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Server Ideas

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Pizclassy's Avatar Pizclassy
Level 50 : Grandmaster Elf
SO basically, almost a year or two ago i developed a system for running my own server but it really never took off since I was too busy. So i figured if anyone is starting up a server or wanting to renovate their server they may be able to use this. The Mithrintia server was partially based off this and is semi-successful, i guess. So if you guys want it have at it. Its just me rambling but i thought I should share it. I got a new computer and am cleaning out my old one and I found this, so i figured the MC community could have it!

Here you are:

Ideas for running a dope ass successful MC server.

1) Start a token system

a) Tokens are used for promotions up to a certain rank

i) Guests need 1 to member

ii) Members need 35 more till architect

iii) Architects need 75 more till lead arch

(1) Tokens are gained by

(a) Competitions held every two weeks

(i) one winner. That winner gets one token. This promotes friendly competition as well as creates builds to be created in the server. Also as more people join more builds and more rankings based on achievement alone and not favoritism

(ii) After completion we do a video of the builds for the server promoting purposes

(b) create a task list

(i) task list says what needs to be done on the server in game such as:

1. infrastructure: spawns, roads, etc

2. needed buildings like capitols of biomes stating required buildings there

3. anything else that might need to be created in game

(c) plain old cool builds

(i) People like to build big things. If its good give the dude a token. If not tell them good job keep what they have, learn from it, and move on.

(ii) MAKE SURE YOU ARE STRICT. If its not BOOM in your face dono t give the dude a token cuz you feel bad.

(2) This token system allows for easy promotion without the promoter to have to travel as much to every building site. And requires NO questioning on how to get to these ranks.

(3) Ranking about lead artisan can only be given to a pre-existing lead artisan and is based on MODERATOR decisions. A moderator must elect a member by posting their name in a building (that can be built based on the token system as an infrastructure building) then Moderators daily duties can include checking that warp once a day to see if a name has been posted and to vote on it.

(4) Admins should be based off group decisions and can only be selected from moderators. Same voting process applies as above.

(a) Each admin should have a specific responsibility. Admin rank should be based off:

(i) What they do for the server, aka functionality. People who create truly epic masterpieces and are go to people for advice (like myself) and other reasons you may have based off in game play.

iv) The tokens will be monitored by an admin who keeps a tally chart for each player in a certain building in the Mithrinthia world. (infrastructure building)

v) Ask pizclassy on any details or questions you may have

2) Community build opportunities

a) Me being an awesome person I have about 100 ideas (literally 78 but whose counting) of projects that I can never complete on my own. Take these ideas and offer a team of 5 to create one of them

i) The team then creates it in a certain position while an admin can help with landscaping

ii) After completion we do a video of it for the server promoting purposes

iii) Give each member a token for completing the project.

(1) Larger projects may require more people and time. Either way it offers multiple opportunities to rank up and say o hey I helped build thiso

3) Web.

a) Make the website have all necessary explanations.

i) Rules, promotion protocals, behavious in game, skype details, maybe open a vent chat, applications for whitelist, forum etc

(1) Basically a site that lists every detail of server life and responsibilities of ranks. That way less in game questions and therefore more building

(2) Map of the freebuild and guestbuild areas to show people where things are

4) Server

a) Plugins- yeah.

i) Safety- devise a way to protect builds from grief.

ii) Transportation for worlds

iii) Any other necessities

(1) Make server life fun! Encourage some horseplay and fun. But also remind members that building sick shit gets them promoted. Everyone needs a break here or there. Possibly create a realm just for messing around to keep server worlds clean

iv) Encourage pming.

(1) People that dono t pm important things dono t get answered

(2) Make sure people state AFK. Bc no one wants to be ignored

b) Ranks:

i) Make sure rank duties are stated out of game and in game. A building with rules and ranks and rank responsibilities that everyone must read is good because people can figure everything out that they have questions about.

5) Problems

a) These plague the server the most. To combat this, create a strict rule and punishment policy. Make sure to adhere to it strictly and do not create special situations. Ofcourse moderators and admins may have privaledges or different handling situations because of their rank.

i) Punishments:

(1) Muting

(2) Jail

(3) Temp banning

(4) Demoting

(5) Ban / ipban

(a) Set up what constitutes what and duration of affects. This stops people from acting out because then they cant participate in community events and therefore cant rank up.

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06/10/2012 9:35 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
Temporarily disabled the submission. Changes are required.
take out the swearing in the last point please, then request a review to have the blog re-enabled

Submission Rules
06/21/2012 9:57 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Elf
Pizclassy's Avatar
according to the submission rules i did nothing wrong, it says nothing about swearing?
06/22/2012 6:41 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
standard site submission rules blanket all submissions including servers:

[size=150%]10: NO PROFANITY/ADULT CONTENT[/size]
no profanity, nudity, or explicit sexual references are allowed on this
board. All content must be PG-13. In addition, do not post links to
adult content on other sites. Not everyone wants to read foul or
off-color language, and those who do not should not have to be subjected
to it. This includes attempts to circumvent the word censor or any
other form of word ma5k1ng.
06/22/2012 8:28 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Elf
Pizclassy's Avatar
ah didn't see that, never saw anything like that when i agreed to post here lol. But it is fixed! (i think) i resubmitted, leme know if there are any other issues that you have! thanks!
06/22/2012 10:44 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
thanks Piz, re-instated!
06/22/2012 11:46 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Elf
Pizclassy's Avatar
thanks man! had no idea there were these rules! :p *reads furiously* lol
06/08/2012 12:40 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Luthery's Avatar
AND NO DONATOR RANKS! I'm sick of it, because I have no paypal or credit card to donate to the servers that I love, and than people get overpowered commands. D:
03/02/2013 12:56 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Blacksmith
sailordude28's Avatar
Servers need money breh.
06/08/2012 12:24 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragon
awesomedude1226's Avatar
Nice system, I might use it when my server is finished
06/08/2012 12:05 pm
Level 40 : Master Goblin
ItsBill's Avatar
Reminds me of the idea of a dual currency - tokens and credits. Credits are the usual gold/coin/dollars what have you in iConomy, and tokens are a donator privilege. It's basically two economies running at once with 2 currencies, but one currency gets you the better stuff. Instead of donating one dollar and getting say, a million iCo dollars (in an inflated economy), you get a thousand tokens that are spent on token only goods. But that has nothing to do with your system; my suggestion is about fixing donation privileges so it doesn't break your server economy.
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