Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Owl's April Fools'

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TheGreatOwlMaster's Avatar TheGreatOwlMaster
Level 27 : Expert Birb
Owl's April Fools' is certainly one of the data packs of all time: it's a sort of remix of the vanilla game that brings chaos everywhere with wacky world generation, harder mobs and more. It also changes the progression quite a lot, with eyes of ender requiring more ingredients to craft them. There's even different routes you can follow, so now every playthrough is necessarily the exact same!

Images of the world generation and a list of every change can be found on the Modrinth page.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

2024 Update : by TheGreatOwlMaster 03/31/2024 9:05:56 amMar 31st

The 2024 version!

Everything was tested to work in 1.20.1, but it should theoretically work up to 1.20.4 as well. Let me know if something is broken in those versions

New Features

- Eyes of Ender are now much more expensive to craft, requiring the player to explore the world more: to craft 64 eyes of ender, you now need one ender pearl, one blaze rod, either a diamond block or a totem of undying, either a netherite scrap or a heart of the sea, either a froglight (any kind) or a sponge, either a nether star or a netherite ingot, either an echo shard or a pitcher plant, one of any trim and one of any pottery sherd. They can be placed in any order in the crafting table
- Upon getting close to a player, hostile mobs will now get a speed, strength, defense and regeneration buff, with particles to indicate when they get buffed up. There are also some mobs that get other buffs:
- Creepers do not get buffed up like the other mobs, instead getting a buff in their explosion radius, becoming completely silent and having a shorter fuse time
- Slimes and magma cubes also get jump boost along with the other effects
- Spiders also place cobwebs wherever they go to slow down the player
- Every zombified piglin, enderman, iron golem, polar bear and wild wolf is now aggressive towards the player by default. However, endermen are not aggressive if the player is wearing a pumpkin to make the end somewhat bearable
- Standing on soul sand now makes you get wither and makes you sink in it
- Going in water, cobwebs, mud or soul sand will now slow you down while you are in it and a few seconds after exiting it
- Walking on paths will now speed you up
- Chains are now climbable
- Standing on any type of copper block during a thunderstorm spawns lightning on you, even if there is no direct access to the sky
- Added an advancement for obtaining a grass block, grass or tall grass called "Touch Grass?" that kills you and blows you up upon obtaining it for the first time

Changes/Bug Fixes/Removals

- Reorganized the file structure to be more in line with my other data packs
- Updated old features to work with new blocks and mobs, such as sculk spreading to any block and the herobrine shrine now accepting camels and sniffers
- Villagers and wandering traders now get wither when you get too close to them instead of poison
- Any block can now be used as a beacon base
- Reverted the change where beacons could only be activated with a diamond or netherite ingot
- Reverted the change where endermen and blazes could no longer drop ender pearls and blaze rods. In fact, endermen now drop way more ender pearls than in vanilla
- Reverted the change where piglin could no longer barter ender pearls
- Nether fortresses can no longer spawn in the overworld

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04/08/2023 4:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pizzaalalalal's Avatar
some of these things are actually really neat features, having them be separate packs would be neat.
04/08/2023 6:05 pm
Level 27 : Expert Birb
TheGreatOwlMaster's Avatar
Which ones? If you want I could make a data pack that only has those features and send it to you
04/08/2023 6:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pizzaalalalal's Avatar
- Fire on bedrock, obsidian and crying obsidian becomes soul fire
- Powder snow deals more damage
- Axolotls are always hostile to every mob
- No mobs are immune to or can walk on powder snow

That'd be awesome, thanks
04/08/2023 6:50 pm
Level 27 : Expert Birb
TheGreatOwlMaster's Avatar
I'll do that and send it to you in DMs asap, just keep in mind that when 1.20 and other future updates are going to release you'll need to add the new mobs in the .json tag file. If you don't know how that's fine, I can show you how
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