(OOC) The Heirs

NorthernGamR's Avatar NorthernGamR3/3/15 8:46 pm
3/20/2015 6:14 pm
Deth_Glitch's Avatar Deth_Glitch
NOTE: This is not really fantasy. This is just meant to be a pretty much realistic setting. No fairies.

It is the year 1117 of our Lord.

Not more than a fortnight ago our benevolent ruler, King Howard de Butche, passed away at the age of 53. He departed this world without a sound in his sleep. And though he left this world behind peacefully it seems we all cannot hope for such calm.

King Howard while an incredibly wise man had issues with his marital left. Although they usually did their best to keep up appearances for the good of the kingdom almost everyone could tell that the monarchy were having problems. The Queen died just under a year before our lord. Forcing him to die, regrettably, alone. And even more unto the point the family never had a child together. Leaving this kingdom without an heir.

More so, while our King had issues with women of the crown, he was more than capable of wooing women of less repute. We do not know how many extra marital… activities.. our King participated in. But when some of the King’s most trusted advisors asked him in grief how many, the King actually admitted to having lost track himself.

Matters like this were swept under the rug as best as possible, but as you have probably guessed it didn’t quite work. The Queen found out one way or another about her husband’s hobbies. Thus causing the problems previously stated.

But once again I digress.

These are hard times. Hostile enemies threaten our borders, barbarians and enemy nations smell blood in the water and they are very inclined to take a bite. Meanwhile inside the borders things aren’t much better. The citizens of Cariosus are in a state of unrest. Many were disgusted by the King’s acts and now even better there is no heir to the throne? Yes, they are quite unhappy. A powder keg just begging to go off.

So now we find ourselves here, in between a rock and a hard place, and I see but one option. For the King did have children. Just not how most people would have liked I suppose. But either way despite what people say we may very well have an heir. Somewhere.

It is not for me to intervene with, I think. I will just have to wait and see. And perhaps pray for whoever does impose themselves into this catastrophe.


Cariosus is one of the larger world powers in the realm. It spans to the edges of the relatively untamed Mortrap Forests in the south-west. Filled with sprawling hills, Redwood trees that reach out into the sky, and at it’s center lay the great lake Crista.

Running along the rest of the borders is a great plains with rivers weaving in and out through the earth. The earth is fruitful. Many farms dot the vast grassland. At the same time settlers have begun to span out further into the wilderness to make new villages.

At the center of it all, where the capital makes itself at home, is a range of mountains that break the sky. The summers are warm but never hatefully hot and the winters are always frigid and bleak. The mountains create a natural defence against invaders. They are filled with valuable metals which are mined as much as possible.

The Capital, Papili, holds over 10,000 souls. There are some slums in the city, but much more of it is filled with wealthy and grandly built homes and businesses. The slums that exist in the city are however overpopulated. There are three types of citizens within the walls. The lowest class are those that works in the mines. You can find most types of people within the walls. Women, Men, and children over the age of fourteen are all allowed to work.

The middle range are usually people who were lucky to end up working for merchants or nobles. Though some just go into business for themselves and do their best to get by. Bakers, butchers, tailors. Some manage to leave the slums while many more don’t

And at the top of the food chain sits the Nobility, the Merchants, and a few other enterprising men who managed to get a monopoly on certain businesses. Some of the Merchants buy the resources worked from the mines. While others sell food, wool, and some more exotic items which are somewhat hard to come by in the mountains.

One way or another you are in the capital. Whether you were raised there, in the plains as a farmboy, as a foreigner from a neighboring kingdom, or something else that lies inside or out of that spectrum is up for you to decide on.

Good luck.

If it isn’t clear yet and if you haven’t been around enough to see me talking about it I will explain. You are going to be trying to make it to the throne. You are allowed to to play as one of the King’s children. Though you are also free to be a normal person helping the others get that crown on their head.

I’m going to generally let you guys go about this how you want. I have a few plans for a few things you guys may possibly try to do but other than that I will sort of be making this up as I go along. Whether you play a stealthy game of deception or just run up and try to chop off the regent’s head is up to you. Though be warned doing the latter without any tact will most likely end badly for ya’.

The Rules

[1] No godmodding, powergaming, all those other words. I you know all this stuff, so don’t do it.
[2] Listen to my words.
[3] No Gary/Mary sues.
[4] Do your best on your post. Pretty please? :3
[5] Have fun!
[6] Just… You know.. Don’t be stupid?
[7] You are free to make up a kingdom of some sort that your character was raised in of you wish. Just keep it realistic. And feel free to make up some stuff when you make your character. Just make sure it fits the tone.
So since some of you asked for it I will be letting you keep your characters for the most part secret. You can choose to either just post it normally here on the OOC if you don’t really care either way. Or you can PM me the app and I will look over it. Once accepted I will just post the app with the barebones, the things that people kinda need to know to write properly. (Age, Name, Appearance.) Please post in the ooc to tell me you have sent it so I don’t miss it. So yeah, have at it.

