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Required Resource Pack
BluVibes's Avatar BluVibes
Level 37 : Artisan Birb

This pack adds 52 custom weapons to Minecraft

They are all only obtainable via commands at the moment in the main version
Most weapons come with an ability that can be activated by the player! Each ability also has a cooldown and once it is over a green message "Ability Ready" will pop up in chat and a small noise will be played.

<> = Normal
<> = Newer
<> = Only Works In Multiplayer

Malheur - Gravity - Creates a small black hole
Zeitlos - Seeking - Gives glowing to all mobs in a 30 block radius
Majest - Frenzy - Applies multiple useful buffs as well as blindness for a short period
Saeloun - Dodging - Makes it so that a nearby entity has a chance of missing their attack
Destiny - Gifted - Gives the holder a diamond, small amount of XP, decent saturation and regeneration
Heilagr - Quaking - Summons 3 waves of evoker fangs and applies slowness IIIV to most entities within a small radius
Tempest - Thunder - Strikes random nearby mobs with lightning 5 times
Odium - Bloodshed - When Amare is in the offhand, applies haste II, strength and speed to the wielder
Amare - Paladin - When Odium is in the offhand, applies resistance II, fire resistance and speed to the wielder
Kyrios - Vigour - Disables armour points for its holder but when they are on full saturation and health they gain resistance IV, night vision, strength and fire resistance
Fisilti - Nightmare - Gives nearby players blindness and plays them a cave sound
Migac - Blinking - Applies invisibility and ridiculous speed to its holder for a very small period
Shuijing - Curing - While held, prevents all negative debuffs
Perapian - X-Meteor - Summons fireballs out of the sky in the shape of an X from the holder every 45 seconds
Videl - Perforation - Uses the players XP as fuel. Ignores 50% armour points
Seanathair - Perish - Kills one nearby living entity
Macinare - Shielding - Applies resistance III to the user for 10 seconds
Aiesar - Tornado - Launches all mobs in a 6 block radius into the sky
Duratus - Icicle - Summons 12 icicles randomly above the player's head. These can (at the moment) also hit the player and give many negative effects
Halodo - Unholy - As well as dealing massive damage to undead mobs, when activated it will effect all nearby players with strength, absorption, regeneration and fire resistance for 20 seconds
Colossus - Striking - slows the user constantly
Xirasia - Echoing - Allows the wielder to hit rapidly for a short period of time
Zenido - Breath Blasting -
(Arrow) When the arrow hits the ground it will create a cloud that gives anyone who stands in it nausea and poison, also lights hit enemies on fire
(Firework) Flies for a few seconds before giving out a small explosion
Lyre - Celebration -
(Arrow) When the arrow hits the ground, any entity that goes near it will begin dancing uncontrollably
(Firework) Creates a rainbow firework
Wrath - Lichmaker -
(Arrow) Shoots an arrow that is unaffected by gravity and deals very high damage and can pierce up to 9 mobs
(Firework) Explodes 9 times while flying and summons a bolt of lightning just before disappearing
Lowers movement speed while held and weakens you after used due to its weight and recoil
Harpe - Adahemas - Slows time around the user
Tesseract - Rifting - Allows dimensional travel while the player is around specific mobs:
Being near a creeper in the overworld allows you to teleport to the nether
Being near a zombified piglin in the nether allows you to teleport to the end
Being near a shulker in the end allows you to teleport to the overworld
Aspide - Dreaming - Gives the holder a gold ingot, small amount of XP, minor saturation and high haste
Avarus - Ancient - The higher the holders XP, the more buffs they gain up until level 90
Akuma - Gluttony - By not eating the user gains slowness, resistance and strength
Estron - Starstorm - Summons many damaging falling stars in the sky
Tidal - Healing Aura - Grants regeneration to all players in the vicinity of the holder
Piatra - Electro-cage - Summons 6 bolts of lightning around the holder
Lodern - Inferno - Lights all entities in an area around the player on fire
Azrael - Drowsy - Makes the user invulnerable for a short amount of time, increases the time greatly and explodes all at once
Necrocial - Death Fiend - Kills all undead entities near the player
Wampir - Lifestore - Having higher health gives good effects (speed & haste), having low health gives bad effects (mining fatigue, slowness, blindness, etc) but also regeneration
Spiridell - Teleporter - Randomly teleports the holder randomly within 100 blocks of their current location
Mania - Soulless - Gives all players online life threatening debuffs but permanently uses one heart
Kaldast - Hellraiser - Summons 4 skeletal minions that wont attack any player that has held the sword before
Siphon - Can be used at fist speed but with 4x damage
The Oricon - Compound - Uses the abilities of Fisilti, Migac, Zeitlos, Heilagr, Shuijing, Tempest and Lodern simultaneously
Sporonic - Recharge - Strikes the holder with lightning, charging them and giving them glowing as well as high speed and haste
Phantasm - Gooey -
(Arrow) Bounces from surfaces, may pass through up to 3 entities, and makes them leap into the air
(Firework) Tags all entities it passes and rigs them to explode simultaneously
Spasitel - Raw Power -
Has no effects, only makes this sword very powerful naturally
Hellraiser - Hallow Raising -
The closer the player is to the jukebox, the greater the effects will be. Also summons occasional bursts of hallowed steam
Palekana - Bulletproof -
Player cannot be hit with projectiles, as they are obliterated whenever they get close to them
Kompaun - Composite -
Can switch between Meteoric and Languid modes to account for both speed and damage
Vulkan - Eruption -
(Arrow) Explodes into pyroclastic debris on impact, which deals damage and lights enemies on fire
(Firework) Creates a massive explosion after a while
Understreke - Sinister Shield -
Grants the player golden hearts. The more of these hearts the player has after 30 seconds, the bigger of an explosion will be generated after
Chronia - Slowdown -
(Arrow) Completely freezes any entity it passes through permanently (except players)
(Firework) ???
Veneneux - Brainmelter -
Creates a cloud that effects players with Brainmelt, this effect will cause hallucinations and weariness

