Early Pineapple Prototype

NeonNinja3's Avatar NeonNinja310/30/23 11:53 pm
3 emeralds 193 8
12/3/2023 10:07 am
ScotsMiser's Avatar ScotsMiser
(Only the final stage has a texture so far.) The Pineapple will be a unique crop with hybrid geometry (bottom is a solid block with collision box; leaves are like grass/flowers). It is edible and when eaten, leaves a top which can be replanted. Pineapple grows randomly, and can be accelerated with bonemeal (one stage at a time). Below you can see all 4 growth stages, as well as the edible Pineapple item and the plantable Pineapple Top in the inventory bar.

What do you think? I'm open to all suggestions. I'm considering making the item textures in the inventory darker, as right now they look kind of washed out.

Picture of new pineapple crop idea
Posted by NeonNinja3's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn

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10/31/2023 1:17 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
What are the collision boxes (if any) of the first three stages?

For the no collision block top part, will this block line of sight (as does sugarcane)? [​This could be a useful feature…]

From the look of things, one plants 1 pineapple top to get 1 pineapple that can be eaten to leave 1 top….
How does one get additional pineapples?
10/31/2023 3:26 am
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
NeonNinja3's Avatar
The collision boxes for all 4 stages exactly surround the solid part (that means the first is only 1 pixel high). Not sure about blocking line of sight, but it’s less than 1 block tall altogether (4th is 15px high) so not sure it’s relevant. 1 top is grown into 1 pineapple block, which may drop 1-2 pineapple items. Seems weird I know, but that was the only way I could think of to make them renewable. Have you thought of a better way? That’s probably the thing I like least about the prototype, and if you think of a fix I can add you as a collaborator on the pack!
10/31/2023 4:55 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
RE: line of sight question
My thought was: [based on NeonNinja3 's idea ]
   if the top leafy block did block line of sight, but had no collision box — one could place a full grown pineapple in a 2 high opening and be able to shoot mobs through the leafy top without the mobs targeting the player.
(Mainly interesting as it would give the plant a non-food, non-decorative use.)
I've just realized that this would mean the fruit would need to be placeable (as NN3 mentioned), but – also – that the top would need to be placeable on a pineapple fruit (but unable to grow in this arrangement)

An alternative would be for the plant to drop a 2-block high fruit & leaf combination which could either be eaten as is (leaving nothing) or 'processed' [​shearing?] to give a fruit (food value identical to unprocessed) PLUS a pineapple top

RE: Propagation
I don't know how close to an IRL pineapple you want to make your MC version: your current idea works and follows the MC wheat/beet/potato/carrot model

Reading the references confirmed my memory that pineapple plants can be harvested multiple times. This would makes treating the plant as something more like a MC pumpkin/melon seem reasonable…

One idea would be that the planted top would grow into a 1-block bush that would grow a pineapple (fruit & 'grasslike' leafy bit) atop itself.
(The bush would occupy the space the sand does in your picture.)
Removing the pineapple would drop 1 pineapple and 1 top, leaving the bush to grow more.
(The bush part would be similar to the current MC pumpkin/melon stems.)

This would require a minimum 3 high volume to crop pineapple.
If neither the bush nor the first stage of growth have any collision mask, endermen to teleport in until the second stage of growth – when the forming pineapple would block teleportation.
[​N.B.: this would require changing your current model to remove the 1-pixel high collision mask from the initial stage of growth]

As noted, the solution you found works, the only (arguable) advantages my proposal have are:
  verisimilitude to the IRL plant [​not much of a consideration in MC 😆]
  differentiation from current MC crops
  the potential for endermen to teleport into one's pineapplle plantation.

IRL references [​the second suggests several reasons I was never able to successfully grow a pineapple as a kid 😞 ]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineapple [​mainly the Description section]
https://www.wikihow.com/Grow-a-Pineapple [​at home growing]
https://insidenanabreadshead.com/2013/04/22/a-pineapple-update/ [​2nd pic in particular]
10/31/2023 7:12 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
NeonNinja3's Avatar
Thanks for all your pineapple-related research! Following those suggestions, I changed the pineapple top item to be a placer for the new Pineapple Plant, which grows like a stem, then when mature starts producing pineapples. The mature plant now drops itself as a placeable block, and the fully grown pineapple drops 1 pineapple item - unripe pineapples don't drop anything.
10/31/2023 7:07 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
NeonNinja3's Avatar
ScotsMiser What do you think of this implementation? (Requires experimental features): https://www.mediafire.com/file/4xbls3asflnskah/pineapple.zip/file

As of now, mobs can see the player through the leafy part of the pineapple. Is blocking line of sight a distinct block component or tag, or is it related to one of the block's standard opacity-related components? Not something I've done before, but I agree that would make the pineapple block more useful :D
11/01/2023 3:07 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Unfortunately, we appear to have hit my limits as a tech-lite player…

I've not been able to find what is set to indicate a LoS blocking block, although I did find citations that both sugar cane and vines posses this property (which agrees with my empirical testing).
"Sugar cane that has a tall enough stalk can block a Skeleton's line of sight, preventing it from shooting at a player." from https://minecraft-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Sugar_Cane

"When a one-wide wall of transparent blocks [ glass/iron bars/stained glass/glass panes/vines/fences ] is located between myself and a hostile mob in 14w30c, the mob ignores me completely" labeled "Works As Intended" last updated 07Aug23 from https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-64370

So this seems to be real, I just don't know how it works 😞

I've not loaded the resouce pack[?] yet as my current installation of MC only goes to 1.17.2 [​I had to change computers a few months back and don't use the more recent versions enough to have loaded them.]

Looking at the graphics and reading the JSON files leaves me with the impression that this should work.
10/31/2023 12:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
OrderWithoutBorders's Avatar
Delicious fruit
10/30/2023 11:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
NeonNinja3's Avatar
Maybe the full sized one should also be placeable, for decoration?
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