Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Obsidian Citadel

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AshenArrow's Avatar AshenArrow
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
Obsidian Citadel Minecraft Data Pack
The Obsidian Citadel is a zombie fort

  • You start the fort by putting a zombie skull on top of the blackstone pillar under the banners
  • You will then have to fight waves of zombies before the boss spawns
  • The boss drops OP loot, such as, fire aspect 3 swords, nether stars, netherite, diamonds, etc


Page 1: A Whisper in the Shadows

In the quiet corners of the world, where the sun struggles to pierce through the thick canopy of trees, a tale of darkness unfolds. They speak of the Obsidian Citadel, a fortress forgotten by time, shrouded in mystery. And so, my journey began, guided only by the whispers of the wind and the haunting echoes of distant howls.

Page 2: Unveiling the Enigma

I stumbled upon a peculiar blackstone structure, its surface cold to the touch. My heart raced as I placed the severed skull of a zombie upon its eerie walls. The very ground beneath my feet quivered as the fortress stirred, awakening from a slumber that spanned centuries. The air crackled with an unsettling energy as the Obsidian Citadel materialized before my eyes.

Page 3: The Dance of Shadows

With each wave of undead, the Obsidian Citadel seemed to come alive. The walls hummed with malevolence, and the shadows danced in twisted patterns. As I fended off the relentless onslaught, I could feel the fortress testing my mettle, challenging my very existence in this unholy battleground.

Page 4: Roar of the Abyss

As the final wave crashed upon the walls, a monstrous roar resonated through the obsidian halls, heralding the arrival of the Boss – a grotesque embodiment of darkness. The air thickened with tension as I faced this formidable foe, knowing that victory meant conquering the very essence of fear itself.

Page 5: A Flame in the Abyss

The Boss fell, vanquished by my unwavering determination. The Obsidian Citadel, once a bastion of malevolence, yielded its secrets. Among the spoils lay swords enchanted with Fire Aspect III, their fiery glow a testament to my triumph over the abyss. The fortress, now eerily silent, seemed to acknowledge the victor within its walls.

Lore Quill: A Chronicle of Shadows

In my quest to unlock the mysteries of the Obsidian Citadel, I uncovered a chilling tale. The fortress was once a sanctuary for a sorcerer who sought dominion over life and death. His twisted desires led to a confrontation with heroes who, against all odds, sealed the citadel with enchantments beyond mortal comprehension.

As I stand amidst the remnants of that age-old battle, I can't help but feel a connection to those heroes. The Obsidian Citadel now stands as a relic of my own journey, a reminder that even in the darkest corners, a single flame can defy the abyss. May my tale endure, a testament to the triumph of light over shadows.

How long can you survive?
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CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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