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Why 1.10 Will Help 1.9 Save Minecraft

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avrona's Avatar avrona
Level 40 : Master Explorer
So when the ever controversial 1.9 came out, I created a blog called "Why 1.9 Will Save Minecraft", in which I didn't exactly talk about all the changes in that update, like fixed combat, but more focused on how those changes impact the community for the better. I recommend reading that blog first so you are on board on what I will explain here.

1.10 seems to follow a clear trend of controversial updates after 1.10, however this time the main complaint is how soon after 1.9 it was launched. A large gripe people have with it is saying that plugins and mods cannot keep up. But mods are mods for a reason. They are mods, not vanilla. Yes I understand there is a large community around them, however they are not naturally meant to least as MC or any game is updated. If a mod cannot keep up, it is not meant to last for the game. And mods shouldn't be a reason for people to stay in earlier versions. And thankfully Hypixel recently created something to help with this problem while preventing hackers, etc. And that thing is Watchdog. Watchdog is a system for detecting mods used by players that may be used to exploit the server, discouraging the use of mods that may get you banned. So a big step there. Now I am not trying to say using mods is bad, but it discourages overusing them, in general and in places they are not needed.

My next point is a large addition to 1.10, something that really revolutionises everything: STRUCTURE BLOCKS!

Command blocks have so much in them, and so do their new companions, the structure block. Structure blocks also help make this update a lot bigger, seeing how much stuff power they have inside. Structure blocks provide so many new possibilities for vanilla servers, etc. Now this a good to bring on something I talked about in my 1.9 blog. Something I called "The Anti-Vanilla Bias". It's kind of a complicated but also a basic idea. Let me explain.

Vanilla servers have been getting a rough deal. Many people think that all vanilla servers are bad, that they can only be survival or creative, that there is no way of protecting them, and that things like ranks, prison, and minigames are impossible on them. None of that is true! But for some reason these people believe so strongly in it. Some of them simply try to avoid vanilla servers at all costs. Others just try to make fun of them every single chance they get. While some extreme people flat out rage out against them, and in some cases they try to fight vanilla servers. WHY? What's the point? I have a vanilla, not survival or creative server so I see this a lot. Once I had this person come, who asked how did I have coloured chat if this server is vanilla. I just told him it's a simple tellraw command. Then he started arguing about that the server uses plugins, before raging out against me, so I just banned him. Ironically, the anti vanilla bias perfectly matches a very popular quote by Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win". This is very true to this situation, and I find it so funny how these things match. But it hopefully also predicts a bright future. When vanilla servers will finally win against the bias.

Anyway back to structure blocks. Structure blocks are another nail to the coffin of the bias. I might even go as far as to say it is several nails. And why is it a nail/nails? Well 2 words should explain everything: World Edit. Now I am not saying World Edit is a bad thing (I need to explain this in almost all of my points as I will always get some haters thinking I hate plugins). It's a great tool. However it is purely optional for use in a server. You may not need it build what you want, without too much of a time taken change. However now there is even less of a reason for it, as structure blocks have appeared and rocked the blocky world.They can be not only super useful for already plugin servers, but think of the power they bring to vanilla servers! You have a more efficient version of World Edit and in vanilla! And structure blocks can also be activated by redstone, making the new possibilities they provide endless! It also means that an extremely key player in the plugin realm has been replaced. World edit is a plugin used by so many servers, so structure blocks help out a bunch, as they provide a vanilla and efficient replacement for something so key. And with more stuff in vanilla, the better stuff people can create. People will start to notice what amazing things can be made with no plugins, helping to kill the bias.

Any update to the game (especially quick ones like 1.10) give this moment of invulnerability for vanilla servers. This is because for a short while at least, we have something plugin servers don't have until they update everything. It gives that moment of being able to shine and be the first to do something. I'm just going to leave you with this on the topic of vanilla servers: you don't HAVE to make a vanilla server, neither should you learn it. It's just that the players avoid vanilla servers, while they should get a fair chance. Vanilla is not better, it can still lag, no specific vanilla server is the best, but plugins are no better. Do not avoid vanilla servers as they could be cool too.

So all I talked a lot about the bias against vanilla servers so far, which is only a small bit of the whole spectrum of "Saving MC". The following might get a bit confusing, so just bear with me.

In 1.9 I mentioned how the new combat is not only fixed, but also helps the community a lot. 1.10 does similar, this time with the arguments that 1.10 is too small or came out too shortly after 1.9. How does that help this time? I mentioned in the 1.9 blog how in the community there is a similar mechanic to the process of "Natural Selection". It means that through natural occurrences, nature decides which animals are most fitted to live. In MInecraft's case, we have occurrences in the game (like new updates), that makes the community decide who is who. Now many people can think this is sad, but it is clear not everyone fits into the community and for good reason. Remember how much people rambled about 1.9 combat and how far they even went to be heard. Infractions were flying all over the place! So what's wrong with not including people that are mean? 1.10 like 1.9 helps make the perfect community by showing who is against all the positive changes.

There is so much more to do with the community, but we would be here for hours. Anyway, well done for reaching the end of this article. Minecraft is a great game, so remember not to fight against it. And remember: "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win".

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10/05/2016 6:17 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
i think the whole reason people dislike vanilla is because of ignorance, also world edit is better if you ask me, as there are functions in worldedit that a structure block can't do.
10/06/2016 3:05 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
They are pretty much the same but without the pain of getting plugins. I use them on my server the whole time.
10/06/2016 6:37 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
the main thing i mena is that worledit can clear out giant areas, fill them in, generate shapes, change the materials of an entire building in an isnstant, i don't think you can do that with structure blocks, though it is nice that you don't need plugins for copypaste with structure blocks
07/13/2016 11:25 pm
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
RobhieMattz's Avatar
Been using Vanilla Minecraft ever since I started my first server. Of course I was intrigued to try bukkit because of the plugins it offer. Just a few clicks and your server is ready to go. But that's not I want my server to be, Because everytime I enter a Bukkit Server I'm always experiencing this dramatic lag that my pc can't handle. Vanilla however gives me a more faster chunk loading and other stuffs. I've been learning CMD BLOCKS since 1.5.2 and managed to invent some few codes that is efficient for Vanilla Servers. Bukkit is for cracked users I'll admit it, But Vanilla is the home for every premium users, It's the home for those players who value the real simplicity of the game and chose to innovate it. The devs have never failed us in giving the right tools to make such codes so I salute them for constantly adding new commands and improving how redstones and cmd blocks work. I will support Vanilla till the day I leave this game. And I promise myself that one day, Vanilla will be more popular than Bukkit or Spigot in the future.
01/17/2017 10:55 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
"Bukkit is for cracked users"
Are you seriously assuming that those who enjoy/ed using bukkit are cracked users because you're treading a dangerous assumption.
01/22/2017 4:05 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
RobhieMattz's Avatar
It's the only build that can support cracked users safely. Because of the Auth Plugin. Please don't turn it into such a big deal.
01/26/2017 12:57 am
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
I'm simply expressing my opinion RobhieMattz, don't make a mountain out of a molehill because I pointed out it's a dangerous assumption.
07/14/2016 2:06 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
I'm the same. There is nothing wrong in bukkit, but I wholeheartedly support vanilla every day.
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