Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Rainbeau's Biome-Specific Fish

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Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar Rainbeau_Flambe
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau's Biome-Specific Fish

Fishing and Village Fisher Chests Now Yield SENSIBLE Loot!

(A Data Pack for Minecraft 1.19, 1.19.1 & 1.19.2)

This data pack is a simple QoL utility to make sure that the fish you catch while fishing - or obtain by looting a village fisher's chest - are actually consistent with the biome in which they're found.

In vanilla Minecraft, the chance you have of catching a particular type of fish isn't affected by the biome in which you're fishing. At all. You have the same chance of catching a salmon when fishing in a desert pond as when fishing in a frozen ocean, and you're just as likely to catch a tropical fish in a tiaga as in a jungle. That makes no sense. And village fisher chests always contain cod and/or salmon, no matter where the village is located.

With "Biome-Specific Fish," you'll no longer be able to obtain salmon in warmer biomes, nor will you find pufferfish or tropical fish in colder biomes. Cod will be obtained only in more temperate biomes.

The pack also makes a couple of other related changes. First, you'll no longer find barrels in village fisher chests. I know it's a trivial thing, but it's always bugged me. Second, and more significantly, you'll no longer be able to dig yourself a little pond and fish for treasure in it. If you want to fish for treasure, you'll need to do so in an ocean, river or swamp biome, where hooking treasure while fishing actually makes at least a little bit of sense.

"Biome-Specific Fish" ought to be compatible with pretty much anything else, except, obviously, for other data packs or mods that alter fishing results. Note, however, that if you're fishing in a biome added by a mod or data pack, you'll only be able to catch cod, as non-vanilla biomes will all fall into the default "mid-temperature" category. (My own "Sky Islands" and "Water World" data packs are exceptions, as are "Terralith" and "William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld" as "Biome-Specific Fish" *does* recognize the new biomes that those packs add.)

-- Rainbeau Flambe (Darryl Burgdorf)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Rainbeau_Flambe 09/17/2022 3:52:24 pmSep 17th, 2022

Moved river biome from "cod only" to "cod and salmon" category
Added 1.18 backport

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08/16/2023 10:29 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
That's so neat, could I add this to my mudpack? You will surely be credited!
07/19/2023 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mabra_'s Avatar
Nice concept but it doesn't match the spawn biomes of the fish mobs.
07/20/2023 10:53 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar
Could you be more specific? It's been a while since I released it, but I know I went through the spawn data to try to make sure the fishing results and fish mob spawns matched, and I don't recall ending up with any discrepancies. There are cases where you can catch fish that don't actually spawn as mobs in a biome, yes, but that (obviously) can happen even with vanilla fishing. There shouldn't be any cases where you *can't* catch fish that *do* spawn in a particular biome, though.

This of course refers only to vanilla biomes. Where I added biomes from data packs, I had to just accept the fact that some of those biomes allowed fish mobs to spawn that logically had no business existing within them.
07/20/2023 3:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mabra_'s Avatar
With this pack i catch cods in standards river when it should be salmon.

I don't know if there any other discrepancies, this is the only place where i tested it.

But if you made the fish loot table 100% accurate to the mob spawn then they would be limited to rivers, oceans and lush caves and mangrove swamps.
07/22/2023 8:55 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar
Huh. Either I somehow never noticed that, or (more likely) just decided it didn't matter enough to worry about.

Based on temperature and placement, river biomes are considered by the data pack to be "mid-temp" biomes, which means you can only catch cod in them. Since they can easily be found "winding through" either warmer or colder biomes, defining them thusly made sense.

Just figure the salmon you can see in the river are too focused on spawning to be attracted to your fishing lures. :D
09/28/2022 8:14 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
That’s exactly what I’m looking for! Thank you so much for the great work!
09/20/2022 9:25 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar
I've gone ahead and made my old 1.16 "Catch of the Day" data pack available via the link above, along with the 1.18 backport of "Biome-Specific Fish." Be aware, though, that the 1.16 version includes a lot of "fluff" that I stripped out of the 1.19 version. In addition to making caught fish appropriate to the biomes in which they're caught, it adds "live" catches, expands the treasure loot options, and adds a bunch of fishing-themed advancements.
09/17/2022 3:54 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar
Now available for either 1.19 or 1.18. Take your pick. :)
09/04/2022 11:23 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar
This pack now fixes fishing results not only in vanilla worlds, but also in worlds created by my "Sky Islands" or (soon to be released) "Water World" data packs, or by "Terralith" or "William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld."
07/17/2022 9:28 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Rainbeau_Flambe's Avatar
This is basically a stripped-down version of my old "Catch of the Day" data pack. I realized that most of what that pack grew to offer - the fancier treasure loot, the "live" catches, the overblown achievements - weren't really all that interesting to me. The main reason I used the pack, myself, was just that I wanted fish to match the biome where they were obtained. Hence, "Biome-Specific Fish."
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