/function sacred:.main/.all will activate all weapons

Sacred Weapons CRAFTED: (Only works with the alternative link provided)



Recently added in 1.3, each is activated by holding the specific weapon

You'll Fly Too - Wield Aiesar, references IT
Where's Enfeeble? - Wield Akuma, references coral prickles from Shadow Fight 2 which was what Akuma was designed off of
In Kindness There's Evil - Wield Amare, completed with the other phrase "In Evil There's Kindness" which is the advancement for Odium
Its A Pickaxe... Or Is It? - Wield Aspide, refers to how despite having a pickaxe texture, Aspide is not actually a pickaxe
These Look Pretty Old - Wield Avarus, refers to how having "more experience" makes you wiser, which supposedly comes with maturity/ageing
Grinding For That Clean Ruby - Wield Azrael, references to the "Azrael Hook" boss from Angels Online, it's rarest drop being a clean ruby
Heavy, So Heavy - Wield Colossus, refers to how the weapon grants slowness to the holder
Surprise! - Wield Destiny, refers to the ability of Destiny, which gives the holder gifts
Not To Fire! - Wield Duratus, acts as a response to the name of Duratus, which in Latin means enduring or long lasting
Just Try To Count Them - Wield Estron, refers to the ability of Estron, which summons falling stars
Sweet Dreams... Oh Wait - Wield Fisilti, refers to the ability of Fisilti, which is called nightmare
Hey Look It's Mister Pointy - Wield Halodo, references Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where Buffy gets a stake called Mister Pointy
Seven Ninjas With Swords - Wield Harpe, references Naruto and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist (Adahemas = Samehada backwards)
Could You Repeat That? - Wield Heilagr, refers to how no-one can pronounce this weapon's name properly first try
You Can't Aim With Those - Wield Kaldast, refers to how the skeletons summoned by this weapons use swords instead of bows
Until It Is Done - Wield Kyrios, references DOOM
Highway To Where Now? - Wield Lodern, references the song Highway To Hell by AC/DC
Dance 'Til You're Dead - Wield Lyre, references a meme with a vibing dog which is comparable to how Lyre's arrow effect entities
Unconventional But It'll Do - Wield Macinare, refers to the name of Macinare, which in Italian means grindstone
Netherite Sword But Angry - Wield Majest, refers to how the stats of Majest are exactly the same as a normal netherite sword
Luckier Than Anticipated - Wield Malheur, ironically refers to the name of Malheur, which in French means misfortune
I Wouldn't Touch That- -Wield Mania, refers to how the weapon may permanently remove a heart from the holder
Gotta Go Fast - Wield Migac, references Sonic the Hedgehog
Two For The Price Of One - Wield Necrocial, refers to how the hook has 2 hooked ends
In Evil There's Kindness - Wield Odium, completed with the other phrase "In Kindness There's Evil" which is the advancement for Amare
Imagine Using Right Click - Wield The Oricon, refers to how the weapon deals no melee damage
Boom x16 - Wield Perapian, refers to the ability of Perapian, which summons 16 meteors
Marvel Did It Better - Wield Piatra, references Thor's Stormbreaker, which was what Piatra was designed off of
Pink Fluffy Unicorns! - Wield Saeloun, refers to how the texture of Saeloun includes a rainbow blade
For The Fathers - Wield Seanathair, refers to how the weapon was made for Father's Day
Better Than Elixir - Wield Shuijing, refers to how the ability removes all bad effects, and how elixir is meant to do the same
When You Get Fist++ - Wield Siphon, refers to how the weapon allows you to do 4x as much damage with your fist
Somewhere Below The Rainbow - Wield Spiridell, references The Wizard of Oz
Just A Little Smaller - Wield Sporonic, refers to how Sporonic is not actually a trident and is smaller than a normal one
What's Past Is Prologue - Wield Tempest, references The Tempest by William Shakespeare
8-Cell 4-Cube - Wield Tesseract, refers to the formula of a 4D cube, aka a tesseract
The Never-Ending Spring - Wield Tidal, refers to the particle effect made which looks like cherry blossoms, which only bloom in spring
Porkface Or Something - Wield Videl, references The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Tired? No, Exhausted - Wield Wampir, refers to the ability of Wampir
Get Stronger Arms - Wield Wrath, refers to the after-effect of shooting Wrath
Wanna See Me Do It Again? - Wield Xirasia, refers to the ability of Xirasia
I Can See You - Wield Zeitlos, refers to the ability of Zeitlos
Definitely Not A Bar - Wield Zenido, refers to the Zenido Art Bar
Build Me A Mountain - Wield Phantasm, refers to how Phantasm was an idea by worldgen datapack creator, Starmute


