This Blog is an entry in the completed Animal Whisperer Blog Contest.

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The Castle and the Rabbits

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YoshiMan45's Avatar YoshiMan45
Level 3 : Apprentice Artist
Warm rays of the sun had been hitting down on us all day. It was just about noon when we reached the area. I could see a stone structure in the outskirts of the field. It stood tall and sturdy. It had appeared in this area a while back but our colony had not seemed to venture out of the warren. I stood with three of our warren's best rabbits. We had been starring ahead at the structure for a while now. We decided today, we had to go visit the castle across the field. There could be some food that we desperately needed to survive the winter. The men that we had seen living there had to have been carrying food the other day inside. Some lettuce we had seen and was fresh as well. It was stored in the back of the castle in a little room. Some members of the warren, like Hal, had gone ahead the day before to scout out a route for us to take. We had prepared everyone we needed. Four of us in total stood outside of the castle waiting and listening patiently for the right chance to move closer.
  The members included with us were Lion, a powerful and strong rabbit. Dusty, a quick one on his feet. Hal, a lookout buck that was also very speedy but also had an advantage with his big hind legs in fighting. Myself, Thunder, had been a weak one in the warren since I was small. Though my ideas should not be questioned, I am usually the one to come up with the plans.

  "Dusty go around to the other side of the hill next to the structure and see if there is a danger," I said forcefully. "Hal, you can stay here and keep a long distance look out from this spot so you can alert us if you see danger or a man coming back home. The rest of you follow me."

  The members of the colony followed Thunder around to the left of the castle. They crouched in the tall grass next to some flowers. They stayed calm until they heard something. Two of the men from the castle had been walking around the side. They looked to be swinging a metal object at another object full of straw on a post. They had been doing this all day. The Rabbits did not know how good the guards had been but their sword skills were unmatched.

  "Let's start digging next to the gate," said Lion sitting close to me. I could tell he had been nervous about this.

  "Alright sounds like a good idea. We don't want it to get dark before we exit the castle," I said back, thinking about the other rabbits. Lion and I began to dig quickly using all of our energy to dig straight under the wall connecting to the grass next to the gate. We heard a noise come behind us from the shrub. Lion had turned around be I kept digging quicker. Once we had finally dug the whole down far enough we decided to dig up. We used some all our force to push the rest of the dirt out of the way into the castle. Lion turned to me and said,

  "I think there is a fox outside." I decided that we were safe enough that the fox couldn't get us in the room. We both looked at the hole we dug and then focused on the room we were in. The room was massive and had been full of large storage chests. The door was closed ahead and the only light the was visible was one candle on the wall. We looked around for some food. There was a wooden plank on the floor and on it was some cloth. Lion and I were confused about what it was for but then we decided to sniff around. Lion came to one of the chests and sniffed around it. He then called me over to him for something.

  "I am going to open this large chest, there might be some food inside." I stepped back a little way just to make sure nothing would jump out. I scanned the area before looking back at Lion. He turned around and facing me put his back legs up on the chest and pushed with his powerful skill. The chest had flown open in an instant. Inside we could smell the lettuce. We were lucky that it was inside the chest. We had heard a scream from outside. It was another rabbit and he was part of our colony. We quickly raced back through the whole to see Dusty running away from the castle. The sun had gone down a lot since we had got into the castle. It was getting dark and we needed to hurry. We quickly ran after him and then saw the problem. The fox had come back and attacked Dusty. His legged had been hurt badly and we now saw him running slower.

  "Dusty run back to Hal and tell him to go home, I think Lion and I can handle this," as I yelled as loud as I could. Dusty then turned in the other direction and ran up the hill. I turned to look at Lion and saw he had a piece of lettuce in his mouth. I told him to put it down but he refused. He got low on the ground and had sprung up into the air at the fox. The lettuce fell out of his mouth onto the ground. I raced around to the other side of the fox quickly.

  "I almost had gotten your friend if you had not shown up!" said the fox. Lion had then forced his back legs into the fox's mouth. It fell over and onto the ground. I quickly jumped around to the other side and kicked it as well. It raced back into the shrubs.

  "I will come back again," said the fox in a harsh tone. I noticed that Lion was heading toward the castle again.

  "Wait, lets not. . ." I started to say. An arrow from the sky had come down onto Lion. It had struck his body with force. He fell backward onto the ground. I looked up to see a man with a string attached to a stick looking down at me. He had another arrow pointed at me. I quickly dodged out of the way before he could hit me. I ran over to Lion and started licking his wounds. I noticed the man had left his position on top of the tower and went down the stairs. I was not sure why he had shot at us in the first place.

  "Stay here Lion I will go get the others to help get the arrow out," I quickly ran across the field as fast as I could. Tears had started rolling down my face. Lion had been injured and I was afraid he wasn't going to make it. His wound was worse then I thought and I needed help quickly. I reached the warren and informed Hal to come to help me.

  "Dusty is injured so he will stay and rest while I will come with you," said Hal in a calm voice. I thanked him and we both ran across the field towards the castle. When we got back to the castle entrance we found no Lion to be seen. I thought to myself about where he had been injured but couldn't remember. Then we turned around. We had seen the fox standing behind us. In his mouth was Lion. Still unconscious from the arrow. We did notice that the arrow was pulled out. We lowered our heads close to the ground and kept an eye on the fox at all times. Hal had kicked with his back legs at the fox. The fox put down Lion as he jumped out of the way. He was quick on his feet as well. Hal had been surprised that his kick had missed. I jumped towards the fox kicking him out of the way. Then suddenly the fox stepped back and was about to run off with Lion when another arrow fell from the sky. I must have come from the archer on top of the castle. It hit the fox with force knocking him to the ground. Lion dropped to the ground as well. We dragged Lion over to a small hole in the ground. We licked his wounds until morning. We had not thought about why the guard had done this to the fox and Lion or if the lettuce was still in the castle. We only thought about being safe. Once Lion woke up he said he felt fine.

  "We should get back to the warren before another man shoots at us," I said. We all hopped back to our den safely in our warren. We found out that Dusty's wounds healed. I was happy that we were all safe and together again.

  "I believe that even though we did not get the lettuce that we wanted, we sure did find an adventure and a story to tell," I said. "Besides we can eat pellets from the ground for winter, I just had thought it was gonna be a good plan." I decided to tell the other members of the warren about our little adventure and told them to never try to steal some lettuce from a castle.

1 Update Logs

Note : by YoshiMan45 03/03/2019 12:01:03 amMar 3rd, 2019

Word count: 1,588

I did my best to tell a story, hopefully, I did a good job.

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