(=) A Cold new Reality (=)

NorthernGamR's Avatar NorthernGamR9/5/13 11:57 am
1 emeralds 1.2k 60
9/18/2013 11:47 am
datadogie's Avatar datadogie
((If you want to app, go here! cold-new-reality-ooc-t300856.html))

Patrick hoisted himself up from the spot he had been sitting, He was inside a gas station and had been resting for a while. He walked over to where he had put his small and empty backpack. Grabbing it, He looked around the station for a bit to try and find anything to eat or drink. After a few minutes he found a small bag of chips and a frozen water bottle. " Well, That should be fun to try and drink. " He said annoyed.
Posted by NorthernGamR's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Scribe

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09/18/2013 11:47 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
datadogie's Avatar
((Not sure how to start... ))

James looked around, unsure of what to do. He was freezing, so he decided he would need to find somewhere warm, somewhere that was not just a mattress in the middle of an alley. James puts on his backpack, and walks out of the alley.

To James' suprise, he does not see anyone walking around. Instead, he sees what seems to be snow everywhere. James looks to his left, and gasps. There is a body, lying in the snow. "Oh gosh, oh gosh." James says, as he walks backwards, away from the body. He turns and starts running down the street, terrified.
09/17/2013 7:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero walked out of the shop and made his way back to the safe house but on the way his handmade suit began malfuctioning and he had to sprint it once he made it he took the suit off to find the problem luckily he found it and began to repair it he finished it up and replaced the battery and began to count up his supplies "1 Mag 4 rounds for my rifle,5 rounds for my side, 2 full batteries,1 extra ration,2 water bottles,and an extra Thick snow coat incase this suit dies or becomes unrepairable..."
09/16/2013 4:23 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
((Your in a gun shop.I dragged you here))

"So finnaly your awake.Dont worry we wont kill you for now".Matin handed the man a cup of diluted vodka so that he would loosen up a bit."What where you doing outside?Tell me something about yourself.And if you will be of any use".Martin was hopping this would go without difficulties.

(Edit:sorry for my mistakes but my internet went down before i could fix my post.)
09/16/2013 3:56 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Erik awoke, coughing and spluttering. "Please.... don't kill me!". He realised he was being untied. Erik stayed silent and surveyed his surroundings. An alleyway. A dark alleyway. Erik was frightened beyond his wildest nightmares. He wished he'd never of come out of his home, where there were no maniacs knocking him out.
09/16/2013 3:46 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
"Well ok but listen, I dont trust him.I dont like that look on his face.Just saying.Its probably me but just keep a eye on him.We might never know the amount of damage these freezing conditions can cause to the nervous system.And we never know if he got affected and how much."replied Martin as he untied the man.He was definitely nowhere close to trusting this man.He didnt like that face.It was the face of someone who knowed a great deal.A great deal too much possibly."Well maybe you go out and look for something for us to eat tonight. Theres probably something in that shop were I was camping.I'll mind the stranger."said Martin as he took a sip of the diluted vodka.He took another look at both Nero and the new stranger.He wouldnt be able to sleep probably now knowing there were more survivors. It was going to be difficult enough to trust this stranger.He considered killing him but knew it would do him no good.Martin just decided to ignore this.
09/16/2013 2:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero walked into the gun shop and searched the K.O.ed man for anything that has a name on it a drivers licence,Credit Card,Anything luckily he found something a passport he wiped off the frost to reveal his name "Erik Bjornsen" Nero took out a list of wanted criminals no one he knew he looked through a list of felonys "Nada" "He is clean no reason to keep him tied up."
09/16/2013 2:36 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin decided to leave Nero here for now.He told him to come to the gun shop in a while.((Sorry but I dont feel like waiting))

Martin dragged the strangers body over the cold snow.He had to move quickly as the Icefreaks were already probably on their way to check the noise out.He left Nero in the alley in case another surviver came by but told him to come back as soon as possible.Once inside the gunshop Martin found some climbing rope and tied the stranger to a chair."You never know in what condition they might be -he thought to himself-, One moment they might be offering their hand and when you look away you might see a gun in that hand".

