he lived a happy life until the rust effected them and their small wealth was gone over night. They soon became the poorest of the poor, bottom feeders. Damon and his brothers became thieves to feed their parents and their parents tried begging for food. Eventually Damon realized that his parents hadn't come back and he thought they had left him. He and his brothers and their friends formed together and, with Damon at the lead, started to form an organised net of thievery.

Eventually the bigger, more powerful thieves began to notice them and when Damon refused the join any of them he found himself forced to use his guns and charisma to fight back. In the fire fight that followed Damon and his brothers ended running. They tried to stick together but as the rust infested slums flared up it was not long before they got separated in the chaos. That would be the last time he was to see any of his family. They only had one meeting place, the building where they had tried to battle powers that were far superior to them. He doubled back hoping to meet them in or around it and ended up waiting inside. Eventually the thieves regrouped and started searching the building. Damon knew he had no hope but to take what he could and run.

That was a few years ago now and he was up to his old tricks but he worked alone as well as with the various groups of thieves which allowed him to make his money back and while alot of what he stole went to them he had his secret stash, full of expensive luxury items from cigars to champagne, from gold pens to gold flowers. Anything. That was until one of them caught on and tried to take it off him. He refused so the thief told others about it and Damon realised that this time he would have to hide forever. He took his stash and sold most of the valubles in exchange for money and stole some hefty supplies of food. As he ran to the worse part of the slums he noticed an airship preparing to take off in the distance so he ran toward it. Once there he gave the captain all his money, claimed he knew about getting things and could get him anything he needed before handing one of his last cigars and managed to get himself a last minute seat on The Compass.

Which way does a Compass point: up
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