I will not be updating this pack any further, and will be moving on to smaller compact packs that add small amounts of weapons, but more content. Another thing to note is that these smaller packs will (in theory) properly work and wont completely butcher other packs it is used alongside.

While I am very sorry that people will have to wait for more recent weapons to be released, I believe this is better due to how much better these smaller packs will be.

Use this pack how you want, I would VERY STRONGLY suggest only using it in singleplayer and by itself.
CreditMCD for some base weapon designs, an unknown designer for the base design of The Oricon, Mango Unit for Magmaswing
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

10 Update Logs

v1.4.2 : by BluVibes 01/16/2022 1:57:47 amJan 16th, 2022

- Should actually work now lol

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02/16/2022 6:21 pm
Level 88 : Elite Deity
Eastonium's Avatar
This pack breaks the tick and load functions. You have tags for them, but the functions "sacred:tick" and "sacred:load" don't exist. This breaks any other datapack installed along side it too.
02/25/2022 7:43 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Birb
BluVibes's Avatar
oh ok, I must have skipped over it when I was sorting files. Big thanks
02/16/2022 10:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
weapons ae not activating. the given command /function sacred:.main/all doesnt work
02/12/2022 11:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Black_Cyclone's Avatar
If you want the swords craftable, do you download just the bottom data pack (the one from M), or both data packs?
01/16/2022 4:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
akween's Avatar
what does the new update do?
01/16/2022 4:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
akween's Avatar
bc in the log it says should actually work know but i cant craft or the abilties dont pop up
01/16/2022 11:44 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Birb
BluVibes's Avatar
if youre using crafted it will require a different command that I believe is /function sacred:.all in newer versions this will be /function sacred:.main/all
01/14/2022 5:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
akween's Avatar
what is sacred 1.2 crafted and how do i download it
01/14/2022 6:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
akween's Avatar
also why doesnt abilities work
01/16/2022 12:53 am
Level 37 : Artisan Birb
BluVibes's Avatar
with the recent update the pack hasnt been working properly, Ive been on holiday but im fixing it now. As for crafted, its an earlier version of the pack where you can also craft all the weapons.

Ill make a new properly working download shortly
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