Martin decided to get some ice and hoped that the feeling of something cold would wake the stranger up.The stranger was breathing heavily but other than that he was fine.He seemed well fitted for the weather."Lets see if he will be of any use....."Martin said as he placed some ice on the strangers forehead in a effort to wake him up without waiting too long.
09/16/2013 2:23 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Erik was knocked on the head. He felt woozy. He crashed to the ground. His eyes slowly shut. His arms and legs went limp as he slipped into unconsciousness. "Please..." He mumbled. He was out after that, breathing heavily.
09/16/2013 2:09 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
"Alright".Martin kept his cool.He decided to do something unessecary.He knew he didnt have to do this but he knew that noone can be trusted.Martin put his combat knife away and took out his handgun.He hit the newly found man hard in the head in order to knock him out but not come anywhere close to killing him.He then turned to Nero and Told him "Lets tie him up and bring him to the gun shop.We can ask him there.Sorry that I knocked him out but he would had probably protested.".
09/16/2013 12:47 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
"P-please, I mean no harm. I'm just a simple man. Please......" Erik pleaded. "I have no I.D.". Erik's face was pale with fear, he was trembling, eyes darting between the two men. One looked less threatening that the other. He knew there was no escape from this.
09/16/2013 2:58 am
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
"First you.Who are you?And give some proof like a ID or something".Martins voice was dead serious and in the dark alley he looked like someone outside of a gangster movie.He was ready to kill this man if needed.He was too ready.But he decidedt to act it cool and give the guy a chance.
09/16/2013 2:51 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Erik awoke with a start. His eyes felt heavy as he looked up. Two men stood in front of him, one with a knife. "Who-who are you?" He croaked, backing away. The knife. It gleamed in the cold light. No blood, but his could be the first on it.
09/15/2013 7:55 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero said "What do we have on him? Nothing we can't tell if he has survival via any means or Help when you can on his mind if I could get an I.D. then I whould know something!
09/15/2013 7:12 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin approached the man too.He said "What should we do with him?We could act all friendly and stuff or (Martin took out his combat knife and showed a evil look in his eyes) we can have some fun".Martin knew that extra winter clothes would be nice and this guy seemed to be nicely suited.But Martin decided to leave this decision to tthe stranger (Nero) in order to see his reaction and find out his way of dealing with such situations.
09/15/2013 4:30 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
"It is if it was a Yukioni he whould have a cold heat sig!" Nero said has he approched the man.
09/15/2013 4:15 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin followed him.He couldn't see if it was a man or an icefreak as it was late.He said "I think its a man.What do you think?".
09/15/2013 2:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
Ryan is hearing a lot of commotion somewhere across the street but he decides to stay in the current apartment till morning or something happens.
09/15/2013 1:25 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero said "Alright! lets go here i found a more guns in the gun store next door so lets go to there once we find the man or kill the Yukioni."He ran out of the front entrace into the near by ally and turned on INV to find out it was a man not a Yukioni.
09/15/2013 12:53 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin heard a loud bang and then replied "Wait what was that?Lets check it out first and make inquirys later".Martin had doubts about trusting this stranger but decided to do it anyways.He filled up a empty bottle with the diluted vodka and waited for the stranger to reply.
09/15/2013 12:28 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Erik slipped. He fell with a thud. Cold blue was approaching. Erik was frozen with pure fear, his eyes looked on with horror as cold blue steadily got closer. Erik got a ball of snow in his hands, squeezing in into a ball. He threw it at cold blue. A direct hit. Erik seized the opportunity and ran, not looking where he was going. He smashed into a dustbin, making a clang that sounded to Erik like a bomb going off.

