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Required Resource Pack
ArcherElyse's Avatar ArcherElyse
Level 29 : Expert Farmer
I am very cautious when caving; I like to be able to see everything around me so I can make the smartest decisions and avoid being blown up without warning. Unfortunately, only being able to place light sources within 5 blocks of myself doesn't really lend to the safest environments. Thats where this pack comes in: using 3 sticks and a torch, you can now craft 4 Throwable Torches that upon landing, place a torch in their location!

*Note: this pack SHOULD be compatible with most versions of Minecraft, however I personally have only tested it on versions 1.18-1.19, so please make backups of your world before using it on different versions in case anything goes wrong!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by ArcherElyse 06/12/2022 11:51:49 pmJun 12th, 2022

Changes Made:
  • Updated to 1.19

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07/12/2022 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
freecoffees's Avatar
it gives me new 4 throwable torches each time i reload the save..
06/13/2022 8:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
darkqueen's Avatar
This is great, but I have an issue. After running a world for maybe 10 minutes with this pack, I now have most of my inventory taken up my throwable torches that I never crafted. I haven't made a single one but you can see them flying in from offscreen and into my inventory. I am running several mods, Fabric, 1.19.
06/13/2022 9:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Farmer
ArcherElyse's Avatar
I've never encountered that issue while testing, unfortunately. I'll take a look at it on my end and see if there were any changes in 1.19 i missed/messed up on, but otherwise I can only assume it's an issue caused by one of your mods- do you mind telling which they are? Depending on what it is I might know the issue/how to solve it.
06/13/2022 10:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
darkqueen's Avatar
Here's a list of all the mods I have installed. I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with Gobber, specifically the ring of attraction, but I could be completely wrong.

Edit: I think I'm incorrect. Gobber installed on a 1.18.2 with this mod does not reproduce the issue.

Edit 2: Figured it out. It was the "Unlock All Recipes" datapack. [Idea to check it came from a comment here.]
06/13/2022 6:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ThatDudeRightThere's Avatar
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