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People complaining about photo editing (Rant. Even though Rants are too mainstream for me because I am a hipster.__.)

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darknick1998's Avatar darknick1998
Level 39 : Artisan Pony

People complaining about photo editing. Where shall I begin?

Well, first off, everyone seems to complain that if you edit the photos, you can't see the project. Now, I'm not sure how good you peoples eyesight is, but I can see the projects perfectly fine in these photos. Here's a tip for seeing the projects.

1. Look at centre of the picture.

2. See project made out of blocks.



Now, the reason why people make a fanceh banner for their projects is because it's eye catching.



Doesn't the edited photo look more eye catching and interesting than the normal one? That's how advertising works. The companies with the interesting and colourful advertisements get more customers and business than those with less interesting advertisements.

Last off, to the people complaining that it's not fair that some people get fanceh banners and they don't, get over it. Life isn't fair. Go download gimp or buy Photoshop and make your own pictures.

-Rant finished-

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06/06/2012 5:00 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Princess
TyroneKit's Avatar
Quote - Download GIMP or by Photoshop.

-Orrrrrr ask Antiqua :D
06/06/2012 5:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Celestian's Avatar
Hmm good Quote; but Antiqua is best choice :P
06/06/2012 5:57 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Princess
TyroneKit's Avatar
Antiqua is only choice!
06/06/2012 4:20 pm
Level 28 : Expert Elf
Antiqua's Avatar
lolwot? *throws crayons* I DON'T GET PAID FOR THIS! >:{
06/07/2012 3:14 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Princess
TyroneKit's Avatar
She's stalking my profile! >.<
06/07/2012 2:49 pm
Level 28 : Expert Elf
Antiqua's Avatar
Maybe. >>
06/05/2012 8:01 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Cedric2's Avatar
Okay, this is going to sound like a rather dumb question to be asking in this rant, of all locations, but, here goes. I've been working on a custom terrain map, and I kinda want to make my banner eye-catching. I agree with you darknick in that it's the creator's choice whether or not they enhance their banners, and, quite frankly, I believe that they are more eye-catching and are entirely fair, even though I am too inexperienced to enhance them myself :P

Well, I guess that gets me down to the root of my question. As I stated, I've been working on a custom terrain map, and I'm hoping to, shall we say, spruce up the banner I use to advertise the project. As I also stated, I am inexperienced in this, how should I put this, line of work. If anyone could guide me on how to enhance the banner I create (I have Gimp 2, paint.net, and Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0), It would be very much appreciated. I'd personally prefer to use Gimp, but I do have minimal experience with the use of Photoshop.

Once again, any help I could get on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me any pointers (or, even better, a tutorial :P).
06/05/2012 8:38 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
Emoticone11's Avatar
Well, the main thing is don't go overboard. If you're doing things you need a tutorial on, you probably don't need to do them. The human eye has a tendency of skimming over things which are too complicated.

I'm going to tell you how to do it in photoshop, because I think it's the better software and I'm more skilled with it: the "enhance" menu, the undo button, and lots and lots of experimentation are your friends here. Play with the levels, contrast, color concentration... and know that if you dislike something, you can always undo it. You'll know it's good when it looks good to you. You can also play around with the blur/smudge/sharpen tool, in case things look to sharp, or to blur the edges of the photo and put emphasis on the center of it.

For the final touch, use a cool font (although not too flashy; still readable) and write the name of your project or something. This should be in blank space, not covering any important aspects of your project, and be careful that it's readable and doesn't contrast badly with the background. If you need a custom font, there's a good website called "Dafont.com". If you still want to add more, in the text menu, there should be an option which lets you add special effects to your text, I like to emboss it or something like that.

That's really all you need. If you add more, you're probably going overboard, but just use your better judgement. Also, make sure you take the best shots in game, before editing, too. Click F1 (?) to hide the GUI, and depending on the project, it might look cool to get a sunrise/sunset shot.
06/08/2012 4:52 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Cedric2's Avatar
Thank you so much for the help. I can't wait to begin :3
06/05/2012 5:23 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar
i agree entirely. it's really their fault for not realizing that they too can edit their own pictures and stuff and make their projects look nicer and stuff.

oh and nice blog btw nick XD
06/05/2012 5:21 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Goblin
couljj's Avatar
I love this rant. Short, sweet, and to the point.
I agree by the way.
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