((Cue for Erik to meet someone?))
09/15/2013 11:56 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero raised his gun "Nah you first!" he said camly.
09/15/2013 11:01 am
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin turned around and saw someone equiped with a sniper rifle.He took out his gun and pointed it at the stranger.He then asked a question "Who are you?".
09/15/2013 9:56 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero saw a man quickly but silently went down the other stairs he turned on his IRV/NV Goggles has he wanted to locate the man and it was getting night he noticed shortly after a fire was coming from the grocery store he began his slow approch Nero decieded to enter through the back by moving through the gun store.Nero after searching the gun shop he left with 2 scilencers a laser sight and a toggelable NV and 4x,6X,and 10X scope for his sniper.He slowly entered the grocery store back entrance and he saw a man he turned off IRV and slowly aproched him but he steped and broke an empty bottle of vodka.
09/14/2013 9:46 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
When martin heard the gunshot he quicky started running down the hall towards the second staircase.As he bolted down the stairs and ran out into what seemed to be a begining of a blizard.He looked around himself nervously ready for the appearance of an icefreak.He moved quickly but almost silently towards a small grocery shop that was across the road from the apartament.With the cold wind literaly cutting into him and the snow which seemed to come down faster and faster even this short walk was difficult enough.He decided to follow a quiet approach as not to attract any of the icefreak.As he slowly oppened the door he saw a couple dead bodys on the floor and an icefreak just staring at them.Martin silently crept up behind the icefreak and readying his combat knife hhe slit its troat.He next had a look around the place.

There was a decent amount of supplies in the storage bay and the wooden crates and cardboard boxes would give him enough materials for a couple fires.After baricading the door with the bare furniture inside the shop he set down on making himself pizza.Frozen pizza was probably good he though, after all all you really do is heat it up.After the (frozen) meal Martin searched for some kind of alchochol.As far as he knew alchochol didnt freeze and it would help him sleep anyway.He found a bottle of vodka on a shelf behind the counter and while at it he grabbed a box of cigarettes and looted the counter.He knew the cash was useless but it gave him a sense of security.After drinking 2 shots of vodka he set up a fire.He placed a pot inside the fire and filled it with ice.He then poured in the rest of the bottle of vodka.Martin hoped he would get a diluted alchocholic drink that wouldnt freeze.He also hoped that the pot wouldnt go on fire because of the vodka.He then put himself to sleep near the burning fire which burned out during the night.
09/14/2013 5:48 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero quickly ran up to the nearest apartment he sadly he went to quickly it made a loud sound but he was ready incase a Yukioni tried to ambush him he then he began to rest but he saw what he instantly thought was a Yukioni so he fired a shot at it before checking and went to check with his pistol in hand.
09/14/2013 3:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin cautiously tried to open the door.There were clear signs on the door that it was damaged.It was stuck.Martin cursed in a foreign language and counted to 10.He showed great signs of stress and pain.The last couple of weeks weren't easy.

The pain was already enough with the fact that one of the 'Ice freaks' had grabbed hold of his coat for a couple of seconds.He still felt the hopeless feeling, that he was going to die.But luckily he managed to escape.The material of the coat was frozen solid in the spot and took quite some time to melt it.His hand beneath the coat has suffered too.Martin seemed to have third-degree frostbite in the area.The blisters had already developed and he had lost feel of the area.It was horrible.He just hoped that he wouldn't develop any infections of any kind.

Anyways, Martin quickly thought of a plan of getting out of this trap.It was a trap.A deadly trap in which he would die slowly and painfully if he didn't do anything.
Martin took a screwdriver and started unscrewing the screws holding the door to its frame.Once the screws were gone the door took some pulling and shoving but finally left its frame.He decided to drop the idea of searching the houses, most of the doors were probably frozen to their frames and he would most likely only find frozen bodies. He headed towards the staircase when he heard the sounds of heavy shoes like the ones builders have.But he knew this was no survivor.It was one of 'them'
09/13/2013 8:15 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Martin just got up.It was freezing for the past two weeks.His back was sore as he had burned his bed and furniture for the heat.Eating frozen toast with frozen ham on a freezing day wasn't fun.Atleast the food got preserved because of the coldness.
He was already out of supplies and decided to go check how his neighbors were doing, if they were still alive.He grabbed his backpack and headed for the door.

