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PMC High- Chapter 9: Setting The Trap (Pop reel)

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Arianwyn's Avatar Arianwyn
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
While on one side, Kyoukichi, Uzokurai and Tornac were kidnapping Arianwyn, Hasonkage and Kimiwaruime were going their own way to spy on some students and discover potential weaknesses. While walking, Hasonkage asks:

"Any idea of where we should start ?"

"Well, I might just have an idea about it." Replies the other demon. "It happens that the Warped Class of this school have a meeting to get together, and they also have a new teacher with them."

"How did you know all that ?"

"While Kyoukichi was fooling around and killing people in the school, I did something constructive and looked at the schedules of some students."

Hasonkage whistles and says, with an impressed tone in the voice:

"And you managed to memorize all that ?"

"That's my thing..."

Following the informations that Kimiwaruime gathered, the two demons arrived at a big house, all lighted up. They can hear chatter coming from the inside, and sometimes the sound of a laugh. Hasonkage frowns and sighs:

"Yuck ! There are way too many people here... It's noisy... One of the main reasons I hate humans."

"Chill." Kimiwaruime says. "It'll be easy for us to spy on them, then. You hide in the shadows, and I get in."


The demon seems to melt away and merges with a dark spot under a table. Kimiwaruime turns invisible and enters the simplest way, by the front door. Everyone is elsewhere and busy, so nobody notices him getting in the house. After closing the door behind him, he finds a nice place to sit and simply observes.

In the room, there are many students and a man. The man is standing in the middle of the room, speaking and moving his arms around, like a passionate orator. From the looks of it, he's the main attraction.

"... And so, I believe that this debate concerning super-human beings is obsolete in our days ! Even us, humans, possess paranormal abilities and use them as if they were completely natural. Powers are now normal, and the concept of human has greatly evolved since then ! I know some people, such as me, don't have any, but this is not the point. We are all alike, and thus no one should be discriminated based on powers or peculiar physical traits."

The students applaude, and one of them says:

"That was awesome ! Great idea to open a Debate Club, Mr. Hume !"

"Thank you, Lé." Replies Mr. Hume. "I must say, you students are an excellent public. And you have a very great ability to debate."

He smiles. Phoebe comes near him and asks:

"So, Mr. Hume, you're going to teach us next semester ?"

"That's correct ! However, I couldn't wait all that time to meet my future students."

"And now, I can't wait to have you as a teacher !" Allo adds.

'This is so lame...' Hasonkage thinks. 'They'd almost make me throw up...'

"Now, what do we do ?" Amy asks on a musical tone. "Maybe we could play games ?"

"Yeah, why not ?" Gaél approves. "Let's do this."

Bored to death, Hasonkage notices Kimiwaruime leaving the house and follows him. Once outside, the Shadow demon asks, curious:

"So what ? Got tired of their meaningless chatter, too ?"

"Not exactly. I got what I wanted, that's all. The spot I picked allowed my eye to see everyone there. I now know their skills and usual techniques. Ideally, we should do that for every class and teacher."

"No way am I taking that kind of mission again ! That was... ugh !"

"Why can't you be reasonable, Hasonkage ? Well, anyways, I can handle this myself. Shall we get back to headquarters ?"

"Yeah. With a little luck, the others will be back."

When Arianwyn wakes up, she finds herself in a place she doesn't know nor recognize. It's dark, seemingly abandoned and pretty empty. She's unable to make a single move. Her arms are tied behind her back, and she's bound to a chair. She's gagged. It's cold around her, with a smeel of old, dusty, mould room. Then she hears the sadistic voice she heard before passing out:

"Will you look at that ! She's awake !"

Tornac steps before her, grinning. He looks at the captive with great interest, and chuckles.

"I must say I didn't think it'd be this easy."

"Remember, Tornac, that I made most of the job. That explains a lot." Uzokurai says, from behind Arianwyn.

'What... what's going on ?' She thinks, scared. 'Wait... Those guys kidnapped me... But why ? Who are they ? What will they do to me... ?'

Then another thought crosses her mind:

'What about the others ? Are they safe ? What did they do ?'

She struggles on her chair, as two demons enter the room.

"We're back." Kimiwaruime says. "The mission's done. And yours as well, as I see."

"Will you look at that !" Hasonkage chuckles. "Isn't she a pretty one ?"

"An upscale girl." Tornac says. "It's not everyday you come across a prized one like this."

The demons chuckle, and Arian is worried to realize that there are many different laughs. There are a lot more people watching her than she can see...

"How I'd like to have her as a slave... My last human slave was... Too long ago. I miss the feeling." Hasonkage smirks weirdly.

"Huh-huh. You may look, but don't touch." Uzokurai cuts.

Arianwyn, scared, tries to scream, but she fails and only produces a weak, muffled noise. Tears fill up her eyes.

'Darn it ! I'm defenseless... I can't even protest ! No way am I becoming anyone's slave !'

"You may get her later, when the mission is over." Adds the green-haired demon. "But first, we gotta use her to bait her friends."

Arian's eyes widen in fear. 'So that's what they're up to ? No ! I can't believe I'm going to... be used that way... No no no ! Not that ! I don't want my friends to suffer because of me...'

Tornac smiles evilly at Arianwyn and says:

"You heard right. Your friends will die... All that for they'll try to save your little self..."

"You sure we can't touch her ?" A female demon asks, while coming very close to the kidnapped girl. "I mean..."

She pulls Arianwyn's pajamas to reveal the girl's left shoulder and smacks her lips.

"I kinda want to try her out."

Her claws are caressing the skin of the captive, and she presses them a little to pierce through the skin. As Arian lets out a muffled, high-pitched sound, Tornac changes his expression to a savage smile and looks colsely. The sight and smell of blood excites him, and he wants to shed more. Him and Tsume look at Uzokurai, silently asking if they can hurt their prisonner.

"If you're to involve in torture, I'm leaving..." Nova says. "Blood and pain are not my thing."

"Same." Robin adds. "This doesn't interest me."

"Fine, if you like." Kyoukichi ends up saying. "But don't hurt her too bad, we need a live bait."

Him, Uzokurai, Kimiwaruime, Nova and Robin leave the room, letting Arianwyn alone with the three other demons. Tsume smirks and pulls Arian's gag down.

"Don't get me wrong, cutie, I'll put it back soon. I just want to hear you scream..."

A few seconds later, Arianwyn let out a scream of pain, as claws dig in her shoulder.

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07/19/2023 1:58 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
-ghost-'s Avatar
The psionic signature of that lot is unbelievable. Hypothetically, if I was anywhere within two hundred miles, very soon they would be the ones in trouble. But that might ruin the fun.
07/20/2023 10:21 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
07/19/2023 1:20 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder
RB22486's Avatar
Hhahahahahha im on the other side
07/18/2023 4:13 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Crafter
Eroxen's Avatar
Oh dear... will there even be a next semester...
07/20/2023 10:22 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Aah... To be discovered later !
07/18/2023 1:30 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol I haven't been reading these cause I've been busy

I gotta catch up sometime
07/18/2023 10:38 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Yeah :D
07/17/2023 7:47 pm
Level 40 : Master Technomancer
KingtheTitan's Avatar
If it were my decision, I would rip of Arianwyn's arm.
No offence.
07/18/2023 10:39 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
No offence taken :)

Idk if Kyoukichi would allow that...
07/17/2023 5:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
I knew something was up......
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