Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Higher-level Enchantments v1.1.1

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NTDan's Avatar NTDan
Level 49 : Master Crafter
tryashtar made a one-command about this in 1.9.
I liked the idea and saw not a lot of other people making it into a data pack, so I am here to do so!

Please install "Enhancing Table" if you decide to download this data pack, otherwise it may not work properly or may not work at all.
Also we have a discord group now if you want to join click here.

What is Higher-level Enchantments?
To put it simply, it allows you to get Sharpness VI on your sword or Protection V on your armor.

How do I get Protection V on my Iron Chestplate?
For video click here.
To put a Higher-level Enchantments on your items, you need:

- An item with the maxed level of the enchantment you want. (For example: an Iron Chestplate with Protection IV)
- A certain amount of a certain material. (Specified in the "info.txt" file)
- 4 Lapis Lazuli, 1 Bottle o' Enchanting, 2 Enchanted Popped Chorus Fruit (from the Enhancing Table data pack)
Arrange them in the following order: 1 Lapis Lazuli in each corner, the Bottle o' Enchanting in the middle of the last row, 2 Enchanted Popped Chorus Fruit on either side of the middle row, the item you want to "upgrade" in the exact middle, the material on the last empty spot. (Video will show it more clearly)

If you did it correctly, purple particle effects should start appearing on the table. Now light the table on fire(on the top) and BAM! You got yourself an Iron Chestplate with Protection V!

Is there a limit on how many "Upgrades" I can make?
Yes there are, 2 is set to be the default, but you can customize it in the config file or do /scoreboard players set hle_eucap hle_c (number).
If your item reached the cap, trying to "upgrade" it again won't work, and upon putting the item in the middle slot, the table will produce smoke particles.

How to get to the config file: open the data pack(don't unzip) -> data -> hle -> functions -> config -> custom.mcfunction

Currently there are only 2 things you can "customize":
- Whether it will display particles and play sounds or not. (default: Yes)
- The limit of "upgrades" on an item. (default: 2)

Notes from the creator
Again, this is NOT my idea, it was tryashtar's. I am just making my data pack version of his one-command.
Secondly, this is DEFINITELY an end-game data pack, considering you need quite a lot of resources, especially chorus fruit.
Thirdly, if you want to get all the materials and items, do /give @s structure_block and place it down, set it to "Load" mode, type hle:items under "Structure Name" and remember to set "Include entities" to ON. Once done, press "LOAD" and the structure should be right there!
Finally, I am all ears for suggestions and constructive criticism, and I would even appreciate it if you were to help me with improving the data pack.
(might add advancements next update)

How to install


Wait... you don't know how to install it? Sorry... let me show you how.
Step 1: Download the data pack. It may say that the link is "dangerous", but it's an adf.ly link and you can be SURE that adf.ly is trustable. Remember, look at the top left, DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING ELSE. After 5 seconds a yellow button with black text should appear saying "Skip ad" or things alike in your language. Click that and then follow the instructions of the page you are directed to. After that it either should:
- Redirect you to the mediafire page OR
- Show you a screen where it is unable to redirect you and you should click some text to be redirected.
After that just press the green download button and everything shall be a-okay.

Step 2: Open your minecraft world folder and insert the data pack.
- For singleplayer go to your search bar and search "Run" or do Windows + R for Windows users. After that type in "%appdata%" and Enter. That should bring you to a folder with the folder ".minecraft". Go to .minecraft -> saves -> (your world name) -> datapacks. Insert your data packs here.
- For multiplayer... idk go search Google.
Step 3: Go into your world if you haven't and enter the command /reload. (go to the world with the data pack please... I'm scared of people with -1 IQ.)
Step 4: There's no step 4, you're done!

That's all you need to know about the Higher-level Enchantments data pack!
(all the commands are written by hand, just so you know)
Creditme for spending 3 days lol
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
toMinecraft 1.16

2 Update Logs

v1.1.1 : by NTDan 04/26/2020 2:36:23 pmApr 26th, 2020

+ Fixed small issue with a structure.
+ Fixed info.txt file giving wrong information.

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03/26/2021 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Plague_Identified's Avatar
Exactly What Version does this Datapack apply to? I just want to play it without the hassle of having to go through all the possible versions.
03/27/2021 10:21 am
Level 49 : Master Crafter
NTDan's Avatar
It's recommended to play it in 1.16.
10/30/2021 8:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Thezfor's Avatar
bruh enchants need to be way higher they are all the same.
06/08/2020 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Elpeter's Avatar
Hello, these days I had to want to use this data pack and it doesn't work for me. I have the one on the enchantment table and this one. I can make the table and everything, but when it comes to updating it doesn't let me, it does nothing having all the materials. Is there a problem? it doesn't work for me in single player or multiplayer
05/12/2020 6:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
berni1212's Avatar

Your download link is Broken or got Removed !

Please add a Valid one Thanks !
05/13/2020 8:22 am
Level 49 : Master Crafter
NTDan's Avatar
It's not broken nor removed! Just follow the how to install section and you should be golden!
04/29/2020 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThwTwoBladeLT's Avatar
How can you get Sharpness VI and looting IV? It doesnt work for me...Any ideas?
04/30/2020 8:14 am
Level 49 : Master Crafter
NTDan's Avatar
Have you tried reading the info.txt file in the zip file? Just open the zip file and read it. (it’s important you don’t unzip it)
04/20/2020 5:30 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Lordmichael203's Avatar
howdy, I'm not new to data packs, but I've never worked with enchants, any input on how to add a 3rd LVL to frost walker with new abilities? would it just require an added IF function that detects LVL 3 or something more complicated?
04/20/2020 8:31 pm
Level 49 : Master Crafter
NTDan's Avatar
Hi Lordmichael203,

Glad you asked! From my next data pack onwards, I will have a section where I explain how the data pack works, but here’s how I made Frost Walker III.
If you messed around with the data pack, you know it is made in a dispenser (container) and not in the player’s inventory, which makes things a lot easier here.
An invisible armor stand is inside the dispenser, and to get the level of Frost Walker in the 5th slot, it runs the following command:
/execute as (entity) at @s store result @s (objective) run data get block ~ ~ ~ Items[{Slot:4b}].tag.Enchantments[{id:”minecraft:frost_walker”}].lvl
Then I simply test if the score of the objective is 2 and if the recipe is correct, and if so I run a function which makes the Frost Walker level from 2 to 3, clearing all the items and some cosmetic effects.
/execute as (entity) as @s[​scores={(objective)=2}] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ dispenser{*NBT here*} run function (function)
The commands that increase the level by 1(in the function)
/scoreboard players add @s (objective) 1
/execute store results block ~ ~ ~ Items[{Slot:4b}].tag.Enchantments[{id:”minecraft:frost_walker”}].lvl short 1 run scoreboard players get @s (objective)
/scoreboard players reset @s (objective) \\comment: I’m doing this as not to leave any data(a little bit less laggy in my opinion, I have a bad computer)
If there are any questions, PM me and I’d be glad to help! And there might be some errors as I’m writing this from memory.
Have a nice day!
- SuperBuildcraft
Planet Minecraft


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