Martins flat was 9 floors high with 6 apartments on each floor.It was in a residential area near a small shopping centre.
09/11/2013 9:58 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Almost therewas the only thing Patrick could focus on as he closed the distance to his hideout. His legs felt like they were about to fall off and the tips of his fingers were starting to go numb. Can't wait to get a fire started. After a second more of running he was standing at the door to the apartment complex. He quickly grabbed for the handle and swung the door open. " Up the stairs, My room is on the second floor. " He yelled, Not checking to see if the man was still behind him. Patrick bolted up the staircase and ran inside his room, Finally looking behind his back to see if the man kept up. He stood right next to the door, ready to close and bolt it.
09/11/2013 12:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
Ryan closes the door behind him to make sure he's not disturbed while looking around.
as he looks through cabinets and opens the fridge he finds that this apartment doesnt have anything of use. Thats when he heard the sound of a rifle going of somewhere nearby. Exiting the building he heads right back into his apartment not feeling like dealing with any survivors and the suns going down as well so he might as well get ready for bed.
09/10/2013 12:40 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero after recovering aimed his rifle at the new Yukioni in the ally near the two others has he pulled back his straight pull bolt the Yukioni was dead he then switched targets and fired he reloaded his gun and began moving to the two who decided to leave.
09/09/2013 11:49 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gohkamikaze's Avatar
"Cheers bruv" Havian said as he picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulders again. The pair took off up the alley, away from the approaching creatures. The sun was sitting very low in the sky. Soon it would set, and Havian knew those things were always more active at night.

The cuts on his face and hand were starting to sting from the paint. It was probably a good idea to clean himself up as soon as he could, he thought to himself.
09/09/2013 10:30 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Patrick nearly had heart failure when the paint can exploded. He already thought it odd that the man had a can of paint in the first place and decided to start tagging the wall. But he pushed all that out of his mind when he saw the Snowmen creeping in on them. " I would rather not have you crashing at my place, But since I seriously doubt you will take no for an answer... Come on " Patrick said with a sigh. He would need to figure a way to kick this guy out as soon as possible, But for now he just wanted to get to safety. He turned away from the Snowmen and began running towards home. It wouldn't be long, Just had to get out of the alley and then make a right. After that it was maybe thirty feet.
09/08/2013 10:07 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gohkamikaze's Avatar
"Yeah. Dunno about you mate, but some of us have priorities. It's the end of the world, lighten up a little." Havian grinned, dropping the backpack on the ground so he could rummage through it. He produced a spraycan of black paint, checked the alley to make sure that the creatures hadn't caught up to them, and started to tag his name on the wall.

He'd just made it to the stylized 'V' when suddenly a loud gunshot rang out and the can exploded violently in his hand, showering both him and the other survivor in a mixture of shrapnel and black paint. His hoodie had been shredded in places and his hand and face were bleeding, mixing with the paint to make a horrible mess that dripped everywhere. "What the f*ck..."

The sound of creatures howling rang off the walls of the alley. They were coming.

