-:- Ardinia Recruiting -:- Build Team -:-

Ardinia's Avatar Ardinia3/20/14 2:21 pm
1 emeralds 2.9k 58
8/9/2016 4:15 am
SirToxicz's Avatar SirToxicz
Hi everyone,

The Ardinia build team is recruiting good builders !

-:- History-:-

Ardinia has been created by HendrixHRx and Nati797 who have met them on the WorldOfKeralis Server. After building a version of the town Erebor and a Survival Spawn together, they decided to create a build team.

Then they received more and more commissions for server spawns so they decided to recruit a new member : SkullHunterLy.

Now we have more projects to do so we are needing some new builders !

-:- Application -:-

We are looking for 1-2 new builders. To get a chance to have a test , you have to do an application.

You must have a good detailing level, be mature and to know managing yourself
So if you think you have all of that you can fill this application :

Age :
Skype Username :
Detailing level (1-10) :
Link some pictures of your creations :
When you can play Minecraft (hours) :
Have you ever been in a team ? :

If you get accepted for the test, we will contact you on skype.
Posted by Ardinia's Avatar
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer

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08/09/2016 4:15 am
Level 1 : New Network
SirToxicz's Avatar
IGN: SirToxiczLV (Due to change in a month)

Age: 11

Skype Username: alekssbelavskis

Detailing level (1-10): 8+

Link some pictures of your creations : None yet, got deleted in system reset.

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : (GMT +0) All Day 9AM > 11PM (During Summer and weekends) But at school days its more like 3PM > 10PM

Have you ever been in a team?: Nope
07/05/2015 1:48 am
Level 22 : Expert Archer
Blaxo's Avatar
IGN :Blaxo
Age :14
Skype Username :Andreiandre221
Detailing level (1-10) : 8
Link some pictures of your creations :http://imgur.com/UIWNpqt,sIT8eiwhttp://imgur.com/UIWNpqt,sIT8eiw#1 And can you lock and to my profil
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : 3-9
Have you ever been in a team ? :no
09/11/2014 4:43 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Fish
AlphaGuardianMC's Avatar
IGN : AlphaGuardian
Age : 13
Skype Username : jamie.li6
Detailing level (1-10) : 9
Link some pictures of your creations : http://imgur.com/a/0KqW5 , http://alphaguardian.weebly.com
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : 3 Hours Per Day
Have you ever been in a team ? : Gazamo, MineInc , Faust , Trail Vadact.
funny bunny
08/12/2014 6:19 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
funny bunny's Avatar
IGN : luccc3
Age : 14
Skype Username : mc.luc.dragon
Detailing level (1-10) : 8
Link some pictures of your creations : My profile
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : Over the weekends
Have you ever been in a team ? : I was in ArcaVex for a hot second, then I left because I got bored of mc
07/31/2014 12:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DefianceProjectt's Avatar

Age : 14 But i am very mature

Skype Username
: BRAEDYNATOR and if not that, Defyy - Solo Editor

Detailing level (1-10) : 8

Link some pictures of your creations : my youtube channel is The Defiance Projectt it has my first creation i have ever actually posted but i have made a ton of things and that video definitely is not my best and im still working on more and planning on posting soon. Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1uEh ... nfYUXyNNjA

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : pretty much 24/7 in the summer any time you need me just skype me and i will come on unless im out and during school days i cant during school hours

Have you ever been in a team ? : no but i have wanted to join one for a long time
07/31/2014 3:53 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
added on skype .
07/30/2014 12:06 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
MasterInkBlot's Avatar
IGN: MasterInkBlot
Age: 20+
Skype Username: masterinkblot
Detailing level (1-10): I'd say about 7
Link some pictures of your creations: http://absolink.imgur.com/all/ (most recent, haven't had more than 2-9 hours per build)
When you can play Minecraft (hours): Schedule as follows:
  • Sunday:
  • 3pm-ANY
  • Monday:
  • ANY
  • Tuesday:
  • ANY
  • Wednesday:
  • ANY-10pm
  • Thursday:
  • 2am-7am, 3pm-10pm
  • Friday:
  • 3pm-10pm
  • Saturday:
  • 3pm-10pm

Have you ever been in a team?: Yes, I used to manage my own Minecraft team for nearly 2-3 months, we didn't get very far off the ground, but we worked on 5-6 server spawns, mostly paid.
07/30/2014 10:56 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
This thread isn't for that, pm us for commissions
07/30/2014 10:54 am
Level 45 : Master Taco
ChainsawNinja's Avatar
Yo, I have a server I'm working on. I was wondering if you and your build team could assist.
07/30/2014 10:10 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar

Recruiting more builders
07/29/2014 6:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Evangjos's Avatar
IGN : XxpilipinoxX

Age : 17

Skype Username : evangjos

Detailing level (1-10) : 9

Link some pictures of your creations : http://imgur.com/a/e08wS (these are some of the pictures i managed to find)

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : between 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM (MST) until September.

