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PMC High- Chapter 7: Demon Parade

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Arianwyn's Avatar Arianwyn
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
The students of Shadow Class are in still in their room, and seem nervous. They all listen carefully to the sounds around them, as if that would help them detect something suspicious. Shadow Zibonzi is sitting in a corner of the room, surrounded by other students. He seems to be thinking, and stays silent. Natasha, very concerned by everything that's been happening, is standing alone. She nervously looks around, on the verge of tears. Shadow Zibonzi suddenly stands up and says:

"Okay, everyone ! First things first: we have to get out of here. Let's leave the school. I don't think whoever did this will openly attack us."

"Why not ?" Natasha asks.

"Because there's a big difference between attacking two isolated people and trying against a whole class. After all, we do have some abilities, here..."

He clenches his fist, and a weird-looking stuff briefly glows on it, before disappearing almost immediately.

"Shadow Zibonzi is right !" Lily says. "We should be getting away before something bad happens."

"Works for us." Most of the class replies.

They all carefully get out of the room and watch their surroundings. As there seems to be no one suspicious, they head for the school exit, still listening to make sure they don't hear something. It's all silent. They get to the exit and go out of school. When every Shadow Student is out, they get away from the building and let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Well, we should be safe here, shouldn't we ?" Natasha asks.

"Maybe..." Rider replies. "Let's hope so."

"Wait..." Ayano gasps.

She saw a hooded figure standing on the roof, but it didn't last long. The person disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. Ayano rubs her eyes, afraid that she's been suffering a delusion. Then, shivering, she gets away with the other students.

"It's been close..." Says the hooded man.

"Better be more careful." Says Tornac. "You almost were seen."

"I know, I know..." Kyoukichi replies. "The goal isn't to get spotted right away..."

"No, in my case, it's just to save my baby sister !" Robin declares.

"And it will be done." Uzokurai says. "Be patient... It takes time to prepare a battle plan."

"While we wait, how about we do some research on our opponents ?" Kyoukichi suggests. "The files of all students must be somewhere inside."

Before anyone approves or can say anything, the demon takes on another shape and enters the school by a slightly opened window. Then, he goes around in the school and searches for the staff rooms. While looking, he stumbles upon Mr. Myrkr, the Ethics teacher, who is doing some paperwork. An evil smile twists Kyoukichi's lips as he approaches the man.

"Excuse me, where are the student files ?"

"Why would you want to know that ? And who are you ?"

"Maybe I didn't ask correctly..."

With a swing from his arm, Kyoukichi touches Mr. Myrkr and the latter's left arm is ripped off. Yelling, the teacher falls on the floor.

"I want to know where they are. And I don't have all day... Nor do you, it seems."

He chuckles, as he looks down on the man lying before him.

'This can't be good...' Mr. Myrkr thinks. 'This guy can't have a good reason to want those files... Whatever it costs me, I won't tell him. I should warn the others somehow...'

He starts crawling and reaches a wall, which he uses to get back up. Kyoukichi raises an eyebrow and say:

"So ?"

"Yes... They are... near..."

Using to wall to stand up, Mr. Myrkr walks a few steps more and use his remaining arm to pull the fire alarm. Kyoukichi shrugs and sighs:

"Well, it won't be today, it seems."

Kyoukichi slaps Mr. Myrkr who collapses, his neck broken. Then he puts a hand behind his head and mumbles:

"Nice, now I've got to get rid of the evidence... Otherwise the school will close. Ugh ! I hate cleaning up !"

He touches the body and shrinks it into a little spherical thing, the size of a marble, then puts it in his pocket and breaks a window to get out.

"Wow ! We must do that more often !" Meilin exclaims.

"That's for sure !" Belle replies. "What say, Arian ?"

"Yeah. It's been a great evening."

Arian, cuddling up to Ender's arm, walks with Meilin and Belle, and the rest of the Spark Class. Libby and Sophia are the last ones to follow, smiling to each other, with still a little blushy tone on their faces. Arian and her friends look back at them and chuckle. Tremella smiles warmly and says:

"Who knew it was going to be so nice greeting a new student ?"

"Well, we are quite a jolly bunch, aren't we ?" Grimm asks. "With us, it's bound to be great !"

"Oh, come on ! You bragger..." Meilin chuckles.

While saying that, she gets closer to him and gives him a little slap behind the head.

"Know what ?" Arian suddenly says. "I'm inviting you guys over to my house ! We can spend the evening there. The night, too, if I can manage to spare enough room..."

"You DO have a big house, eh ?" Belle says, giggling.

"Kinda." Arian replies while smiling. "Let's go !"

The students of the Spark Class head for Arianwyn's house and reach it after a few minutes. Arian opens the door and lets her friends in.

"Here we are ! Let's have fun !"

Near an abandoned old building, Kyoukichi and the others are standing. The Stitched Demon opens a rusted, heavy metal door and says:

"Here we go ! It's time to get some thinking done..."

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06/26/2023 6:50 pm
Level 40 : Master Technomancer
KingtheTitan's Avatar
Dude, I love my part.
06/26/2023 8:26 am
Level 43 : Master Artist
Ayanoaishi's Avatar
06/26/2023 3:05 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
06/25/2023 5:14 pm
Level 44 : Master Warrior
Sailven's Avatar
This has reminded me to continue my story I'm making (:
06/24/2023 4:20 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
LeLovesJazz's Avatar
These are so nice to read.
06/24/2023 4:19 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
very good :D
06/25/2023 2:04 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
06/24/2023 4:18 pm
Level 43 : Master Kitten
GalaxyCat24's Avatar
06/25/2023 2:04 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Thanks ! :D
06/24/2023 4:12 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Prince
EnderHasVanish's Avatar
Great job arian ! ♡
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