"Oi, we better get the hell out of here. You got a place I could crash at? My roof's pretty cool, yeah, but I think it's time for a change."
09/08/2013 9:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
Ryan now moderately safe inside his apartment pulls out the can of food that man Nero gave him. He grabs a can opener from one of the drawers in his kitchen "Well lets see what I'm eating tonight." he says to himself opening the can to find the contents are ravioli, he grabs a fork and starts eating them after 5 minutes of eating he get's up grabs his utility belt and gets ready to head out to find more supplies. Maybe raiding the other apartments will yield some valuables. First thing he does is peek outside his windows to see if the walking Popsicle's are nearby. Not seeing any he sneaks to the apartment across from him and checks to see if it's locked. After turning the knob the door opened and he stepped inside.
09/08/2013 9:29 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
Nero slowly got out of his safe haven with his (Sniper) rifle he slowly moved to the gun shop but in a distance saw to human like figures he scoped in to see survivors he was about to move in but a Yukioni surprised him and a shot fired near them he hoped he did not hit anyone he did not want an enemy he hit back the Yukioni and shot the snow demon and began to run to the two with in the alert stage incase they made hostile moves without searching the gun shop.
09/08/2013 8:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Patrick was slightly surprised by the odd request. A smoke, in the stinkin apocalypse!? " First off, I don't smoke so I don't have any. Second, everything around us is frozen over and your worried about a smoke? " Patrick exclaimed, He really didn't have time to talk to this guy, But he didn't want to take the chance of offending him, Patrick really didn't know what mental state this man was in. He really didn't need a psychopath chasing him around.
09/08/2013 7:52 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gohkamikaze's Avatar
"Settle down, alright,, I'm not going to knock your teeth out or anything" Havian said, which was partially true - certainly, fighting those creatures was a lot more exhilarating than chasing down survivors. "I just wanted to know if I could bum a smoke. I used up me last one yesterday." He glanced at the brick wall of the alley. It was clean and untagged. Might have to do something about that.
09/08/2013 6:45 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Patrick turned to face the man completely, backing up a few steps as he did that. " Look pal, I really don't feel like fighting. But if it comes down to it I'm not afraid to.. " Patrick took a few more steps back as he said this, He didn't really know this guys intentions, But in this world they were rarely good. Patrick didn't have much in the way of weapons, The best thing he had off hand was a small hammer that he found in his parents old shed. He had yet to find something better, And he hadn't really used it much. But he was pretty sure he could still do some damage with it.
09/08/2013 4:56 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Erik was genuinely scared. Something weird was going on, something that he did not know. He slowed into a walk, and looked back. Nothing. He hoped. Erik had seen no other people. He had seen one person with a cold blue face. Erik didn't think that that thing was a human. No. Definitely not. Then Erik turned around. About 10 foot away was a cold blue face. Erik screamed. He fled as quickly as he could.
09/08/2013 2:23 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gohkamikaze's Avatar
"Oi" Havian called out to the man, panting slightly as he stood in the entrance to the alley. The tall buildings had stopped most of the snowfall, instead leaving the old flagstones glossy with ice and water. The man continued to walk, clearly ignoring him. Havian jogged up to him and put a gloved hand firmly on his shoulder. "Oi mate..."
09/07/2013 11:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
" Thanks." Ryan says to the man placing the food in a coat pocket he heads back to his apartment but he suddenly realizes that he was being followed he turns around for just a split second and sees 2 of the walking icicles running his way. That was when he decided it was best to run as he sprinted through the streets running as fast as he could he was almost home when he tripped over the curve and went face first into the snow. He grabbed his gun and got back up, but the creatures where already upon him so he started to slowly walk backwards as he aimed at the first of the two creatures. He was only 10 feet from the door when the first one lunged he quickly unloaded a shot into
its face. After it fell to the ground lifeless the other creature lunged and Ryan didn't have enough time to react it smacked the gun out of his hand landing near his apartment door. Now he was panicking until it noticed a commotion across the street as 2 men where running from a group of the creatures Ryan took the chance and grabbed his gun and went inside his apartment locking the door behind him. The creature bellowed in rage and started banging on the door but it couldn't get in and finally lost interest or at least that's what Ryan hoped.
09/07/2013 10:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Patrick had done his best to run to the alley across the street. After that, He had made a right turn and rested a moment to try and catch his breath. After this he only had to cross through a few intersecting alleys before he was sort of home free. Patrick been hiding out in his old apartment building in his room. It probably wasn't the best place to live at a time like this, But he just wanted at least a small sense of normal. Once he had caught his breath, Patrick began walking again. Until he noticed that the man had followed him. "Crap" He spoke annoyed under his breath.
09/07/2013 5:58 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Erik stood up in a daze. He brushed his back of snow, them smelt down where he had fallen. He brushed away the snow. Erik screamed at what he saw. A face. A cold blue face. In the water. Erik's eyes widened in fear as he got up and began to run, not looking back to the frozen pond. Or a frozen deathtrap.
09/07/2013 3:18 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gohkamikaze's Avatar
The creature snarled, revealing a row of sharp almost crystalline teeth. It took a few steps towards Havian, who began backing away slowly with his crowbar at the ready. If that thing managed to get ahold of him, even for a second-