Have you ever been in a team ? : I've been apart of a few a while back (two or three years ago) but recently none.
07/29/2014 10:44 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Still Recruiting !
07/19/2014 4:39 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Austin I added you on skype

Animal : I don't think you have the level sorry ... Your tower need a lot more of details and depth. And we don't need modern builders.
07/19/2014 4:33 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Animalwhizz's Avatar
IGN : Animalwhizz
Age : 18
Skype Username : Don't have
Detailing level (1-10) : 8-9
Link some pictures of your creations :
http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... tle-tower/
http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... se-2998843
When can you play Minecraft (hours) : 2-3 hours a day depends what I am doing that day.
Have you ever been in a team ? : Yes but only for a while
07/18/2014 5:45 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
austin1234575's Avatar
IGN : austin1234575
Age : 14
Skype Username : austin1234575
Detailing level (1-10) : 9
Link some pictures of your creations :
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : anytime from 11:00 Am To 2:00 Am CST
Have you ever been in a team ? : Yes, 3 But They All Fell Apart
07/18/2014 4:27 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
we will test you really soon

Still recruiting good builders !
07/13/2014 7:28 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Thorgautr_'s Avatar
IGN : UltimateJerkO
Age : 17
Skype Username : matt.cutt
Detailing level (1-10) : Probably 9.
Link some pictures of your creations : http://ultimatejerko.imgur.com/all/
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : I think I can be online alot. Because I currently have vacation. Around 3-4 hours a day. Sometimes I will be on online more, or not at all. Depends on what I'm going to do that day.
Have you ever been in a team ? : I have been on multiple teams. But I am currently not in a team. I have been doing commissions for the past 3 months.
Movitvation : I really liked your builds when I saw them on the hot page. I have been in so many crappy teams that I would love to join one again that has some skill.

Have a nice day,
07/13/2014 3:05 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Amazingblocks's Avatar
IGN : (Minecraft Name) (Amazingblocks)
Age :14
Skype Username :Jean-Claude Thibodeau
Detailing level (1-10) :8-9 (Xbox detailing)
Link some pictures of your creations :www.planetminecraft.com/member/amazingblocks/When you can play Minecraft (hours) :When I am at dads or weekends
Have you ever been in a team ? :Only xbox teams known as builders unit etc
07/12/2014 10:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ovierocks8's Avatar
IGN : Ovierocks8

Age : soon 14

Skype Username : ovierocks82000

Detailing level (1-10) : 7-8

Link some pictures of your creations : I don't have any at the moment but I can show you what I can do in a test build!

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : 4-6 weeknights and anytime weekends

Have you ever been in a team ? : no, not unless building with friends counts
05/31/2014 1:01 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
MultiMoose, you applied to wrong thread.
05/28/2014 10:57 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
MultiMoose37's Avatar
Name: Dinston (nickname: BigDin) Age: 15
Ign: LevitatingSloth
Why do you want this position?: I want this position because I want your server to be happy filled with joy as well as to make sure that everyone will have a good time and hopefully make your server famous, I can deal with immature people and have loads of skills in building and in team communication, I could code but I am still not amazing but I could do things as well im really strong and I am kind as well I have good grammar which you need Posted Image
How long can you be on for?: 2-7 hours a day I wont be always on if I have things with my friends or family.
Skype: adnan.alnaji
[b]Have you ever been staff on a server?: Yes, yes I have I have been head admin on thadshack I have been I have been Admin on souls server and HeadAdmin builder Efstors servers as well a Admin on TheTownOfMinecraft
I have no builds to show sorry, Detailing 9/10
[b]p.s I coded the Xbox One controller to work with Minecraft Pc Posted Image, and Ill advertise your server anywhere you ask me to even on other servers
05/28/2014 10:09 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Still recruiting
05/25/2014 12:08 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Cooperrrrrrrrr's Avatar
IGN : cooperfromschool
Age : 11
Skype Username : coopgotskill
Detailing level (1-10) : 9.3
Link some pictures of your creations : I have one of many on my PMC account, but note that only took me like 2 hours so it is not my best of works.
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : 4 hours daily
Have you ever been in a team ? : Yes (Summit Building)
05/25/2014 11:44 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Both added. Waiting on more applications!
05/22/2014 4:37 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
Pur3strownu's Avatar
IGN : Maczo245
Age : 15
Skype christian.raitano
Detailing level (1-10) : 7-10 honestly it depends on what i'm building
Link some pictures of your creations : New computer so i do not have any at the moment
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : EST : 4pm - 10pm on the weekdays and all the time on the weekends
Have you ever been in a team ? : Yes
05/22/2014 2:15 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Blockhead
RafSeazZGaming's Avatar
IGN : RafSeazZGaming
Age : 13
Skype Username : raf.seazz
Detailing level (1-10) : 8
Link some pictures of your creations : You can check my PMC tho. But those arent my "serious" builds..
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : 3 - 7 Hours.. Maybe 10
Have you ever been in a team ? : Yep. Im actually in 2 but not so active. So i can spare time. . Also I love food. yep. XD.
05/20/2014 4:26 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
App denied because of using someone else's work claiming it as your own, lying to have been previously in those build teams and lying about your building skills. And reported for abuse to get money for some commisions done by build teams.
05/20/2014 7:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BuildYourDreamsMC's Avatar
IGN : Luke_TopLad

