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PMC High- Chapter 1 : First Day (Pop reel)

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Arianwyn's Avatar Arianwyn
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn is daydreaming, in the hallway. She's lost in her thoughts, and doesn't pay much attention to anything else. She feels so good. It's nice to daydream once in a while. Helps appreciating the best things in life. She stands there, doing nothing. Suddenly, two hands cover her eyes and a voice whispers:

"Guess who ?"

She smiles and answers, with a mocking tone in her voice:

"Either it's who I think it is, or it's someone else who's gonna get it bad !"

"Eheh∼ You're creepy, Arian."

The hands get off her face and she turns around. Ender is standing before her, smiling and looking at her with an affectionate look. She wraps her arms around his neck and whispers:

"So... Might I ask what you're doing here, dear ?"

"Sure you can, he answers. I'm here to see if you're still daydreaming. We have class in a few minutes, you know ?"

"Yeah, I remember that. Now... who's it, again ?"

"Mr. Myrkr."

"Oh, yeah, Ethics..."

The bell rings. Arian and Ender walk together to the classroom, where other students are already sitting. The teacher's not there yet. Arian walks over to a corner of the class and sits between Belle-Chan and Meilin. She smiles to both of them, and they smile back. Meilin asks:

"So, you're almost late, Arian. What were you and Ender doing ?"

"Nothing, Arian replies. I was daydreaming."

"Yeah, sure... Daydreaming about your boyfrie...."

"Meilin ! Arian says, blushing. Stop it, now."

Meilin smiles and stops. Suddenly, Myrkr enters the classroom. He goes to his seat and says:

"So, hello, students. Today we're going to discuss about morality, and if it is innate or not. Moreover, we'll see how it manifests in the different races among our society."

He stands up and goes to the board. Then, he scribbles on it with one hand and holds a book with the other. As his writing progresses, the students take notes. Tremella, one of the girls in the class, is writing everything the teacher's writing. Suddenly, someone raises his hand and asks:

"Mister, is there a species that doesn't have innate morality ?"

"Excellent question, Silas. I would like to answer to that, but I'm afraid the answer would be long and difficult, which might lead this course a little off-topic. You can always come to my office after class, if you want."

After nearly an hour and half of class, the bell rings again. All students stand up and walk to the door. Arian is chatting with Belle-Chan and Meilin, and the three of them giggle and talk while walking to the lockers. Some other girls from Spark class come as well. Tremella joins them and says joyfully:

"That was an interesting class, right, girls ? "

"Yeah, pretty much, Belle-Chan answers. Too bad, I'd have liked to hear the answer to Silas's question."

"You can go to Mr. Myrkr's office if you want it so badly, says Meilin while chuckling."

"No, thanks..."

They reach the locker's room, and the girls start changing clothes for PE. Suddenly, Ash says:

"Hey girls ! Does any of you know who we're having class with ?"

"Yep, Belle-Chan replies. We have a match against Shadow Class."

"Ugh... Right, I forgot."

"Did you forget on purpose ?" Libby asks.

"If I could, I would, Ash replies."

They get out of the room and meet the boys halfway to the gym. Ender, Greief, Grimm and Silas look at the girls and Silas lets out a sigh. Ender and Grimm say at the exact same time:

"You look beautiful !"

"Thanks, Arian and Meilin answer."

The look at each other and smirk, then say very fast:

"Jinx !"

"Ah, it's no use, says Arian. We can keep going for hours, and you know it."

"Please, can you save that for when I'm not there ?" Greief asks.

"Greief, can you stop being such a bore ?" Ash says.

"No. You perfectly know what I think of these..."

They reach the gym, which forces Greief to interrupt his phrase. All students of the Spark Class take a deep breath, and then, they enter. Just before they get in, Libby says:

"Here we go..."

The Shadow Class students are already there. Some of them look uncomfortable. Easy to understand, since they're not that much into sport. The daily course is a dodgeball game. Mrs. Lemon is on the side, sitting in the stands, arms and legs crossed. She has an annoyed expression on her face and quickly shouts:

"Come on, everyone ! Get in place, and hurry ! I don't have all day !"

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02/23/2023 10:42 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Professor
LeLovesJazz's Avatar
I can't wait for chapter2
02/22/2023 10:56 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
I don't know if you meant *sigh* as in "Ugh" or as in "*sad sigh*" but that's what I always do with my irl friends lol. Also, was I being fictionally racist with that question? XD
I really love this, can't wait for chapter 2 :)
02/23/2023 9:15 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
1: It was a sigh as in "ugh" because you know you're up against Shadow Class.

2: No, it wasn't racism, just a reflexion about the course.
02/23/2023 7:33 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
That's something I would do irl honestly lol
also good, but I was just joking
02/24/2023 9:06 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
02/22/2023 2:50 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
that was amazing! defenitely excited for chapter 2 :))
Ash Silvershade
02/22/2023 4:42 am
She/Her • Level 33 : Artisan Imposter Cake
Ash Silvershade's Avatar
This is soo good, Definitely can't wait for chapter 2
02/22/2023 2:36 am
She/Her • Level 29 : Expert Lemon Artist
Evilxlemon's Avatar
That was so good
Can't wait for chapter 2
02/21/2023 11:09 pm
She/Her • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Strawberry Witch
autumn's Avatar
02/21/2023 11:06 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Professor
LeLovesJazz's Avatar
That was fun to read
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