Also, obviously use the heir app if you want to be an heir and the other app if you don’t.
Also, also, If you put a picture up for your appearance I would like it if you could still describe your character a bit. Whether it’s just how much care they put into their hair and what clothes they wear to bed. Adds depth and personality and helps people to know the characters a bit more.

Former Occupation(s):
Why do you want to rule?:
Anything else?:

Normal Guy thing Person.
Former Occupation(s):
Why are you helping someone get to the throne?:
Anything else?:
Posted by NorthernGamR's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Scribe

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03/20/2015 6:14 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
We got dis
03/19/2015 5:11 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
okoloto's Avatar
I'll send my app later
The Silver Paladin
03/19/2015 8:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Yes! Interest! Maybe we can get this RP started now?
03/11/2015 6:57 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
In a few hours two days ago..
03/09/2015 1:10 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Sorry Kirito. Been a bit busy and I missed this. I'm currently on the road but once I am at my computer in a few hours I will get it up. And then the backstabbing shall commence!
The Silver Paladin
03/09/2015 1:17 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Alright, I'll have time in a few hours as well.
The Silver Paladin
03/09/2015 11:32 am
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
So, when will the IC Be up? I really want this to happen!
The Silver Paladin
03/06/2015 5:00 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
So when is this starting?
The Silver Paladin
03/05/2015 4:44 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Alright! Romulus is ready to kick butt and take names, Walter... Not so much.
03/05/2015 1:19 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Your extra characters are accepted Kirito. Anndd.... I dunno? Maybe I guess. I don't really want people to start trying to one up each other on power if I start ranking you all but I guess I kinda have to in this case.. So sure.

Cool Slim.

And lastly!
Mr. Snowbutt has been accepted!
Name: Karim Yasir
Age: 35
Click to reveal
03/05/2015 1:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AbominableSnowbutt's Avatar
Thank you, Deth.
03/05/2015 12:59 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
I have summoned him for your convenience Abominable
03/05/2015 12:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AbominableSnowbutt's Avatar
PM'd you my application. Hope it's satisfactory.
03/05/2015 9:54 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
FairlyOddTarots's Avatar
NorthernGamRThank you for the Pics Kirito. Will edit that in in a second.

Also, Deth has been accepted. However it seems he wants to write a thing for what all of YOU may known about him. Not necessarily what I know. So I will wait for him to do that. Or if he changes his mind he can just post his name, age, and appearance like everyone else.

crazyslimdude6Wait, should I get rid of my app and PM it to you?

Plot twist: Ryan loses his shirt.
he would get a cold.
dun dun dunn

EDIT: I did delete it. but i saved it. I am awaiting a confirmation from Mr. GM oh my gawd i forgot his/her name to see wether I should post my history+ personality and stuff

I think you dont have to so long as he gets a PM, its up to you to have it in view of the other RP-ers

Call me North. I am the guy with the fancy giraffe pic.
Sorry if I didn't explain this well. You are free to just post your entire app up here for me to look at and accept if you don't really care about secrecy. The other option is for you to PM me your app and I will then accept you and post your character here myself. But only with their appearance, name, and age.

You've already been accepted. So you can just put up your app. Whether you want to put it back up as normal or this time only put up your name, age, and appearance is up to you.

I pick option 2! (The one that I bolded) I'll PM it to you. and I already edited my app so yeah…
The Silver Paladin
03/04/2015 7:30 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Normal Guy thing Person.
Name: Lady Cecelia Aquilus
Personality: A rich noble with a Seductive and tomboyish Personality, Lady Cecelia is the epitome of beauty. She uses this and her wit to her advantage to gain ends. She loves Romulus with a passion though, and remains loyal to him. She will not remain idle during anything, and adventures on her own frequently.
Former Occupation(s): A Princess from a foreign nation.
Why are you helping someone get to the throne?: She is married to him.
History: Born to a foreign king, she was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. She was raised spoiled, but ventured out on her own. She never liked being trapped inside.She always got into trouble for being outside the castle. At Age 13, her father was murdered. Her Brother was made king, and he exiled her. She lived in the shelter of a monastery, until they were killed as well. She was taken captive for her beauty. She was rescued at age 18 by Sir Romulus, a Paladin of the Justiciary Order. She fell in love with him, and they soon married. She is described as one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom, and uses it to her husband's advantage.
Anything else?:

Normal Guy thing Person.
Name: Walter Adelstein
Age: 25
Personality: A Snooty guy, who doesn't want to get dirty. He likes being alone with his books, and doing intelligent things. despite this, he is loyal to Romulus and Cecelia. He will do anything Romulus does just to keep him safe, although begrudgingly. Has a sarcastic wit.
Former Occupation(s): Bookkeeper for the Justiciary Order.
Why are you helping someone get to the throne?: Wants to go from Noble to Royal.
History:Born into a monk monastery, Walter was raised by books. When he reached age 12, The monastery was attacked, and he fled. The Paladins found him, and took him in. He knew much at this age, and they needed a Librarian. He was 4 years older than one of the young Paladin squires, and they made quick friends. Because Walter led a sheltered life, he didn't want to get dirty at all. He followed Romulus reluctantly on almost every crusade, and kept his armor clean. When Romulus became leader, he was made his advisor due to his education and Friendship with Romulus.
Anything else?: Always carrys a book on him.

Wait, can Romulus be the third most powerful after Deth's character?
03/04/2015 7:13 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
It is acceptable.

Korigon has been accepted. Also, he made it hard to read his app on purpose. So I command all y'all to kill him first..

Name: Jean Luc Haler
Age: 24
Appearance: http://www.fantasydimensions.net/wp-con ... r-Skin.jpg ( Ignore the blood sphere, ok? Haha. )
03/04/2015 5:38 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
Duke Farrious Dracos of the Northern Marshes

The Duke is often seen wearing armour outside of his own holdings and has a signet ring on his hand and is always seen with his ermine cloak in winter and a silken one with his family shield fashioned upon it through the rest of the year.
Personality: Thought of as a man of the people he is considered to be caring and always looking for the best for the kingdom.
Age: 23
Former Occupation(s): Duke

History: The Duke of Northern Marshes is the second most power man in the kingdom based solely on the land owned and the ability of men he is allowed to muster in defense of the kingdom. This is because his duty is to protect the kingdom for invaders from the north. After the recent death of the Prior Duke Farrious's father ca. a year previous he ascended to take the mantle, already favored by the locals for his apparent understanding and respect for them, it was no surprise that some upstart rebellions that had sprung up from the Kings death used him as a figurehead, most without even asking him and all without permission.
Anything else?: Is this acceptable North?

Do I recognise that first appearance pic Korito? You KNOW I do.
03/04/2015 5:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Thank you for the Pics Kirito. Will edit that in in a second.

Also, Deth has been accepted. However it seems he wants to write a thing for what all of YOU may known about him. Not necessarily what I know. So I will wait for him to do that. Or if he changes his mind he can just post his name, age, and appearance like everyone else.

crazyslimdude6Wait, should I get rid of my app and PM it to you?

Plot twist: Ryan loses his shirt.
he would get a cold.
dun dun dunn

EDIT: I did delete it. but i saved it. I am awaiting a confirmation from Mr. GM oh my gawd i forgot his/her name to see wether I should post my history+ personality and stuff

I think you dont have to so long as he gets a PM, its up to you to have it in view of the other RP-ers

Call me North. I am the guy with the fancy giraffe pic.
Sorry if I didn't explain this well. You are free to just post your entire app up here for me to look at and accept if you don't really care about secrecy. The other option is for you to PM me your app and I will then accept you and post your character here myself. But only with their appearance, name, and age.

You've already been accepted. So you can just put up your app. Whether you want to put it back up as normal or this time only put up your name, age, and appearance is up to you.
03/04/2015 3:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
FairlyOddTarots's Avatar
Wait, should I get rid of my app and PM it to you?

Plot twist: Ryan loses his shirt.
he would get a cold.
dun dun dunn

EDIT: I did delete it. but i saved it. I am awaiting a confirmation from Mr. GM oh my gawd i forgot his/her name to see wether I should post my history+ personality and stuff
03/04/2015 4:24 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
I think you dont have to so long as he gets a PM, its up to you to have it in view of the other RP-ers
The Silver Paladin
03/04/2015 1:26 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar

Out of Armor form of Romulus.

in Combat armor.

Ceremonial Armor.
03/04/2015 12:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Kirito has been accepted. He is going to send me the picture in a little bit.

Name: Romulus Aquilus
Age: 21
Click to reveal

Out of Armor form of Romulus.

in Combat armor.

Ceremonial Armor.
The Silver Paladin
03/04/2015 11:56 am
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Yeah, expect two more from me (The wife and Advisor.)
03/04/2015 11:52 am
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
As have I,expect another though.
The Silver Paladin
03/04/2015 11:03 am
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
I sent a PM saying I applied.
03/04/2015 10:52 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Accepted. Hopefully he can find a new shirt soon.
03/03/2015 10:16 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
FairlyOddTarots's Avatar
Name:Ryan Peterson
Appearance: Used white shirt (Now its brown for some reason… hehe) and worn black pants that are short for his 5.7 ft not-so muscular body (he has muscle, but not alot of it, and he's not fat, he's a bit skinny)
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