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Road to CivMC Season 3: Creation of the World Cultures cit resoutcepack

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TonauacStudio's Avatar TonauacStudio
Level 32 : Artisan Architect


CivMC se encuentra a un mes de iniciar su tercera temporada, y nos hemos puesto manos a la obra para crear muchos nuevos modelos para items, mobs, armas, coleccionables y vestimentas nuevas propias de cada cultura.

La tarea ha sido muy laboriosa y compleja debido a la falta de fuentes precisas de información de varias culturas, pero poco nuestro paquete va tomando forma. Ha sido un gran trabajo de investigación y búsqueda de referencias, además de mucho aprendizaje.

Minecraft es un videojuego donde no hay límites, y pensamos que se le puede sacar mucho provecho en el ámbito histórico cultural para difundir la gran riqueza cultural del mundo.

Estos son algunos modelos que hemos creado para nuestro servidor en los últimos meses.

Si estás interesado en una comisión, envíame un mensaje mediante esta plataforma.


CivMC is a month away from the start of its third season, and we've set to work creating many new models for items, mobs, weapons, collectibles, and new clothing for each culture.

The task has been very laborious and complex due to the lack of precise sources of information from various cultures, but little is our package taking shape. It has been a great job of research and search for references, as well as a lot of learning.

Minecraft is a video game where there are no limits, and we think that it can be used a lot in the historical and cultural field to spread the great cultural wealth of the world.

These are some models that we have created for our server in recent months.

If you are interested in a commission, send me a message through this platform.

Road to CivMC Season 3: Creation of the World Cultures cit resoutcepack
Road to CivMC Season 3: Creation of the World Cultures cit resoutcepack
Road to CivMC Season 3: Creation of the World Cultures cit resoutcepack

CreditLafalh & TheWalrus

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10/10/2022 4:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
boatboatboatzan's Avatar
Where I can got resoutcepack native american from?
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