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The Probability of Your Popularity

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Dunmill1's Avatar Dunmill1
Level 22 : Expert Nerd

At the time this blog is being written, Mojang has just sold 8,655,119 copies of Minecraft for the PC. They have sold over 17.5 million copies throughout all platforms. Millions more people have 'cracked' Minecraft accounts through Mineshafter or a similar site. According to Notch, Minecraft is currently the number one subject in quantity of Youtube videos released. The amount of things currently released for Planet Minecraft are as follows:

Skins: 526,949+
Projects: 171,760+
Blogs (Counting Every Type): 74,574+
Texture Packs: 21,519+

There are also the multitudes of forum posts which must be taken into account when determining your popularity.

This blog will go deeper into why popularity is so important to us as human beings, the math behind your popularity, and the conclusions which you should draw.

Why Does Popularity Matter?

Acceptance is an enormous thing in everyone's life. While in school, you never want to be that kid always picked last. When you go to work every day, you don't go thinking, Hopefully today is the day when everyone realizes that they hate me! The same thing applies to the internet. When you put weeks or months into a project, skin, texture pack, or Youtube video, you want something back. It's the way we are as human beings. While we are working on our projects, we fantasize about how famous we are going to be. However, a problem arises. Each one of the 8,655,119 people who have bought Minecraft cannot all be famous.

Youtubers are deceiving. You may see a popular video (1 million+ views) on Youtube and think to yourself, I can make that quality of work. I'm going to be famous! Before thinking this, take a moment to glance at when the video was made and how many subscribers this person has. The same goes for PMC projects. Most of the time, someone who has gained popularity for Minecraft content started back when the game was still in Alpha/Beta stages. If you want to gain popularity, it takes time rather than a single thing (no matter how good that thing is).

But I digress. The purpose of this section is to tell you if popularity matters. The fact is, you have to determine that for yourself. Everyone wants acceptance. However, the comfortable level of acceptance differs for each person. For some people, three diamonds is enough where others feel they need millions of Youtube views. My advice is, don't do something for popularity, but rather because you enjoy it. And, take a moment every once in a while to look at the content others are producing as well. Leave them some feedback, and realize that there are millions of others who feel the same as you.

Calculating Your World Popularity:

As a high estimate, there are probably around 600,000 total active members on PMC.
As a very low estimate, there are probably around 10,000,000 total people who have an interest in Minecraft projects.

Therefore, if you get 100 views on your project on PMC...

100/600,000 = x/10,000,000 -> x=1667

100/600,000 = y/7,000,000,000 -> y=1,166,667

...then the conditional probability is equivalent to getting 1667 views from the whole Minecraft community. A single diamond becomes multiplied by about 10.6.

...then the conditional probability is equivalent to getting 1,166,667 views from the entire world's population. A single diamond becomes multiplied by about 11,667.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." -Norman Vincent Peale


Minecraft is an amazing game. It is full of limitless possibility and endless potential. Your mind is your limit. So, leave this blog with this. Have fun. It's not about the amount of views you get or diamonds you receive. Perspective is what matters in the end.

I hope this blog has helped you to care less about the probability of your popularity, and to be able to focus more on having fun while playing a game that we all adore.
CreditI would like to thank DekuHero for helping me see things a little differently.

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12/31/2012 3:37 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Musician
xenocides's Avatar
Very well worded. Fantastic job(:
01/01/2013 2:29 am
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
Dunmill1's Avatar
Thank you very much.
12/30/2012 8:27 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Unique, accurate, and interesting. Diamond and subscribe.
12/30/2012 8:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
Dunmill1's Avatar
12/30/2012 4:41 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Ninja
HeroGuy426's Avatar
This human speaks TRUTH! And anyway, if you do what you like to do, and not do what other people want you to do, then you will get better at what you want to do, and then people will want you to do want you want to do, because you become better at what you want to do, so then you are better at doing what you want to do, and you want to do it, so then you have a good time pleasing however many subscribers you have. :)

Oh and also you have some cool projects. Can't wait to see what you make next!
12/30/2012 4:47 pm
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
Dunmill1's Avatar
Thanks for checking this blog out, and I'm glad you enjoy the content I release. :)
12/30/2012 1:48 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
someone41's Avatar
I dont know why you haven't already got 100 diamonds
12/30/2012 1:50 am
Level 22 : Expert Nerd
Dunmill1's Avatar
Thanks! I just hope that people who view it will be able to get something out of it. :P
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