A loud crash came out of a nearby alley. He quickly glanced to the source of the noise to see two more of the creatures striding out onto the street, knocking over metal bins in the process. Up the road he could see another three striding towards him, getting closer and closer by the second. Havian swore under his breath and put the crowbar back into its makeshift sheath. He wouldn't be able to fight his way out of this one.

The bleeding creature suddenly snapped its gaze away from Havian, stopping its advance in the process. Confused, he turned to look at what had attracted the creature's attention. It was a man, sprinting across the street. Havian used the momentary distraction to make a run for it, chasing after the other survivor. As he rounded the corner, he could hear the creature cry out in frustration.
09/06/2013 7:52 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
"Thanks but I have a few cans of foo here have one"Nero says giving the food to Ryan before he got up and went to the security office and found 6 batterys enough for him to stay alive for a few weeks and power his NV/Infared mask he walked out to get back to his haven once he got back he picked up the rifle "3 mags not good but threats could be useful".
09/06/2013 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
"Well I didn't take the time to look. I had just gotten to the security room when you called for help, so I just grabbed one of the utility belts and rushed here." Ryan says to Nero " Though some of the other belts might have tazers and flashlights that have some batteries with some juice still left in them. By the way I'm Ryan nice to meet you Nero." He adds plus the staff fridge might have an apple or something he can eat.
09/06/2013 5:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
bubbykaz's Avatar
"Thank you I came here for batteries do you have some or think you know where I could find some my suit/armour here is the thing generating heat its very makeshift but It uns on large battery packs oh and by the way my name is Nero."he said to the man who saved him has he began unjamming his gun.
09/06/2013 5:26 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Patrick had watched the man land a few good hits against the Snowman, When it looked like he was about to kill it. Frosty let out a gut wrenching scream, After a second or so Patrick heard some similar screams from not too far away. Well that can't be good. He thought. Patrick was almost home, The only problems was the fastest way there was running right across the road that the Man and Frosty were duking it out in. If Patrick tried to take a different route it would take longer and the group of Snowmen that were more than likely coming would catch up with him. After thinking over his options, Finally Patrick spoke a couple foul words, Then attempted to run as fast as he could across the street.

(( So far things are looking ok. But guys, Try not to find too many things so fast. Kinda takes part of the danger out of an Apocalypse if you aren't having trouble find stuff. I'm not saying anyone has done anything wrong yet, Just a reminder.))
09/06/2013 4:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
link204113's Avatar
Ryan had entered the power station by now using his keys to unlock the doors to the Security room when he heard the call for help. Before heading to the aid of whoever had called. He broke into his locker and withdrew his utility belt that he would have on with his uniform. He withdrew the pistol loaded it and made his way in the direction he heard the call for help. Turning a quarter he see's a man and one of the Walking Icicles acting quickly he unloaded 2 shots into the creatures head.

(Obtained his utility belt which has a tazer a pistol and a flashlight)
09/06/2013 3:14 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
(Overkill much )

Erik's hands, despite being covered by gloves, were icy cold and numb. The cold was really getting through to Erik. Coming from Norway, he knew what cold felt like. This was no ordinary cold. This was a whole new level. Icicles hung from every house, most of them now abandoned. But another thing that got through to Erik was the silence. There was no noise except the crunching of his feet on the snow. No birdsong or even grasshoppers. Erik didn't realise what he was walking on until he slipped and crashed to the ground.
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