Minecraft Data Packs / Item

More Mineral Uses

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Tijd4Jan's Avatar Tijd4Jan
Level 41 : Master Crafter
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More Mineral Uses Minecraft Data Pack


More Mineral Uses is a Datapack for Minecraft 1.18. It adds new items which gives minerals like Copper, Lapis Lazuli and Diamonds new uses.
Every mineral now has three extra uses. For copper, there are now Copper Eggs, Copper Totems and Copper Books. Lapis Lazuli now has Feared Dragon Breath, the Lapis Monster and a Lapis Book. Diamonds can now be used ot make a Heart of Town, a Diamond Torch and a Diamond Book. More information about these items can be found on this page.
This is the first discontinued Datapack. It isn't really a Datapack which I like because many items in it don't fit into the game very well. Aside from that, there are a number of bugs and it doesn't feel professionally made.

More Mineral Uses Minecraft Data Pack


Copper Totem

Copper Totems work nearly the same as Totems of Undying. The difference is that after using the Copper Totem, it turns into an Oxidized Copper Totem. This one does not work anymore and also can't be turned into a normal Copper Totem again. The idea for the Oxidized Copper Totem is that it resembles a memory to that time the Copper Totem saved your life. Throw this on a crafting table to make a Copper Totem:
  • More Mineral Uses Minecraft Data Pack Copper Block (x4) + Totem of Undying =
  • Copper Totem -- After use =
  • Oxidized Copper Totem

Copper Egg

Copper Eggs can be used to spawn mobs. If you put one in an item frame on top of a Copper Block variant, you'll have to wait 10 minutes. After that, a random monster will spawn. This can be a zombie, skeleton, creeper, vindicator, zombified piglin, zombie villager or blaze. Throw this on a crafting table to make a Copper Egg.
  • Copper Ingot (x8) + Egg =
  • Copper Egg

Copper Book

Copper Books are handy if you want to change the weather. When you open a Copper Book, you will see a short list with types of weather of which you can choose one. After pressing the desired type of weather, your book will disappear and the weather will change instantly for five minutes. Throw this on a bookshelf to make a Copper Book:
  • Copper Block + Book =
  • Copper Book

Lapis Lazuli

Feared Dragon Breath

Feared Dragon Breath is used to make normal mobs stronger. This is an item mainly added to make the game more challenging for the player. They don't drop anything special, but they are stronger and faster. This works on zombies, skeletons, spiders creepers, drowned, husks, strays, vindicators, zombie villagers and wither skeletons. Throw this on a crafting table to make Feared Dragon Breath:
  • Lapis Lazuli (x8) + Dragon Breath =
  • Feared Dragon Breath

Lapis Monster (+ Spawn Egg)

The Lapis Monster is a new mob added to the Datapack. It kinda looks like a blue librarian villager with its head lowered and very long arms. It has an enchanted book above its head. If it gets into water, it disappears and turns into a Spawn Egg. When it dies, it drops a random enchanted book. Throw this on top of a crafting table to make the Lapis Monster Spawn Egg:
  • Lapis Lazuli Block (x2) + Iron Chestplate =
  • Lapis Monster Spawn Egg

Lapis Book

Lapis Books show you a number of enchantments of which you can choose one, which the costs behind it. If you have enough experiene levels, the Lapis Book changes into an enchanted book with the chosen enchantment. There will not be any treasure enchantments like Mending in Lapis Books. Throw these items on top of a bookshelf to make a Lapis Book:
  • Lapis Lazuli Block + Book =
  • Lapis Book


Heart of Town

Hearts of Towns can be used to alter the world spawn. These are also important for if you want to spawn a Diamond Trader in your world using the Diamond Book. Throw this on a crafting table to make a Heart of Town:
  • Diamond (x8) + Heart of the Sea =
  • Heart of Town

Diamond Torch

A Diamond Torch makes Dynamic Lighting a thing in vanilla Minecraft. When holding the Diamond Torch, the area around you will light up like there's a torch placed directly below you. It doesn't work underwater or when you're standing inside a block which isn't entirely filled. If you place down the Diamond Torch, it changes into a normal torch and will not emit light anymore when holding. Throw this on top of a crafting table to make a Diamond Torch:
  • Diamond (x4) + Torch (x4) =
  • Diamond Torch (x4)

Diamond Book

Diamond Books can be used to spawn a Diamond Trader. There will be a short list with the possibility to spawn one. If there is no Heart of Town in the world, it will tell you in the chat that it needs one to spawn the Diamond Trader. If there is one, it will spawn the Diamond Trader on top of it after 10 ingame days. It will also send a chat message that the Diamond Trader has arrived. He despawns after a couple of days. A Diamond Trader sells many items which he asks diamonds for. Throw this on a bookshelf to make the Diamond Book:
  • Diamond Block + Book =
  • Diamond Book


More Mineral Uses created


This is the first Datapack which has been discontinued
The first Datapack to be released in 1.18
Mineral Portals has replaced this Datapack. Copper, Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli also play a big role in this one for creating and using the portals.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

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