This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

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Steve's Voice- A Guide to the New World (Contest)

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Spectral's Avatar Spectral
Chat Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Author's Note
Psst. I need diamonds.

Anyways, I tried to create this tutorial into some kind of a sci-fi story line. I am very much better at writing fiction so why not? Don't judge the weird physics of this story. :D

Those of you holding this book at this time... I tell you now. This world isn't the same as the one we left behind. I really wonder how many more of us are out there. The world changed as we know it after the war... I can never forget the old days

I was merely a volunteer for the MC Project. The "Mankind's Conservation" project or "Minecraft" as everyone else nicknamed it. They trained us for the worst and worked us to death. But the most brutal was the drugs, the medication that they gave us... After the program fully polished us, I realized just how strong I was when I came out of it. I punched down a whole tree! With my bare fists for god's sake! After we got used to our own bodies, they taught us how to use the new inventory system. They attached a permanent robotic vest onto us. It had the technology to shrink the space between atoms, or so they say. What I know is that the inventory vest shrinks items to fit into the vest. All of this was new to us at the time and we were astonished by everything. We were only halfway through the MC program when they finally hit. The enemies... with their foul, genetically engineered "creepers". They scared the crap out of us all. Unnatural monsters. But now that I'm here, sitting on my possible deathbed, I think back to the MC program and of what monsters they also were. Of course, I knew they were doing it all for the good of Mankind but still, they turned me into a monster, all for the purpose of possibly reproducing and survive in a future where there's no war... no radiation... no monsters... What use is it when we lose our own souls? When the creepers finally hit, they had already evolved into giant 40 foot demons, destroying cities. We all knew that the MC program had to initiate. They put us into the chambers, or the coffins as us volunteers called it. They put us to sleep for god knows how long, and finally, I emerged from the coffin and it ejected me up towards the surface. It was... a whole new world... so different from what I had grew up with... but it was beautiful. And so I began my new life, to fulfill my purpose from the MC Project...

I have here, a list of tips, a guide, to help you, whoever you are, on your journey in this land. I know I won't make it, I can't make it... but follow my tips and you won't go wrong. I've included sketched from my memory, my enhanced memory from the drugs, and I shudder now as I even think of what happened in the MC facilities. But never mind about that, that is my past, possibly yours if you are human. I bet you might be another volunteer. Enough of that! I'm droning on and on about the pointless past. I have organized the tips onto these pages.

The Beginning
First, to start off you need to collect wood, lots of it, fast. You need to create a shelter from the monsters that roam the night and soon you will find out that there are many in this world. I have a list and descriptions of them further down the pages, but now we must focus on your first night. Kill the pigs, cows, and sheep that you see nearby. They will serve as food for the first few days. Now, onto the shelter. It doesn't really take much. Just a few blocks of wood will do and you can make a little hut. Afterwards, tap into your tech vest to access your crafting module and make a crafting bench with the wood. Now with the crafting bench with you, you can make more advanced tools such as a pickax or weapons to defend against the monsters. Make a sword out of wood and also a pickax as soon as possible. Look for stone deposits on the surface or dig down and get stone to make stronger tools. It is from here where everything will be easier for you. You will be set in this world.

The Mobs
Creepers: I believe that these are the descendants of the previous creepers I mentioned. They probably evolved smaller and even creepier. I can't believe the abominations survived past the war and now exists as a part of nature. These monsters will explode when threatened and will hunt down humans because of their genetic purpose from the beginning when these guys were made for war. The best way to overcome these is to COMPLETELY avoid them in the early days.
Skeleton: Probably dead humans radiated back to life from the war. I am not too sure what these skeletons came from but they have deadly accuracy with bows and can kill if you are not prepared. The best way to overcome them is to use bow against bow.
Spider: Possibly evolved from the common tiny spiders of our time. The bigger ones aren't poisonous, rest assured. It goes to science. The bigger it is, the less lethal the animal's poison. You should watch out for them nontheless. Also be aware of their cousins down in the tunnels: the cave spiders. These can truly pack a punch with their poison.

Zombie: Another mutation caused by the war. These are slow, very dimwitted creatures. You can easily overcome them with a sword.
Enderman: These creatures are the most mysterious. They can teleport from place to place and aren't usually aggressive. DO NOT STARE AT THEIR FACE! This somehow triggers them. Once threatened, they are really hard to take out, possibly the hardest. There was uh... a friend of mine. I met her sometime after spawning into this world. Turned out she was another MC volunteer. We used to joke around and invent theories about them and she had a theory about these endermen. That they were actually humans who have evolved into these creatures in the last days of the universe, who have unlocked time travel into their genetic information. They have hopes of bringing blocks back to their time... to repair their broken world. I feel for them, to live in the final days, the rotten, barren world of their time. I can only imagine... my friend, Alex was her name, she... didn't make it.

With all of this information, I don't know what you are going to do... but do it better than me, who messed up by falling down here. It may not be much but this guide will help. You could possibly maybe even add onto it. Just don't mess with my sketches of the monsters. Ha! You were supposed to laugh. Huh. Look at me, trying to brighten up the world in my final days. Just... enjoy. Enjoy



1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Spectral 12/06/2015 12:21:10 pmDec 6th, 2015

-added images of mobs
-changed font color

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12/09/2015 11:39 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice beginpoint choice. You managed to work it out pretty good.

Anyway have a diamond and good luck in the contest although you're competition!
12/09/2015 5:06 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
^-^ thx
12/08/2015 5:55 pm
Level 1 : New Pig
Pistixie's Avatar
OMGeh! I love sci-fi! I have a feeling you'll be in the top ten ;)
12/07/2015 7:38 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SD_Amra's Avatar
I like the story and the way you wrote it. I think this will make the finalists. Please also see my survival guide.
12/06/2015 11:43 am
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
Ivanthecheese's Avatar
My first thought: The text is hard to read. Change the color ples. Other than that, I can see you are a very talented writer, and I'd be surprised if you didn't get top 10.
12/06/2015 11:45 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
lol okay. thx
Pootis Looti
12/05/2015 5:48 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Caveman
Pootis Looti's Avatar
I need diamonds too xD
12/05/2015 3:38 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Nice one ;)

I feel like you, I need diamonds XD.
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