Age : 17

Skype Username : lukies123

Detailing level (1-10) : 10

Link some pictures of your creations : https://imgur.com/a/j1o1g

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : I live in England and play about 3 hours daily.

Have you ever been in a team ? : I have been in 3 different build teams. Cephyr Mithrintia and Sunfury.
05/19/2014 5:08 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Waiting on more applications!
04/22/2014 10:50 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Sciphis's Avatar
IGN : sciphis

Age : 16

Skype Username : sciphis

Detailing level (1-10) : 8-9

Link some pictures of your creations : http://imgur.com/3f8IoyO

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : I live on the west coast of the US and I play 4-5 hours a day in the afternoon.

Have you ever been in a team ? : I have never been in an official building team but I have done many small builds with three or four friends.
04/22/2014 9:40 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
still recruiting
04/21/2014 3:30 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
04/19/2014 11:56 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Both added

Quick update: We are also in need of good cinematics for our projects (done using shaders and mods like camera studio for example). If you think you could help us just send us a private message.
04/19/2014 11:25 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Anon666's Avatar
IGN: JamesHawkins666
Skype: JamesHawkins666
Detailing level: Around 8, improving it at the moment
Link to creations: My profile, click it! Also, I have quite a few commissions I have built, which I can send via skype, but dont feel comfortable posting publicly.
How long can you play:Most of the day as long as not in college
Have you ever been in a team: A very small one
04/18/2014 5:30 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Pengarty's Avatar
IGN : pengarty
Age : 16, birthday 8th Febuary
Skype Username : pengartymc
Detailing level (1-10) : I would give myself a 8/10
Link some pictures of your creations : http://pengarty.imgur.com/
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : I play minecraft atleast 5-6 hours a day ( nerd alert :p )
Have you ever been in a team ? : No i have not, i am currently/was looking for a build team to join and stumbled apon this
04/18/2014 4:13 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Still recruiting good builders !
03/29/2014 2:29 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
still recruiting
03/27/2014 3:41 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
03/26/2014 11:39 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Still recruiting!
03/25/2014 3:50 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
BLOX_HD's Avatar
Hello, I am a very talented and skilled builder! I have connections to servers we could build for! My demand to build for servers got so high, I decided I need a build team. To check out about me and what I do, Go to my website! All you need to know is on there! bloxhdportfolio.webs.com
03/25/2014 12:45 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
03/24/2014 6:48 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Added you on skype
03/23/2014 7:40 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Zimplex's Avatar

Age :

Skype Username :

Detailing level (1-10) :

Link some pictures of your creations :
I build on the WoK server and could show you some builds on there. I have some problems posting build pictures with my computer... you can check the my one submission but that is nothing (I'm on a new PMC account)

When you can play Minecraft (hours) :
I can play 4-5 hours per day, I won't be inactive.

Have you ever been in a team ? :
I'm a member of the Ponceau built team, but I have enough time to contribute to two.
03/23/2014 11:12 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Replied to you

We are always recruiting
03/23/2014 7:21 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
alvey5150's Avatar
What do you mean you replied? I didn't get anything on Skype?
03/22/2014 6:23 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
alvey5150's Avatar
IGN : Alvey5150
Age : 17
Skype Username : Alvey5150
Detailing level (1-10) : 7-10?
Link some pictures of your creations : http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... e-2116598/ (Only one I have)
When you can play Minecraft (hours) : From about 4 to 7 at night.
Have you ever been in a team ? : Yes one.
03/22/2014 6:01 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
03/22/2014 10:45 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
answered I'm always waiting reply on skype from some of the other
03/22/2014 9:43 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
sunnydog1's Avatar
IGN : sunnydog1

Age : 11

Skype Username : rcruz2002

Detailing level (1-10) : 7-8

Link some pictures of your creations : http://rcruz2002.imgur.com/all/#1 (some of my builds were when I just started MC so they aren't as good)

When you can play Minecraft (hours) : at least a few hours a day

Have you ever been in a team ? : yes a small build team
03/22/2014 6:32 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Ardinia's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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